In every person’s life there are ups and downsfalls, moments of joy and happiness, which sometimes give way to resentment, disappointment and bitterness. Not everything always goes well at work, in the family and in love relationships. As a result, troubles and adversity, stress, accumulated problems and negative reactions affect a person's health, physical and emotional. The burden that we ourselves and the external irritants around us impose painfully on the human body. As a result, frequent headaches, insomnia, loss of appetite or, conversely, a constant craving for food may appear. If you do not pull yourself together in time, do not learn to relax and relieve stress, you can get quite seriously ill. Therefore, you should not brush off accumulated problems, "drown" them in alcohol or try to forget in other not very healthy ways. Of course, external irritants exist and you can't get away from them - your superiors will periodically scold you due to their job responsibilities, love relationships are also not always cloudless; but you can learn to react to everything less painfully. To do this, you should use simple methods that will help to quickly relieve accumulated fatigue. Having mastered such techniques, you will protect yourself from the occurrence of neuroses, psychosomatic diseases and other health problems caused by nervous exhaustion of the body. We will tell you what methods of relaxation exist and how to apply them in practice.
What is the threat of stress and why should we fight it?
If you do not know how to relax, we areподскажем. На самом деле способов существует масса: медитация, принятие ванны с ароматическими маслами, выполнение специальных упражнений, массаж и много других. Лучше, конечно, опробовать на себе несколько методик, чтобы выбрать наиболее подходящую для вас. Ведь каждый человек — это яркая индивидуальность: кому-то быстро расслабиться помогает спокойная приглушенная музыка и чашка горячего чая, а кому-то нужны более сильные средства. Однако сегодня мы не будем говорить о лекарственных препаратах и антидепрессантах. Их следует применять исключительно по назначению врача и только в экстренных случаях, например, при серьезном нервном заболевании. Чтобы не довести свой организм до психосоматических расстройств и неврозов, следует научиться заранее купировать начинающий набирать обороты стресс. Учеными уже давно доказано, что негативные эмоции, которые человек копит в своем организме, впоследствии оказывают на личность разрушающее воздействие. Особенно этому подвержены люди сдержанные, скрывающие свои чувства под маской холодности и безразличия. Если человек не плачет, не ругается, никаким образом не проявляет своих эмоций, то, как отмечают психологи, он относится к группе риска, то есть является первым кандидатом на прием к психотерапевту. Мужчины, которые по своей натуре не столь эмоциональны как женщины, сильнее переживают потери, так как неспособны выплескивать эмоции. Поэтому, когда накопившиеся переживания уже невозможно сдерживать, они зачастую начинают пить или совершают какие-то необдуманные или несвойственные им поступки. Проведенные учеными исследования влияния негативных эмоций на здоровье человека показали, что они имеют свойство разрушать печень, в некоторых случаях являются причинами развития онкологических заболеваний. Поэтому очень важно научиться управлять своими эмоциями. Как расслабиться каждый человек выбирает самостоятельно: наберите горячую ванну, выключите свет, зажгите свечи, слушайте спокойную музыку. Можно также поехать в лес или другое безлюдное место и выкричать весь негатив. Очень хорошо помогают физические нагрузки: займитесь спортом, запишитесь в тренажерный зал или бегайте по утрам. В процессе силовых упражнений в организме человека вырабатывается гормон радости. Возможно, вы замечали, что после плавания, йоги или других занятий спортом настроение, которое прежде было «ниже ватерлинии», значительно улучшается. Если вас замучил своими упреками начальник, обидела подруга или произошла ссора с любимым, не копите возмущение, а выплесните его на бумагу. Для этого быстро нарисуйте картинку или напишите все, о чем вы думаете в данный момент. Еще одним замечательным способом быстро снять напряжение владеют японцы. В этой стране практически в каждом офисе есть специальная комната, отведенная для очищения и сброса негативной энергии, в которой стоит чучело. Таким образом, приходя в это помещение и избивая тряпичную куклу, на ее месте представляя руководителя или другого обидчика, человек освобождается от злости, гнева и других разрушающих эмоций. Возьмите это на заметку! Совсем не обязательно покупать чучело — на его месте может быть обычная подушка.
The technique of "switching attention" and relaxation
If you feel that negative emotionsoverwhelm you, do not give in to them under any circumstances. Try to switch your attention to something else: think about pleasant moments that happened to you, about loved ones, or do something useful. Monotonous calming work is suitable for this, for example, knitting, embroidery, gardening, drawing, modeling, and the like. Immersion in such an activity distracts a person from bad thoughts, thereby bringing relief and giving the opportunity to look at the problem more calmly. Quite quickly and effectively relieves stress, pacifies and soothes fingering the rosary. They are made of ivory, wood, glass, stone, this item has become especially widespread in Greece and the East. Why not buy such a thing? In order to distract yourself from unpleasant thoughts, you can make an individual “switch” for yourself. Any beautiful picture, a photo of your child or lover will do - in general, anything will do. Every time you feel nervous tension and approaching stress, look at this image and think of something good. Regularly doing this simple exercise, which will eventually become a habit, you will learn to switch from negative to positive very quickly. In the modern world, a person receives a colossal load on his body and psyche. This is facilitated by constant stress, time pressure and backlogs at work, financial problems, quarrels with loved ones and health problems that almost everyone experiences today. Mass media - newspapers, television, radio - often report on sad events. In general, troubles surround a person from all sides, but you should not dwell on them. To relax and drive away negativity, we recommend mastering the relaxation technique. There are many of them, but the general idea is as follows - to clear your thoughts. Choose a time when no one will disturb you, when you are alone, turn on some calm music, light some candles and get comfortable, you can use scented sticks or oils. Imagine all your troubles leaving you, think only about the good. The highest degree of relaxation is complete purification, that is, your mind should be completely free. However, achieving this state is quite difficult - it will take time. Some people quickly relax with a good book or movie, music. Sit in a quiet environment, think about something pleasant, perhaps in this way you will be able to rethink certain things, find a way out of the current situation. Psychologists also advise going to bed, because in this state the human brain and body rest, so give them this opportunity. It is not for nothing that they say that the morning is wiser than the evening. Having learned to manage your emotions, you will not only become more restrained and maintain peace of mind, but also protect yourself from possible psychosomatic diseases.
Relax with the help of water procedures
Water is very good for relaxationprocedures for which warm thermal water is ideal. Learn a special breathing technique, put on a ring and lie down on the water, then relax. By doing the exercises, you will get rid of tension; the feeling of limitation will disappear, replaced by deep calm. To achieve better results, turn on the appropriate music - it can be a calm melody or, for example, the sounds of a forest, a waterfall, nature, birds singing. Water is best suited for training exercises, many people specifically train in the pool, which reduces the load on the joints. Such strength training is considered gentle, unlike those carried out on land. But to relax, it is not at all necessary to leave the house. A relaxation session can be held in your bathroom. Let's start our relaxation session with a warm shower with a relaxing gel. Its duration should not be long - three minutes will be enough. Next, we move on to cleansing the skin using a scrub containing seaweed. We will spend no more than 5 minutes on this procedure. And only after complete cleansing of the skin can you take a bath. Here you can choose to use sea salt or essential oils. The bath temperature should be about 37 degrees. For relaxation, you can add lavender, rose or magnolia oil to the bath. It is important to note that essential oils should be added when the bath is already filled and the tap is turned off. For a good effect, 5 drops of oil will be enough. You can also use Moroccan cedar, juniper berry and cardamom oils, which have an anti-cellulite effect. Chamomile and tea tree oils will give deep cleansing of the skin. And if your legs are heavy and swollen, a bath with wintergreen can help. When taking a bath, you should not just lie still - you can and even should do a light massage of the whole body with stroking movements with a terry mitten. The entire bath procedure should not last more than 25 minutes. After taking a bath, apply any moisturizer to the body. This can be milk, emulsion or lotion. And, of course, don't forget about the energy drink, prepared in advance by you from fresh fruits. Such procedures, performed at least once a week, will help you relieve excessive fatigue, completely relax and feel in good shape.
Relaxation and wellness
Make it a rule to visit the sauna regularly -Once or twice a week will be enough. This will relieve muscle tension, recover from physical exertion and get a boost of energy. These procedures are especially good in winter: you will not only improve your health, but also protect yourself from respiratory diseases. The sauna helps you relax, stimulates metabolism and removes toxins from the body. After steaming, you can do some stretching exercises: the results will be much higher than if you do them in normal conditions, since the muscles will become elastic after the procedures. It is recommended to use aromatic oils: eucalyptus, cedar, chamomile, juniper and others. In no case add them in their pure form - dilute a small amount with water and sprinkle the wooden shelves and walls of the sauna with the mixture. In order for relaxing and warming procedures to be beneficial for the body, you should follow some rules:
- Before visiting the sauna (at least two hours before it) do not eat.
- If you have a cold, better give up dataprocedures. In addition, there are a number of diseases (for example, cancer) in which visiting a sauna is strictly prohibited. Therefore, if you are registered with a doctor, consult about this issue.
- Do not enter the bath wet, do not allow too much moisture.
- Do not stay in the room for too long, as this can lead to an increase in viscose blood, which threatens with serious consequences.
- After the sauna, cool a little, and afterwards dive into the pool or take a cold shower. A sharp temperature drop is life-threatening!
- During the session, do not eat, however, drink as much as possible drinking water. The fact is that a sharp weight loss without replenishing the water reserve can negatively affect your health.
After the sauna, it is recommended to do a relaxingmassage, girls can undergo anti-cellulite treatment using a special cream or oil. Bath procedures have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole: they increase its protective properties, relieve stress, and prevent colds and flu. Today, unfortunately, visiting a sauna has become a kind of fun way to spend time with alcohol for many. Naturally, in this case, there is no point in talking about any beneficial effect. Go to the bathhouse with a broom, essential oils, still water, relax properly and well, and then you will be healthy and cheerful, quickly getting rid of fatigue! Now you know how to properly relax using certain methods and techniques. Choose them based on your preferences, capabilities, and the effect they have on you. In the case of constantly growing and persistent nervous tension, you can undergo a course of special massage or, for example, acupuncture; if this does not help, then it is better to consult a doctor. After an appropriate examination and identifying the causes of the excited state, a specialist will prescribe the necessary treatment for you. Naturally, it is impossible to completely isolate yourself from the outside world and avoid stress, but you need to learn to manage it. Try not to overwork yourself, go to bed on time, spend your weekends usefully: walk in nature, breathe fresh air, read books, listen to calm music. To distract yourself from the negative, you need to concentrate on something else. To do this, take up knitting, embroidery, beading, or master the “switching” technique. Make it a rule to leave all professional troubles and problems at work, do not bring them home! After returning to your apartment after a hard, stressful day, change your clothes, fill the bath, turn off the lights and light candles, immerse yourself in the water and relax, not thinking about anything for at least a while. Do everything possible to ensure that your body rests as much as possible, and then you will always have the strength to fight stress. We recommend reading: