Today the French dietThe diet of nutritionist Pierre Dukan is perhaps the most popular in the world. According to the principles of this diet, celebrities lose weight - Sarah Jessica Parker, Penelope Cruz, the wife of Prince William, as well as ordinary women. The effectiveness of the diet is proven by its unprecedented popularity, numerous positive reviews. Pierre Dukan - a French general practitioner began to develop the principle of nutrition, which helps in the treatment of obesity, back in 1975. In 2000, his book "I can't lose weight" was published with a detailed description of the diet, as well as containing recipes. The book was reprinted many times in different countries of the world, sold out in huge print runs. The diet is very effective even if it is not strict and aggressive. The main operating principle of the diet is the use of protein and protein foods, reducing carbohydrate products to a minimum. The diet is divided into four phases, each of which contains prohibited and permitted products, differs in duration and effect on the body. The main advantage of the diet is the absence of restrictions on the amount of food consumed, or on the time of meals. The permitted products are quite varied, which allows you to prepare many interesting dishes and vary the recipes. Moreover, it is allowed to consume a small amount of salt, spices, sauces, starch and gelatin. You can even prepare such intricate dishes as jellied meat or salads.
Phases of the Ducant diet
The diet is divided into four phases,the duration of each of which is calculated individually. The first phase is the most severe, it can be followed for no more than 10 days. The second phase maintains the result achieved during the first, but the third reliably consolidates it. The fourth phase of the diet has no restrictions, but only some recommendations. Along with the diet, the French nutritionist advises doing basic physical exercises, or walking every day, this will speed up the metabolic processes in the body and the removal of fat deposits. The first two and main rules of the diet are the use of oat bran and at least one and a half liters of clean water every day. Oat bran contains grain shells, due to which they cleanse the intestines well, normalize the functioning of the entire digestive system, break down fats in the body and prevent the absorption of new ones. Well, each of us knows how useful water is. In the process of losing weight, it is extremely necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the body, to cleanse it and saturate it with moisture. Phase 1: "Attack" The duration of this phase can vary from 3 to 10 days, depending on the excess weight - the number of kilograms you need to lose. It is not recommended to follow the first stage of the diet for more than 10 days. The principle of the first stage is to eat only protein products. It is allowed:
- low-fat poultry (chicken, turkey);
- chicken eggs;
- lean ham, veal liver;
- meat of fish and seafood;
- low-fat dairy products;
- onion and garlic;
- a small amount of salt, spices, vinegar.
All other products - bread, vegetables, cereals,Legumes, sugar, alcohol - are not allowed for consumption. You should also avoid eating fatty meat (lamb, beef, pork, veal, rabbit). You need to eat one or two tablespoons of bran per day and do not forget about a sufficient amount of water. Phase 2: "Cruise" This is the second stage of the diet, it consists of alternating protein and vegetable diets. Alternation occurs by days: every other day, 3 days every 3 days, 5 days every 5 days. On protein days, we eat all the same products as in the first stage of the diet. But on vegetable days, we eat all vegetables, except starchy ones (potatoes), legumes, cereals. It is allowed to eat gelatin and starch, adjika and ketchup, spices, low-fat cream, dry wine. However, these products should be consumed in small quantities, only two of the above products are allowed per day. The amount of oat bran should be increased to two or three tablespoons. Phase 3: "Consolidation" The third phase of the diet is aimed at consolidating the results achieved in the first and second phases. For every kilogram of weight you have lost, there are 10 days of the third phase. This stage is quite long, but it does not have strict requirements. We use all the products from the first and second phases, as well as:
- fruit (except for very sweet - grapes, bananas, cherries);
- whole wheat bread;
- macaroni, cereals and potatoes - no more than twice a week;
- Hard cheese - no more than 40 grams a day.
During this stage of the diet, you can arrangea kind of "holiday" for the body, it can even be a festive feast, where you can allow yourself to eat whatever you want. However, the next day should be spent on protein foods. The amount of bran increases to 3-4 tablespoons per day. Phase 4: "Stabilization" This is the last, final stage of the Dukan diet, which does not have any significant restrictions. You can eat whatever you want. However, once a week it is necessary to arrange a protein fasting day, including in the menu only products from the first phase of the Dukan diet. Oat bran should be continued to be consumed constantly, they will reduce the amount of fat absorbed from food. Thus, this stage of the diet can always be followed!
Examples of recipes for the Ducant diet
So, the Dukan diet is distinguished by its diversityproducts consumed. Even during the strictest first phase, interesting and tasty dishes can be prepared from permitted products, which can be served not only at the daily table, but also at a feast. And as for the other stages of the diet, here you can eat almost all products. Here are examples of recipes for dishes for the French Dukan diet, sequentially for each of the four phases. Recipes for the "Attack" phase During this stage of the Dukan diet, there is an emphasis on protein foods. The absence of fats and carbohydrates in the diet leads to the breakdown of fat deposits in the body, and oat bran effectively cleanses the intestines. In the first phase of the diet, you may feel tired and drowsy, dry mouth, but these are absolutely normal sensations. A lot of varied and satisfying dishes can be prepared from protein products. Moreover, there are no restrictions on the number of meals and the food itself. First courses: light seafood soup
- It will take: a piece of fish on the bone (salmon, trout), sea cocktail (squid, shrimp, mussels, etc.), 1 onion, salt and spices to taste.
Place a piece of fish on the bone in cold water.You can choose a piece like for steak. Cook with the bone, this will give additional aroma and richness to the broth. Add chopped onion there. Cook the broth for about 20 minutes. Remove the fish, separate from the bone, grind the meat into the soup. Add seafood cocktail, salt, spices, cook for another 7 minutes. When serving, you can sprinkle the soup with lemon juice or soy sauce. Second courses: tender chicken liver in milk
- It will take: chicken liver, skimmed milk, 1 onion, salt and spices.
Wash the chicken liver and cut into cubes orslices, add spices and salt, soak in milk to cover the meat. Leave overnight (in the refrigerator). Heat the frying pan, pour the mixture. Cut the onion into half rings and add to the mixture. Simmer for about 30 minutes on low heat (until almost all the liquid has boiled away). Desserts: airy casserole
- You will need: 400 grams of cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat, 2 tablespoons of oat bran, 0.5 cup skim milk, 2 chicken eggs, baking powder, sugar substitute, vanillin.
Boil oat bran with milk for about threeminutes, let cool, mix with cottage cheese, egg yolks, baking powder, vanilla. Beat the egg whites separately with sugar substitute into a thick foam, add to the curd mass. Mix everything thoroughly, put the mass in a mold, bake for about 50-60 minutes at 180 degrees. Recipes for the "Cruise" phase This phase of the Dukan diet is distinguished by the addition of vegetables to the diet. This significantly increases the variations in the preparation of various dishes. It is worth remembering that starchy vegetables, legumes and cereals are prohibited, but all other vegetables can be safely eaten. On protein days, any recipes for the "Attack" phase are suitable. But for vegetable days of the Dukan diet, separate recipes are given. First courses: vegetable okroshka
- You will need: skimmed yogurt, cucumber, radish, greens, chicken eggs, salt, spices.
Boil chicken eggs and cut into cubes. Огурцы мелко нарезать или натереть на крупной терке. Редиску мелко нарезать, порубить зелень. Все смешать, залить обезжиренным кефиром, добавить соль и специи по вкусу. Как вариант, куриные яйца можно заменить отварным куриным мясом или же крабовыми палочками. Вторые блюда: запеченные баклажаны с соусом Понадобится: баклажаны, обезжиренные сливки, чеснок, соль, специи. Баклажаны помыть и разрезать вдоль, запечь в духовке при 200 градусах в течение 20 минут. Приготовить соус: обезжиренные сливки смешать с солью, специями, давленым чесноком. Готовые баклажаны залить соусом. Салаты: творожно-овощной салат Понадобится: 0,5 стакана обезжиренного творога, 1 сладкий болгарский перец, 2 помидора, зелень, соль, черный перец. Помидор очистите от шкурки. Для этого сделать крестообразный надрез на кожице, опустить овощ на полминуты в кипяток, снять кожицу. Все овощи и зелень мелко нарезать. Все смешать с творогом, добавить соль и перец. Этим салатом можно фаршировать свежие помидоры для красивой сервировки. Выпечка: хлебцы из овсяных отрубей Понадобится: отруби: 4 ст.л. овсяных и 2 ст.л. пшеничных, 100 г обезжиренного молока, 2 куриных яйца, соль, сахарозаменитель. Отруби залить молоком, нагреть 2-3 минуты в микроволновой печи, чтобы набухли. Дать остыть, добавить 2 яйца, соль, сахарозаменитель. Массу хорошо вымесить. Выложить ложкой на противень, предварительно покрытый бумагой для выпечки. Выпекать в духовке около 20 минут при высокой температуре (200 градусов). Рецепты для фазы «Закрепление» Эта длительная по времени фаза диеты Дюкана отличается отсутствием строгих ограничений в пище. Поэтому готовить вы можете практически все, что угодно и из любых продуктов. Однако следует помнить, что бобовые, крупы, картофель и макароны следует употреблять не чаще двух раз в неделю. Если предвидится застолье, то вы можете не отказывать себе в угощениях. Однако следующий день лучше провести по меню первой фазы диеты Дюкана, то есть употреблять в пищу сугубо белковые и протеиновые продукты, рецепты которых мы привели в разделе «Рецепты для фазы «Атака». На фазе «Закрепление можно разнообразить меню фруктами, однако стоит избегать особо сладких – виноград, бананы. Первые блюда: тыквенно-грибной суп Понадобится: шампиньоны, тыква, морковь, зелень, лук, чеснок, обезжиренные сливки, соль и специи. Лук и морковь мелко нарезать, отварить до полуготовности. Шампиньоны и тыкву нарезать кубиками и добавить в суп, варить еще 10 минут. Приготовить заправку: обезжиренные сливки смешать с давленым чесноком, солью и специями, добавить в суп, дать вскипеть и выключить. В тарелку с супом добавить зелень. Вторые блюда: телятина с овощами, запеченная в рукаве Понадобится: кусок телячьей вырезки, капуста, лук, помидоры, зелень, обезжиренный кефир, соль и специи. Телятину нарезать на порционные куски, каждый кусок слегка отбить. Посолить и намазать специями. Капусту нарезать покрупнее, лук – полукольцами, помидор – кружками. Посолить, перемешать, залить кефиром. Телятину выложить в рукав для запекания, сверху выложить овощи с соусом, закрыть рукав с обеих сторон. Выпекать в духовке при 200 градусах около 40 минут. Десерты: маффины из творога и отрубей Понадобится: отруби, лучше взять по 2 столовые ложки овсяных и пшеничных, 3-4 столовые ложки творога (0%), сухое молоко – 2 ст.л., крахмал – 1 ст.л., 2 яйца, по 1 ч.л. разрыхлителя и какао-порошка, заменитель сахара. Овсяные и пшеничные отруби смешать, добавить сухое молоко, кукурузный крахмал, какао-порошок, разрыхлитель и сахарозаменитель, все тщательно перемешать. Творог хорошо растереть, яйца взбить и смешать с творогом. Соединить с сухой смесью, вымесить тесто. При желании можно добавить ванилин или любой другой ароматизатор, например, карамель. Тесто выложить в формочки, выпекать 20 минут при 180 градусах. Рецепты для фазы «Стабилизация» Эта фаза может длиться на протяжении всей жизни, она скорее напоминает не диету, а принципы правильного питания. Ограничений в употребляемых продуктах нет никаких. Однако стоит помнить, что хлеб лучше выбирать из цельнозерновой муки, макароны – твердых сортов, рис – неочищенный. Это продукты не только менее калорийны, но также и полезны для организма. Во избежание появления лишнего веса, следует раз в неделю устраивать разгрузочный день, в который употреблять только белковые продукты (как в фазе № 1 «Атака»). Следует не забывать об овсяных отрубях. Их мы употребляем ежедневно в количестве 3-4 столовых ложек. Что касается приготовления пищи, на четвертой фазе диеты Дюкана можно развернуться на полную. Однако все же не стоит злоупотреблять жарением продуктов и приготовлением их во фритюре с большим количеством растительного масла. Хорошо будет готовить овощи и мясо на гриле, запекать в духовке и на огне. Их также можно отваривать, тушить, готовить в микроволновой печи, пароварке или мультиварке. Следуя этим простым советам, скинутые килограммы не наберутся вновь, организм закрепит свой вес, а также стабилизирует работу пищеварительной системы.
Drinks in the Ducane diet
When following the Dukan diet, you should not eatdrinks containing sugar – carbonated water and fruit juices. Also, alcohol in any form is contraindicated in the first two phases. And only from the third phase can you allow yourself to drink a little dry wine. Any alcohol is very high in calories, and also significantly slows down and worsens metabolism, which in itself is unfavorable for the body. Drinking coffee and tea is allowed, but sugar should be replaced in this case. From the second phase, you can drink vegetable juices, preferably freshly squeezed. The best companion not only during a diet, but also every day is clean water. Some drinks, the recipes for which are given below, can even replace a full meal. Milkshake for the "Attack" phase You will need: 200 ml of skim milk, 1 chicken egg, sugar substitute, vanillin. The protein must be separated from the yolk and beaten well until a thick foam appears. If the sugar substitute is in tablets, then they should be dissolved together with vanillin in a spoonful of water, then added to the protein. Pour in the milk and blend the cocktail for another minute. The milkshake will be thick and sweet. Kefir cocktail for the Cruise phase You will need: cottage cheese (0% fat) - 100 g, low-fat kefir - 200 g, oat bran - 2 tbsp, cocoa - 2 tsp, sugar substitute. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and blend in a blender. This cocktail is ideal for breakfast, as it is very nutritious. Low-alcohol mulled wine for the Consolidation phase You will need: dry hibiscus tea, 100 ml dry red wine, a few slices of orange and lemon, spices (cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, ginger, vanilla, nutmeg). Brew dry hibiscus tea in 200 ml boiling water, let it brew well. Place on the stove and, without bringing to a boil, add finely chopped orange and lemon, spices. Bring to a boil and cook for about 5 minutes. Let cool slightly, add dry red wine. Green tea with ginger You will need: large-leaf green tea, fresh ginger, lemon juice, sugar substitute. Pour green tea into boiling water, add a little fresh ginger, grated, and lemon juice. Cook for about 5 minutes, let it brew. Serve with a sugar substitute. This tea is good for any phase, but it will be most useful in the last phase "Stabilization", when you can already eat various foods. It stimulates metabolism very well, prevents the absorption of fats from food. We recommend reading: