pull-up face masks at home Beauty is a temporary phenomenon, and the term of its "life"depends not only on genetics, but also on us, on how correctly and regularly we take care of it. Loss of elasticity and flabbiness are the inevitable signs of age-related skin changes. We can not reverse them, unfortunately, we can not, but we are quite able to slow development and make it less obvious. And help in this tightening face mask. Finished cosmetic products are amazing today with their huge variety, but despite this, it is quite difficult to find really effective means, while they are not cheap. That's why many women are increasingly beginning to use folk cosmetic recipes - and the result is really impressive. We have prepared for you some of the most effective pull-up masks from conventional products that you can easily replicate at home.

Masks tightening: according to folk recipes

There are two factors to reduce the elasticity of the skin: slowing down in the cells of metabolic processes as a result of blood circulation disorders or due to natural aging, lack of moisture and nutrition. All these problems can be solved not only in the office of a cosmetologist, but also at home. To stimulate circulation, contrast facial and facial massage should be done, and nutritious masks with lifting effect should be used to nourish, moisten and slow down the aging process. face mask tightening

Mask based on powder gelatin

Preparation: cool with boiled water pour 10 g of food gelatin without additives, leave for about an hour for swelling, then add a mixture of 10 g of glycerin and 10 g of natural honey. The resulting "gruel" must be heated on a water bath - the mask for facelift should be homogeneous, without lumps. Before use, allow it to cool slightly - put in the refrigerator for thickening to a gel-like consistency. To apply a mask, you need 3 stripes of a wide bandage: the first is superimposed on the chin, the ends are directed towards the temples, the second is on the forehead, and the third is in the middle, from one ear to the other. Leave the gelatinous compress for half an hour. To enhance the useful properties of the mask, you can grow gelatin not only with boiled water, but also with warm milk or even freshly squeezed juice of berries, fruits or vegetables (ratio 1: 2). The mask is easy to replicate at home, and the effect of it will not be worse than after an expensive cosmetic procedure in the salon. The fact is that food gelatin contains collagen molecules responsible for the elasticity of our skin. Moreover, they are contained in gelatin in a split form, so they penetrate very well into the skin cells. Honey (necessarily natural) is known for its rejuvenating effect, and glycerin smoothes and moisturizes.

Mask based on pulp of persimmons

Ingredients: persimmon (flesh of the first ripe fruit), h. spoon of potato starch. Peel the fruit from the peel, rub the flesh with a wooden spoon (to avoid oxidation). Mix the pulp with the starch, apply for ¼ hour. If there is no starch, then you can replace it with crushed fiber. The fruits of persimmon are rich in antioxidants, organic acids, proteins, tannins, minerals and vitamins. They moisturize and refresh the skin, fight red and rash. Potato starch, in turn, restores the skin, softens and nourishes it.

Super-mask with starch

Preparation: combine 100 grams of boiled water and art. spoon (necessarily) potato starch, add another half liter of boiled water, cook the resulting mixture on low heat, and when it becomes viscous and thick, pour in 5 tbsp. spoons of pressed juice of carrots and as much fresh sour cream. The exposure time is 1/3 hours. On the effectiveness of this mask can be compared with botox - it will significantly tighten the fading skin. Plus everything will lighten it a little. To quickly achieve a noticeable result, do this mask (strictly following the recipe) for 3 consecutive days.

Mask of fast action based on egg white

Ingredients: h. a spoonful of squeezed lemon juice, as much chopped its crust, a squirrel of one chicken or a couple of quail eggs, a spoonful of dried almond nuts (crushed). Can be replaced with almond oil. Egg whites should be thoroughly beaten until foam formation. The mask should be left on the face for about ten minutes. It can be used as an express agent at home, when it is necessary to quickly achieve a noticeable effect.

A tightening mask with potatoes and olive oil

Preparation: grind with a small grater one potato (raw), dilute the resulting mashed potatoes 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil. With a dry, scaly skin, it's good to add warm milk. The mask should be necessarily dense and viscous. Leave it on your face preferably not longer than half an hour. The juice of the fruit of the potato is useful for increasing the tone of the fading skin, its softening and cleansing. Starch, which is also present in raw potatoes, due to the tightening effect, significantly narrows the pores, due to which the skin looks more even and radiant. And all this can be achieved at home! tightening face masks

Zucchini pull-up mask

Preparation: one tbsp. Spoon thoroughly crushed with a small grater zucchini mix with the same amount of low-fat sour cream. It is useful to apply the mask not only to the face, but also to the skin of the neck. It is recommended to wash off after 1/3 hours with a decoction of parsley. In ¼ hours after such a tightening procedure, you can apply a nourishing cream. Pulp of zucchini has rejuvenating and whitening properties - it helps to cleanse and tone up the skin, fights inflammation. A beneficial effect on skin cells is provided by vitamin C, which is contained in the zucchini. Thus, using this common vegetable in our country, you can prepare a vitamin-rich lifting remedy at home.

Citrus-honey lifting face mask

Ingredients: a couple of teaspoons preferably liquid natural honey, citrus juice (it can be tangerines, grapefruit, lemon, oranges), 1 teaspoon of flour or clay pharmacy. For the mask, you can use a thick and sugared honey, only before it needs to melt. This mask for face lifting is very easy to prepare. Dilute a small amount of water with a spoonful of clay powder. Red or pink clay is used for dry skin. Green, yellow, blue, black or white clay suitable for the skin of normal type or prone to fat. Instead of clay, you can use flour - it must also be diluted with water. For dry skin, take rice or oatmeal, for normal or oily skin - wheat. And for greater utility pour one tbsp. spoon of pressed juice from mandarin or orange with dry skin, grapefruit, orange or lemon juice - with normal or oily glossy skin. You can get juice at home even without a juicer. To achieve a tightening effect, it is recommended to keep the mask for 1/3 hours. Its composition can cause allergy, as it contains honey and citrus juice, so before testing, test the mixture on the inner bend of the elbow.

Mask paraffin with honey

Ingredients: special cosmetic paraffin, which can be purchased in pharmacies or cosmetic shops, natural liquid honey. Paraffin is melted in a water bath, applied to the face in several layers with a cosmetic spatula or brush. The first layer comes with the addition of natural honey. In one container, melt 1 tbsp. spoon of cosmetic solid paraffin, add a teaspoon of desirable liquid honey. In another container, melt the paraffin in a larger amount, so that it is enough for 4 or 5 layers (you do not need to add anything to this paraffin). Before applying this mask from paraffin, the face should be slightly moistened with a moisturizer. Apply the first layer of honey, from above place a pre-cut piece of gauze. Then overlay the remaining layers of liquid paraffin without additives. To paraffinotherapy was easier to perform at home, it is desirable that you had an assistant (you can ask a friend or daughter). On the eyes, put cotton wheels (you can moisten them in herbal infusion or oil), you can not impose paraffin on this area. Within 1/3 hours, while the mask is working, it is impossible to make mimic movements and speak. Remove the mask should be very carefully - grasp the lower edges of the gauze and remove it, moving from the chin to the forehead. Rinse your face with warm boiled water, removing the rest of the paraffin, and finally apply a moisturizer. This mask has an excellent smoothing and pulling action. Do it preferably, as we said, with someone's help (for example, a friend), but you can cope with its application and yourself. Contraindications: the mask should not be done if the face shows increased hair growth, there is a couperose, a lot of moles, in the presence of skin diseases or warts, with poor blood coagulability. Skin change with age is a natural phenomenon. So accept this and continue to love yourself and take care of yourself. Masks that tighten the skin of people may not rejuvenate you for a decade, but they will allow you to prolong the beauty of your skin and give it a healthy radiance. A woman who loves herself and regularly cares for her skin, at any age, causes admiring glances!

