protein in the urine during pregnancy During pregnancy, a woman needs a specialcare and increased attention to her health condition. And this explains the need for constant analysis and systematic visits to a gynecologist. Timely elimination of possible problems will help to avoid the deterioration of health, both the future mother and her baby. And one of the main indicators of the health of a pregnant woman is the proper functioning of the urinary system. Therefore, the future mother should regularly give a general analysis of urine. In addition to the change in the urinary system urine analysis can reveal many other deviations in the work of other vital systems of the body. The genitourinary system of a woman waiting for the birth of a child experiences a colossal, doubled, load. This is explained by several factors: first, the kidneys have to excrete the products of vital activity not only of the pregnant woman herself, but her future child. Accordingly, they have to work much more. In addition, as the child grows, the size of the uterus constantly increases, as a result of which it exerts some pressure on the kidneys. This fact also greatly complicates the work of the kidneys. And if a woman has the prerequisites for the development of diseases of the urinary tract, a combination of such factors can trigger the development of this or that disease of the genitourinary system. The pregnant woman gives the urine analysis systematically - during the first trimester - once a month, during the second trimester - twice a week, and in the third trimester - weekly. Urine analysis is necessary for all pregnant women, without exception, as it is an obligatory stage of perinatal diagnosis.

Indicators of urinalysis

There are several key indicators,based on which the doctor can objectively assess the condition of the pregnant woman. However, most often pregnant women are afraid of the appearance of protein in their general analysis of urine. And it's no accident - around the protein in the urine is a huge number of very different myths, rumors, horror stories and guesses. However, all other indicators are very important for an objective assessment of the state of the mother and child. That is why in no case can you ignore any changes in the results of a general urine test. Therefore, below will be discussed all kinds of such violations:

  • Proteinuria

Proteinuria or, to put it simply, protein,determined in the general analysis of the urine of pregnant women. Normally, if a person is completely healthy, there should not be protein in his urine. However, pregnant women are an exception to this rule - in their analysis of urine a small amount of protein is allowed. However, this amount, which is permissible within the limits of the norm, is strictly limited and in no case should exceed 300 mg. Per day. In the same case, if the protein in the urine of a pregnant woman is in the amount of more than 300 mg., The doctor can confidently assume that there are certain malfunctions in the urinary or genital system of the expectant mother, or there are kidney diseases. In addition, extremely attentive should be those pregnant women who, before pregnancy, suffered from various chronic diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. As already mentioned above, pregnancy is often the most real catalyst for aggravation of all existing chronic diseases of a woman. In the event that, after the next urine test, a woman will be found to have a high protein content in the urine, the treating doctor-gynecologist must send the future mother to consult a urologist or nephrologist. This is necessary so that any diseases, if they exist, should be seen as quickly as possible. And accordingly, the necessary treatment will also be started in a timely manner, which will increase its effectiveness, and also minimize the negative impact of the disease on the organism of the future mother and her baby. The protein in the urine during pregnancy can cause a variety of causes - a thorough examination is necessary. In the same case, if the protein in the urine of a pregnant woman appears systematically, and even in large quantities, doctors prefer not to risk the health of women and children. That is why a pregnant woman is shown an urgent hospitalization in a hospital, usually in the department of pregnancy pathology, or nephrology department of the hospital. In no case can not refuse the proposed hospitalization, since this may depend not only on the health of the mother and baby, but even their lives. To the great regret, but sometimes in some cases doctors are forced to resort to the call of premature birth. This measure is the only way to save life, both to the pregnant woman herself and her baby. However, do not give up hospitalization only for fear that doctors will decide to resort to premature birth. Believe me, doctors will not do anything in this way, if there are other ways to help mom and baby. If the future mother has protein in the urine during pregnancy, what to do, doctors know thoroughly. Very often the amount of protein in the urine increases dramatically after about 32 weeks of pregnancy, and against a background of nephropathy. This condition has very pronounced symptoms, according to which the doctor reliably and without any difficulty can diagnose nephropathy:

  • The appearance of a large amount of protein in the urine of a woman. This symptom is the most important in the diagnosis of nephropathy.
  • The appearance of edema in a pregnant woman. It is not so important at what time of day they appear.
  • Increase in blood pressure in a pregnant woman.

Nephropathy is serious enougha disease that has a very negative impact on the health of not only the future mother, but her baby. First of all, the placenta suffers from this disease - its main functions suffer:

  • Protect the future child from various external negative influences.
  • Violation of normal blood circulation in the placenta,which inevitably leads to insufficient supply of the child with both nutrients and oxygen. As a consequence, the risk that the future baby will be born with signs of exhaustion and (or) hypoxia is very high.

As a result of all these violations it is possiblethe development of such complications as the threat of premature onset of the birth process, a significant delay in intrauterine development, and even, in particularly severe cases, fetal death. That is why the problem of the appearance of protein in the urine of a pregnant woman is by no means unacceptable to leave without due attention.

  • Bacteriuria

Bacteriuria is the presence of pathogenicbacteria. A similar phenomenon occurs regularly in a large number of people. However, pregnant women here also fall into a kind of "risk group" - they have the presence of bacteria in the urine found about five times more often than all other people. As a rule, the presence of bacteria in the urine indicates the development in the body of the future of the mother or inflammation of the bladder - cystitis, or inflammation of the kidney - pyelonephritis. Of course, immediate treatment is necessary in either case. However, pyelonephritis poses a much greater threat to a pregnant woman than cystitis. Yes, and treatment for pyelonephritis is much more time consuming and takes a lot of time. Again, it should be mentioned that future mothers are much more likely to develop pyelonephritis - about half of all cases of pyelonephritis, both acute and chronic, first make itself felt precisely while waiting for the birth of a child. And the general statistics clearly indicate that women are about six times more likely to have pyelonephritis than men. There is one more fact, confirming the need for a systematic study of urine analysis of a future mother - asymptomatic bacteriuria. In this case, the pregnant woman herself does not experience any symptoms of the existing genitourinary system, so she does not seek medical help from a doctor. However, nevertheless, the child can suffer to a great extent. And timely handing the urine test, my mother takes care of her health. And the well-being of the baby, which is the main life priority of any mom.

  • Leucocyturia

Another important indicator, which alsoit is necessary to pay special attention to the urine analysis of pregnant women - this is the content of leukocytes. The presence of leukocytes in the urine also indicates that the woman has pyelonephritis, or other diseases of the urinary tract, usually infectious in origin. And the doctor just needs to correctly diagnose this disease. However, future mothers should remember that if there are any deviations in the general urine analysis, an in-depth examination should be carried out: conducting other types of urinalysis, blood tests, ultrasound examination of the genitourinary system. We advise you to read:

