A good, well-groomed appearance has always beenthe best business card, testifying to the success and well-being of a person. After all, as you know, the first impression on people around you is one of the strongest. And even the nicest person, looking unkempt, is unlikely to cause positive emotions in people. And it is much more pleasant for you to look in the mirror and see the reflection of a beautiful, neat person, isn't it? But, unfortunately, we do not always see in the mirror exactly what we want to see. Acne, dilated spots, boils ... A familiar picture? It means you have oily skin. And this leads to the development of not only aesthetic problems, but also psychological ones: depressed mood, and in especially severe cases, depression. And this is understandable. But do not be upset, because even if you have problematic facial skin, treatment is quite capable of reducing all problems to a possible minimum. Therefore, in no case do not give up and do not surrender. Do not put up with the problems of oily skin - they need to be actively fought. Moreover, you should not put off starting treatment for a long time - as with any other disease, treatment of oily skin should be started as early as possible, before the situation worsens even more. And be prepared for the fact that you will have to put in a lot of effort - the fight will be fierce. You should not rely only on your own strength - in most cases, you will not be able to do without visiting a dermatologist. And external treatment alone will not be effective enough. In order to get rid of problems, and not just drive them inside, complex treatment is necessary. You will have to reconsider your lifestyle: nutrition, daily routine, habits and much more. Well, who promised that it would be easy? As they say, beauty requires sacrifice. Are you ready? Then this article is just for you. Until recently, even dermatologists believed that problem skin is a direct consequence of excess testosterone in the body. This hormone very actively stimulates the sebaceous glands. However, numerous modern studies have shown that this theory is not entirely true. Of course, testosterone plays a certain role. However, this is far from the only reason why skin problems may arise. There are a number of provoking factors - this includes an improperly composed diet, an unfavorable environmental situation, and the presence of bad habits. In addition, the condition of the skin is most adversely affected by the lack of various microelements, minerals and vitamins, including vitamin A, which is responsible for skin nutrition.
Change in lifestyle
Treatment must begin, first of all, withchanges in your lifestyle. First, review your daily routine. Make sure that your sleep duration is at least 8 hours, and especially at night. Lack of sleep has the most negative effect on the condition of the entire body, including the skin. In addition, a person should spend at least two hours a day outdoors. Moreover, walks immediately after rain or during fog are especially useful - the skin is very effectively saturated with moisture. Surprised? Many people mistakenly believe that problem skin does not need moisturizing. But this is not true - it needs moisture no less, and sometimes even more. Than normal skin. But in hot weather, try not to walk at a time when the sun is at its peak. However, you should not completely avoid sunlight either. Ultraviolet light has a very positive effect on problem skin - inflammation decreases, acne also recedes. It is not without reason that dermatologists recommend that people suffering from various skin diseases visit a solarium in winter. Just five to six minutes a week is enough for the skin to receive a sufficient amount of ultraviolet light. Review your habits. Stop drinking alcohol. Alcohol has a negative effect on the functioning of various internal organs. And first of all, on the functioning of the liver and pancreas. And the result of these disorders is literally “on your face” - the condition of the skin worsens significantly. It is also necessary to give up smoking - nicotine not only worsens the color of the skin, but also provokes the development of severe acne. It is impossible to improve the condition of problem skin without revising your diet. And this is not surprising - firstly, all substances without exception that enter the body with food penetrate into the blood. And secondly, the correct functioning of the entire digestive tract, and in particular the intestines, largely depends on what we eat. And the work of the intestines directly affects the condition of the skin. Doctors recommend excluding the following foods from your diet:
- Salty, sharp, smoked dishes.
- Products containing artificial flavors, dyes, food additives.
- Any sweets, except for nuts and dried fruits, without any additives.
- Any buns, bread, except for yeast, in small quantities.
- Caffeinated and carbonated drinks, strong black tea.
In addition, there are a number of products that are very beneficial both for the body as a whole and for the condition of the skin in particular:
- All fermented milk products are free of preservatives and colorants.
- The maximum number of different fruits and vegetables, depending on the season.
- Such porridge as buckwheat, oatmeal and wheat. All others are not recommended.
- Non-carbonated drinking water, unsweetened compotes and fruit drinks, green tea.
As you can see, this diet is good with anysides. And the body will be cleansed, and the skin condition will improve many times, and the hated extra pounds will disappear without a trace. Of course, if they exist. Of course, it is not so easy to withstand such restrictions in nutrition. But the most important thing is to start. And then you will probably get used to it.
Cosmetic preparations
Today there is a hugea wide variety of cosmetic products, the manufacturers of which promise almost instantaneous disappearance of all existing shortcomings of oily skin. Shine, peeling, acne - all this should disappear without a trace. Alas, any advertising tends to embellish reality. Not all products are as ideal as they are positioned. However, some of them really are very effective. In order to choose a really good product for problem skin care, you need to remember a few basic rules:
- Price policy
Unfortunately, in this case, the principle of “cheap and"angrily" does not work. If you want to buy a good cosmetic product, be prepared to part with a certain amount of money, and quite a significant one at that. In most cases, cheap products are absolutely ineffective - in the best case, the condition of your skin will simply not change. And in the worst case, you will be forced to deal with the consequences of using these cheap products - peeling, redness, etc. Of course, such price tags in cosmetic stores cannot but upset. But we, women, are a people who think for the most part quite positively. Let's try to find positive aspects in this matter. For example, you can refuse several dinners in a cafe. The benefit is obvious - you will save money, and there are only solid pluses for your figure. Are you smiling? That's great.
- Brands
Very often people, when buying this or thatthe products are based on the brand name. It is difficult to judge how correct this is. But in the case of cosmetic products, the brand is still of no small importance. You should not buy products from little-known companies - their quality is highly questionable. A well-known company is unlikely to risk its name and produce low-quality products.
- Skin Type
Very often people believe that problem skin isit is always exclusively oily skin. However, this is not true - we must not forget about the so-called combination skin. Therefore, when choosing this or that drug, be sure to take into account your skin type - only in this case the effect of using the product will be maximum.
- Consultation with a specialist
Ideally, before purchasing this or thatcosmetic product, you must consult a doctor - a dermatologist. Do not rely on the seller's advice - people who do not have the necessary education work in stores.
Folk Remedies for Treating the Problematic Skin
Sometimes, for some reason, women do notresort to the help of cosmetic products. In this case, nature itself comes to their aid. There are very effective recipes that normalize the skin condition quite quickly. But we will tell you about everything in order:
- Means for washing
Care for any skin type should begin with itscleansing. Doctors do not recommend using soap - it does not have the best effect on the skin. For these purposes, you can use the following remedy: grind three tablespoons of oatmeal in a coffee grinder, add one tablespoon of glycerin and mix thoroughly. Transfer the mixture to a glass container and store it in the refrigerator. Use this remedy as regular soap. After that, rinse your face with a solution of apple cider vinegar - at the rate of one tablespoon of vinegar per one glass of water.
- Potato mask
Potato juice has a very positive effect onthe condition of problem skin. It eliminates inflammatory processes, relieves irritation, eliminates acne, promotes the resorption of boils. This mask is very easy to prepare - you will need only one potato tuber, a teaspoon of honey and a gauze napkin. Wash the potatoes thoroughly, peel and grate on a fine grater. Then add honey and mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting homogeneous mass in a very thick layer on a gauze napkin. Apply the napkin to the affected areas of the skin and leave for 20 - 25 minutes. After that, rinse the skin thoroughly and blot with a terry towel. The skin should dry naturally. You can do this mask every day - there will be no harm. But there will be no sense if you do masks less than three times a week.
- Mask from the leaves of aloe
A mask made from aloe leaves is no less effective.To prepare it, you will need 4 aloe leaves, from a plant at least five years old. Aloe leaves must first be placed in the freezer for at least a week. After that, peel the leaves from the film and chop them, passing them through a meat grinder. After that, melt five tablespoons of any natural honey over low heat. Mix the honey with the aloe leaf pulp, mix thoroughly, put it in a glass container and store it in a dark and cool place. Before applying this mask, you must thoroughly steam your face using a chamomile bath. Apply the mask in an even layer and leave for 10 minutes. After that, wash your face with cool water and let your skin dry naturally. This mask should be done no more than three times a week. And pay special attention - this remedy is strictly contraindicated for people suffering from allergic reactions to honey and other bee products. In addition to external use, it is also recommended to use recipes for internal use.
- Infusion of a dandelion
One of the most effective means isinfusion of medicinal dandelion. To prepare it, grind one tablespoon of dandelion roots and place in a thermos. Pour one glass of boiling water, close the lid and leave to infuse for a day. Then strain using gauze. You need to take such a decoction two teaspoons before each meal. The duration of the course of treatment is 21 days.
- Decoction of birch leaves
Place five tablespoons of birch decoctionin an enamel bowl, pour a liter of water and boil for 15 minutes. Cool the decoction, strain it with gauze. You need to take a glass of the decoction in the morning and evening for a month. As you can see, even if you have problem skin on your face, you should not despair. It can and should be treated. We recommend reading: