Pregnancy 7 weeks signs:At this stage, the brain is developing intensively, and noticeable changes occur with the rudiments of the face, body and limbs of the child. In the seventh week of pregnancy, the baby already has a rectum and the sternum, small intestine and digestive tract begin to form, the trachea, esophagus and lungs are developing. The embryo still has a "tail", it will disappear only by the 10-11th week. The placenta thickens during this period, the umbilical cord is attached to the wall of the uterus. The right umbilical vein disappears, only the left remains. Also during this period of pregnancy, the rudiments of the eyes (iris) and face (nose and mouth) appear.
Ultrasound at 7 weeks of pregnancy Pregnancy 7ultrasound week: Only a week has passed since the beginnings of the limbs appeared, and you can already guess where the shoulders will be and where the arms will be. The fetus's face is starting to form, you can even distinguish tiny nostrils. And the two tiny pigment circles that we see on the side of the head will move to the face over the next few months and turn into eyes. If you are 7 weeks pregnant, then the embryo at this stage is the size of a pea: its length is approximately 8 mm, weight - 0.8 g.
Intrauterine development of the child at 7 weeksPregnancy 7 weeks symptoms: At this stage, the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, which is usually relaxed. In the seventh week, the mucus in the cervix usually becomes thick, forming the so-called mucus plug, which is a barrier between the uterus and the outside world. The mucus plug comes out just before labor, forming "smear". The areola around the mammary glands may darken. Do not worry - this is a common occurrence during pregnancy. We recommend reading: