Pregnancy Week 22: signsPregnancy 22 weeks - symptoms arethe beginning of the preparation of the child for life outside the uterine cavity. The child's eyebrows are already well defined, and the hair on the head begins to grow more actively, but in fair-haired children, melanin in the hair appears much later, although in Asians and representatives of the Negroid race, hair floats around the head in the form of a halo. The peripheral nervous system develops - the number of neurons is constantly increasing, which means that its tactile sensitivity also improves - the child feels the world around him better. He already consciously clenches and unclenches his fists and bends his fingers, touches and studies the relief of his face. He chooses what is more convenient: to bring a finger to his mouth or to bend over himself if he wants to suck it.Pregnancy Week 22 SymptomsIntrauterine development of the baby at 22 weekspregnancy At the 22nd week of pregnancy, an ultrasound examination shows that the baby is already about 19 cm long and weighs almost 350 grams. At this stage, the expectant mother feels well, but sometimes physiological anemia develops. This is due to the fact that the blood volume is maintained at the expense of blood plasma. The degree of blood dilution is called hematocrit and it is at this stage that its numbers are most critical. And, despite the fact that pregnancy 22 weeks signs of anemia are not a threatening symptom, the pregnant woman needs more iron so that physiological anemia does not turn into iron deficiency.pregnancy 22 week ultrasoundThe tummy of a future mother at 22 weeks gestationAlmost all women report an increase in sexual activity, this is due to increased blood flow. Secretion of the vaginal glands improves, and the sensitivity of erogenous zones increases. Some women only begin to experience orgasm after the first pregnancy. Sex at this stage is not harmful, since the baby is under reliable protection of a multilayered fetal bladder. In addition, there is no need to think about contraception, which makes sexual contact even more pleasant and desirable.

