Pregnancy week 20 is the time when yourthe baby already really looks like a little person: he has thin hair on his head and delicate nails on his fingers, he plays with his fingers, sucks them, tumbles in the amniotic fluid, sometimes plays with his umbilical cord. His skin becomes less transparent, as it thickens and now consists of four layers. The baby's skin is protected from contact with the amniotic fluid by vernix caseosa - this is a waxy white-cream secretion that the sebaceous glands begin to produce. The lubricant is held on the skin by the vernix caseosa fluff, lanugo, in some cases the vernix caseosa is preserved until the very birth, then it is removed from the baby's skin immediately after birth, simply by wiping it with sterile wipes.
Ultrasound at 20 weeks of pregnancy Pregnancy 20ultrasound week - the moment when the fetal heartbeat is detected using a sound tube or electronic monitor. Your baby weighs about 260 grams, is 14-16 cm long and is now the size of a small melon.
Intrauterine development of the fetus at 20 weekspregnancy Pregnancy 20 weeks symptoms: the uterus rises higher and higher, the belly of almost all women protrudes forward. And the navel sticks out like a button due to the constant pressure of the uterus. Pregnancy 20 weeks: signs of stretch marks are already noticeable, especially if you have not used cosmetics that prevent their appearance - stripes from light to reddish-brown. Some women may have difficulty breathing, as the internal organs compress the diaphragm, and the volume of the lungs decreases. As soon as the fetus descends deeper into the pelvic cavity, these symptoms will pass. During the first pregnancy, the fetus descends a few weeks before labor, during subsequent ones - before the labor itself. There is still exactly half of the pregnancy left, but without toxicosis, as in the first trimester, so the second part of the pregnancy will fly by much faster.