Pregnancy Week 35: signs, symptoms, uzi At this time the walls of the water room beginto restrict the baby, very soon it will start to go down. Meanwhile, the development and improvement of all its internal organs continues. As before, the storage of fatty tissue continues, especially in the near-humeral region. Pregnancy Week 35: uzi. This week the nails of the baby have grown to the very ends. His shoulders became more round and soft. From this week your child will recruit weekly about 220 grams. Lanugo gradually departs from him. By the thirty-fifth week the baby weighs approximately 2550g. Length - about 33 centimeters. Pregnancy Week 35: Symptoms. At this time it's time to think about going on maternity leave. It becomes difficult for women to breathe and eat. The reason for this - pressing on the chest stomach. Therefore it is recommended fractional food: little by little and with small interruptions. As often as possible rest, to avoid edema, do not stand and do not sit for a long time in one position. Now is the time to start attending courses for women in childbirth. Pregnancy Week 35: signs. This week there may be some difficulties with sleep. Many women at this time begin to worry about the frequent urge to urinate, and the pain in the back. This nature thus prepares you for future sleepless nights. To cope with insomnia, try to drink less fluids before bed, and in the afternoon - do not bother yourself with hard work.

