What happens at 16 weeks pregnant?The baby's facial muscles are already well developed, so he constantly grimaces, involuntarily frowns, smiles, yawns and smiles. He already holds his head well, the movements of his arms and legs become more logical, and delicate nails begin to appear on his fingers. The legs have become longer, so they look more proportional. The body has accumulated enough calcium, so the baby's bones begin to strengthen. If a girl is destined to be born, then she already has a reserve of 5 million eggs, which, together with the ovaries, have descended into the pelvic area. Changes in the activity of the urinary system are also observed: urine is released into the amniotic fluid every 45 minutes. Pregnancy 16 weeks Ultrasound confirms an increase in the size of the fetus, it already weighs about 80 grams, and reaches 100-120 mm in length.Intrauterine development of the baby at 16 weeksPregnancy 16 weeks symptoms: During this period, women's uterus continues to increase in order to provide the necessary volume for the constantly growing fetus. Since the volume of amniotic fluid has reached 250 ml, the coming weeks are the best time for various examinations. An ACE test and a triple comprehensive test are performed, this helps to identify pathologies such as Down syndrome and spinal malformations. At the same time, the triple test, unlike amniocentesis, does not pose a risk to the baby's health. The breasts of the expectant mother also change, they increase in size even more and become more sensitive, blood circulation in the glands increases, so the venous pattern is clearly visible.Ultrasound at 16 weeks of pregnancy Previously given birthwomen, and women with an asthenic body type, can already feel the baby's movements. Pregnancy 16 weeks signs of fetal movement are clearly visible on ultrasound, but mothers who have not given birth yet do not feel the movements, since all the sensations are new to them. The date of the first fetal movements is also used to calculate the date of birth, but this method is not highly accurate.Belly at 16 weeks of pregnancy Women atat 16 weeks of pregnancy, you need to undergo laboratory diagnostics, for this, blood is taken to determine ACE (alpha-fetoprotein), hCG (gonadotropin) and NE (unconjugated estriol). We recommend reading: