pilaf with pork Traditionally, pilaf is an oriental dish. The very name "polov" goes back to the Indian roots. When India was a powerful and wealthy state (long before our era), it was already cooked pilaf. Recipes pilaf more than a lot. Pilaf can be with vegetables, with meat, with seafood, with mushrooms ... There is a sweet pilaf with fruits and berries. However, for our latitudes the traditional dish is pilaf with meat. In modern conditions, pilau pilaf in the multivarka is popular. Tatars, who brought their culinary line to our national color, cooked pilaf exclusively with lamb. Meat of a ram is considered ideal for pilau. However, Ukrainian pilaf is made not with lamb, but with pork. Why? Pig breeding in Ukraine took root even during the Tatar-Mongol yoke and even saved the nation from extinction. Tatar raids on Russian lands literally "devastated" everything that grew, lay and even sour in yards, barrels and in the kitchen gardens of ordinary peasants. Bandits took everything: cattle, poultry, vegetables and cereals, leaving surviving people to starve to death. Since the yoke lasted neither more nor less than 300 years, the villagers learned to "survive" with the help of pigs, which were grown "for slaughter." Tatars did not eat pork and did not touch the "dirty", in their opinion, pigs. Our people realized that sheep should be raised instead of sheep and sheep. Thus, the Ukrainian cuisine was formed. By the way, all foreigners in vain praise and borscht, and cabbage rolls, and bacon, and the same pilaf with pork. Ukrainian cuisine is one of the best in the whole world! All this is thanks to pork. By the way, pilaf is not only brewed with rice. The rice will be able to replace the pearl barley, buckwheat or even beans. You can not call these dishes "pilaf", but the fact that this is his "blood" relatives - no doubt! Pilaf is so called not so much because of the ingredients that are added to it, but because of the way it is prepared: for this, a thick-walled cauldron and an open fire are required. However, the recipe for pilau from pork in the multivariate is no different from the traditional method. A multivarker only helps to save time and effort. delicious pilaf with pork

The recipe for pilaf with pork

Plov - not only very tasty, but also satisfying, andhigh-calorie dish. Therefore, the person watching the figure should control the number of pilaf on his plate. Especially when it comes to plov with pork. Proceeding from the fact that the proposed plov recipe with pork is traditional, we also take traditional products for it: rice, pork, carrots and onions and garlic, as well as seasonings to taste.

  • Rice

Rice for plov every good housewife chooses onyour taste. Now there is a special steamed rice, ideal for pilaf. It does not stick together during cooking and is quickly prepared. We do not recommend taking rice for sushi: it is strongly glued, and from it only porridge will turn out. In order that the rice does not stick together, it must be sorted (if it is not clean) and rinsed thoroughly in a large amount of running cold water. It is necessary. Then pour it on a towel and allow to dry slightly. You can cook and wet rice, but it is better to let it dry. The amount of rice for a family of 4 people is 1.5 cups.

  • Meat

Ideal for pilau is suitable for cutting, it is not veryfatty. You can take meat from the back leg or dorsal part, use also ribs. Fresh meat is pleasant by its smell, cutting it is a pleasure. 200-300 grams of meat - quite a normal portion for 4 people. Ribs can be taken from the calculation of 2-3 per person. We cut the meat into small cubes along the fibers. The smaller the cubes, the faster the meat is prepared. However, remember that rice cooks on average 20-30 minutes, so to avoid digesting meat, it should be cut into medium pieces 2 cm. Rinse the meat and dry it on a paper towel.

  • Carrots and onions

Carrots should be grated or cut into thin strips. 1 medium carrot - quite a normal portion for a family of 4 people. Onions (1 piece) are cut into cubes.

Spices and condiments for pilaf

Be sure to add salt and a little pepper. Everything else is a matter of creativity and personal attachments. What other seasonings are used for pilaf? Garlic - put unclean, about 2-3 cloves. For lovers of sharpness - 1 head. Barbaris - a few grains. Cumin (zira) also sprinkles a little during cooking. You can also use turmeric, dried tomatoes, chili, raisins, dried herbs (basil, parsley, dill, marjoram) and other spices and condiments. Condiments, like chords, must be skillfully combined. If you are not sure about the condiments, buy a special mixture for pilaf. Just make sure there are no harmful taste enhancers. pilaf in a multigar with pork

The preparation process: in the Kazanka and in the multivariate

We heat the cauldron with a small amountvegetable oil and pour onions there. When he finds a golden hue, we put meat into it and then carrots. Strongly salt. After the meat has become soft, pour rice and give some time for roasting. Mix the dry rice with meat and add spices and garlic. Fill all with steep boiling water and leave to steam for about half an hour. Do not open the lid! To water does not evaporate, pour the right amount, over rice should be about 2-3 "finger" of water. After the rice is soft, turn off the heat and allow the pilaf to steep for 10 minutes. Pilaf with pork in the multivarque is prepared the same way. Over time, you will be able to determine the timer. Roasting of vegetables and meat is done with the lid open in the "Frying" mode for about 5-10 minutes. After laying rice and water, the multivark is put on the "Quenching" mode for 40 minutes and tightly closed with a lid. Undoubtedly, the recipes for cooking pilaf are as many as the cooks themselves. Do not be afraid to experiment, and you will definitely get a delicious dish.

