rassolnik recipe To date, recipes rassolnikathere is a great variety: with pearl barley, rice, buckwheat, mushrooms, vegetables. If before the hostess cooked the soup mainly on the basis of broth prepared from the giblets of young lambs or calves, less often used the guts of the goose, chicken or turkey, then modern cooks make it from beef, pork, some on bones. A delicious rassolnik about a quarter consists of a cucumber pickle, which is why it is very tender, slightly salty, with a barely perceptible sourness. The dish is usually served with sour cream, mayonnaise and black rye bread. However, in the times of Ancient Rus, pies with liver fillings and fish pies were specially baked to him. Despite the fact that the soup rassolnik is not too difficult to prepare, nevertheless, in order to weld it correctly, it is necessary to memorize several rules. For example, it is very important to observe certain proportions between the number of pickled cucumbers, pickle, and products that act as neutral absorbers, such as potatoes and cereals. If desired, the dish can be made without using the latter. Each method has its own advantages, so you, as a landlady, decide which recipe for a pickler should be preferred. We, in turn, set ourselves the task of prompting and directing readers in the preparation of this satisfying and incredibly appetizing dish. Right now, let's look at each option separately. You will learn how to make a mushroom pickle, when it is better to add a pearl barley, how to prepare it in advance, and similar subtleties. We promise, we will reveal all the secrets of delicious food.

Meat rassolnik with celery

Each hostess prepares rassolnik in own way: some prefer to make broth from chicken meat, others from turkey or pork. If there is neither one nor the other, you can cook soup from the bones or giblets of poultry. We offer to master a simple recipe, which is in force not only for experienced culinary specialists, but also for beginners. For piquancy and a beautiful shade, let's add a little tomato paste to the dish. You'll see, it will be very appetizing. Serve rassolnik recommended with sour cream, cream or mayonnaise. Ingredients: Rassolnik:

  • 3000 milliliters of purified water
  • 320 grams of beef
  • 0.5 cups of pearl barley
  • large carrot
  • celery root - one piece
  • table salt - to taste
  • one root of parsley
  • fifteen grams of butter
  • two potatoes - if desired (in rassolnik with cereals do not necessarily add this vegetable)
  • tablespoon of tomato paste
  • three medium salted cucumber
  • one chicken yolk
  • 200 milliliters of cucumber brine
  • 50 milliliters of sour cream
  • Laurel leaves and sweet pepper - if desired


  • ten grams of fresh parsley or dill

Cooking method: In the traditional version, prepare a pickle without tomato paste, but we will add it for color and taste. Just do not buy an acid refueling, otherwise you risk ruining the food. In addition, the highlight of the recipe is the yolk, which is introduced at the very end. This procedure is a bit like cooking a green borsch, because it also puts eggs. In fact, it is impossible to say how to properly cook an appetizing rassolnik, because each option has the right to exist and has its own characteristics. Only after having tested "on yourself" several different ways, you can choose the one that most will please both you and your relatives. We offer to embark on a culinary journey with us. In the process of trial and search, we promise, you will not only pick up, but also learn how to quickly prepare the best rassolnik. So, in the first stage, you should cook the broth. To do this, rinse a piece of meat well and put it in a saucepan, then pour in cold water, lightly season with salt and put on slow fire. Periodically remove excess foam, after about 40-45 minutes the beef will be ready. Try it, if it is soft enough to taste, it means that you can safely do the rest of the ingredients. Boil rassolnik better from pre-steamed pearl barley, so it will be much faster. Therefore, in advance - for three to four hours, and ideally it is recommended to do this from the night - place the croup in a bowl with water. After pour off excess liquid, rinse the product and put it in a saucepan with meat. The latter is removed, cut into medium pieces and sent back to the pickle. Now peel the onions, carrots and chop them with small cubes. Then pass in the melted butter, when the vegetables will become soft, enter the finely chopped roots of parsley and celery. At the very end, add the tomato paste, if the roast turns too thick, try to dilute it with hot broth. Stir the mass thoroughly and place it in a saucepan. Add potatoes, cut into small pieces, and cucumbers. Cook for about 25 minutes on a minimum flame, do not forget to salt and spice the dish. For these purposes, black peppercorns, coriander, bay leaves are perfect, you may have your own proven method of flavoring the dish. While rassolnik languishes, pour into a small bowl of concentrated cucumber water and bring it to a boil. Then strain and enter into the soup, here add sour cream, pre-rubbed with egg yolk. Keep rassolnik on the stove for another ten to fifteen minutes, after cooling, pour it into plates and decorate with chopped greens. Bon Appetit! rassolnik

Rassolnik with sturgeon

Let us share another recipe of the rassolnik - onthis time we'll make soup from fish. You can use any product, eel, pink salmon, pike-perch, whitefish are excellent, but we propose to master another option: with sturgeon. By the way, to prepare a satisfying rassolnik quickly, without spending too much time on it, buy a fillet that does not have to be cut. A simple and hearty soup is an ideal variant of a hot first course. Now you have an excuse to gather the whole family at the same table. Ingredients:

  • 350 grams of sturgeon
  • salt
  • one large carrot
  • bulbous bulb
  • Eight peas of black pepper
  • the root of parsley and celery - one piece
  • a little vegetable oil
  • three bay leaves
  • 250 grams of pickled cucumber
  • brine cup
  • greenery

Cooking method: If you decide to prepare a pickle from a whole fish, first clean it and carefully gut. Remove fins, tail, then put into a saucepan and pour a little salted water. Boil the fillet soup will be easier: just chop it into large pieces and put it on the fire. When the liquid boils, reduce the flame and continue to cook, on average this procedure takes about 50 minutes. Add a bit of fragrant pepper, a few laurel leaves to the broth - these ingredients will make the rassolnik fragrant and insanely appetizing. Peel the onion and chop it into a saucepan. By the way, soup can be cooked with whole vegetables - just before serving, remove it from the dishes. Cut thin croquet of celery root and greens, as well as carrots, after fry them in a sauté pan with butter. The resulting mass, along with cut pieces of cucumbers, enter into the dish, then pour out the amount of brine indicated in the recipe. The latter is recommended to boil and drain beforehand, which will increase the shelf life of the food. In the days of our great-grandmothers in the rassolnik necessarily added beetroot, today to replace it came other roots. Modern housewives use a trouser, turnips, leeks, for flavor introduce savory, tarragon, parsnip. In winter, when fresh greens are still quite expensive, you can cook meat and vegetable rassolnik with dried parsley and dill. A perfect addition to the hot soup will be a crust of black Borodino bread and sour cream.

Rassolnik "Vegetable" with cucumbers and buckwheat

Want to learn how to boil rassolnik? Then you went to the right page. Especially for fans of cooking we have collected a whole collection of both simple and more original recipes. For adherents of classical solutions, soup from pearl barley and kidneys will suit, and those who are not afraid to experiment in the kitchen will surely appreciate a rassolnik with squid or, for example, beans and bacon. We'll get to this a little later, and now we'll stop on making soup from buckwheat groats. Ingredients:

  • bulb - one piece
  • four tubers of potatoes
  • 200 grams of pickled cucumber
  • carrots - one piece
  • ten grams of butter
  • two or three large buckwheat spoons
  • root of fresh parsley - add to taste
  • Salt and spices (black pepper, laurel and others) - all at your discretion

For serving dishes:

  • ten grams of homemade sour cream (per serving)
  • dill

Cooking method: In ordinary rassolnik it is customary to add a pearl barley. Significantly save time cooking will help the following method: soak the rump in cold water a few hours before the start of the culinary action. At the same time, if you want to reduce the caloric content of food or make it easier, it is recommended to exclude potatoes, and for broth it is better to choose a tender, low-fat meat or to get along with one vegetables. As you can see, lots of recipes, for example, chicken and vegetarian rassolnik recommended to cook with rice, while for the dish of duck and goose giblets is more suitable for barley. So, when starting culinary creativity, consider these nuances. And now back to the above-mentioned dish of buckwheat. This soup consists solely of vegetables, so you do not have to waste time cooking the broth, which will save you time in the kitchen. So, first clean and cut into medium pieces of potatoes, and carrots and pickled cucumbers - lobules. Then chop as little as possible the root of parsley and onions. Warm up the butter in the saucepan and pass the vegetables (except cucumbers) in it for ten to twelve minutes until they become soft and change color. Pour the roast into boiling water and lay the potatoes here. Soup should be cooked on minimum heat, stirring occasionally. Add to the dish a few leaves of laurel, sweet pepper, if desired, you can introduce your favorite spices for flavor. As for cucumbers, there are two options. The first - just cut them into pieces and add to the pickle. It will also be very delicious if the product is cleaned of seeds, cut off the skin, finely chopped and fried in butter for about three minutes. When you can, combine the vegetable with the rest of the ingredients. As already mentioned at the beginning, the 1/4 soup consists of a concentrated salted cucumber solution. Add it to the boiling broth only after the proper preparation procedure: on a low heat, bring the brine to a boil, then let it cool and strain with a fine sieve. When you can, pour the broth into the pickle and cook the dish under the lid for another five to seven minutes. Serve it on the table, sprinkle each serving with fragrant chopped dill, and put sour cream in a separate bowl. We wish you a delicious meal and a great mood. recipe for pickle

Rassolnik based on beans and bacon

Along with different varieties of ears andsoup rassolnik refers to the first dishes of an unauthorized type. Interestingly, before it was called "kalya" and put on the table with fish pies or specially made for the meal liver pies. However, over time, not only the form of the dish was gradually changed, but also the recipe itself. Let's look at one of the modern versions of soup brewed from bacon and beans. Ingredients:

  • fifteen grams of sweet and sour tomato paste
  • 300 grams of red beans (if desired, can make rassolnik of canned beans)
  • two small carrots
  • refined vegetable oil
  • 120 grams of bacon (also in rassolnik you can add a little bacon)
  • 150 grams of pickled cucumbers
  • several sprigs of coriander
  • a couple of large potatoes
  • Bay leaf
  • bulb - one piece

Cooking method: Traditional rassolnik includes pearl barley, but we will use only potatoes. If you want the soup to come out thick and rich, take two or three tubers, otherwise we recommend limiting ourselves to one, but large enough in size. As for the seasonings, we note that the most suitable are: coriander, black pepper, tarragon, and also the laurel leaf familiar to everyone. Choose seasonings on your own and do not forget to add them to rassolnik, because it makes the dish more flavorful and appetizing. So, when planning to make soup, pour the beans with cool water from the evening and leave it insisted for five to seven hours. In the morning remove excess liquid, rinse the beans and put them into a saucepan. Of course, this rassolnik is prepared for a long time, but it turns out to be incredibly tasty. If you do not want or do not have the opportunity to give the dish an hour and a half, use canned beans. Note that it should be added to the pickle along with the rest of the ingredients. Let's return to the first variant: pour the beans with two liters of salted water, mixed with vegetable oil, and cook over a small fire for 60 minutes. Bacon cut into thin strips, frying it in a frying pan, enter the product in the pickle. Then chop the cleaned potatoes with pickles and pickled cucumbers and pour them into the pot. Now comes the turn of the bay leaf and seasonings. Wash the carrots washed on a grater, then finely chop the onion. Rinse vegetables in vegetable oil with tomato paste, if necessary dilute them with hot broth. After that, enter the resulting roast with chopped cilantro into a boiling rassolnik and cook for a short time. Try the taste of potatoes, vegetables, if they are soft, this means that the soup is ready. Remove the bay leaf from it, if necessary, season with salt and cover on the table. To decorate the rassolnik, you can use any greens, and make the taste more gentle sour cream. We hope that the meal will take place in a pleasant spiritual atmosphere.

Seafood pickle

We suggest a little experiment andcardinally change the classic rassolnik. Surely this version of the dish is familiar to a few. Usually, broth for soup is cooked from meat ingredients: beef and pork, home or shop chicken, turkey, duck, giblets. There are recipes with smoked sausage, sausages, sausages. Lovers of healthy vegetarian food prefer vegetable soups. But the rassolnik, which will be discussed right now, will attract the admirers of seafood. Would you like to try a dish of squid fillets and pickled cucumbers? Then let's dwell on how to cook it properly. Ingredients:

  • 580 grams of boiled squid fillets
  • not more than100 grams of pearl barley
  • 700 grams of potatoes
  • 150 grams of carrot
  • bulbs - three pieces
  • 40 grams of parsley root
  • 190 grams of light-salted cucumber
  • oil (rassolnik can be made on the basis of olive or creamy product)
  • three pinch of salt
  • condiments - if desired
  • 1/3 cup brine

Cooking method: To quickly and without problems make a fragrant rassolnik, first you need to sort out and thoroughly wash the pearl barley. Groats will boil much faster if it is soaked in advance, so pour the barley with water and leave for several hours. After pour into a colander, wait until it drains, and put into a saucepan with barely salted boiling water. The product will be ready in about half an hour, check it for taste, if it is soft, then you can turn off the fire and get the rump. Drain the pearl barbecue and pour it into the pickle. Now let's look at the procedure for preparing the soup. First, peel the carrots from the peel, then cut it into strips, just treat the parsley. Onion chop the medium-sized semirings. Add pickled vegetables to the rassolnik, so fry them in oil until soft. Then chop the cucumbers into cubes, and the potatoes - with medium slabs. Put all the ingredients in a pot of boiling water, here add a couple of sprigs of greens, pepper and bay leaf. At the very end, put in rassolnik in advance prepared groats and solution from cucumbers. In each serving plate, put strips of boiled squid, cut into strips, pour the soup and sprinkle it with herbs. Thanks to these recipes, you now know how to prepare a rassolnik, having spent a minimum of time on it. Agree, each of the dishes offered is unique. Hardcore meat-eaters will like beef soup, but vegetarians, most likely, will give preference to vegetable dessert with cereals. If you make a pickle from a pearl barley, do not be too lazy to soak it in water, in this case the cooking procedure will be reduced by almost half. Rice and buckwheat do not require this approach - enter them directly into the boiling broth. Let your menu be delicious and varied. Spoil your loved ones with an appetizing pickle, the recipe of which you will like most.

