recipe for mushroom soup cream What is not cooked from mushrooms?housewives and experienced chefs! Mushroom dishes are great: mushrooms can be salted, stewed, fried, baked with them pies, cooked of them julienne and, of course, soups that are not limited to just one all-known mushroom. Mushroom cream soups are now very popular. It is difficult to find such a person who would refuse a portion of cream soup, especially from mushrooms, because this soup is liked by everyone without exception. Therefore, now a serving of this soup can be ordered in almost any catering institution, whether it is a restaurant, a cafe or simply a dining room. And what is most surprising, this dish is difficult to spoil, so almost everywhere it is remarkable for its delicious taste. In addition, mushroom cream soup can be very simply and quickly cooked at home, and any beginner mistress will cope with its preparation. Most often the recipe assumes the addition of either white mushrooms or champignons. Champignons are now available for purchase throughout the year and almost at any grocery store or supermarket, and the rest of the ingredients are always found in every home. Therefore, if you have not yet cooked a mushroom cream soup, it is highly recommended to correct and prepare this most delicious dish. We will show you how to make it, and you can choose the recipe you like best. delicious mushroom cream soup

The easiest recipe for cream soup

There are many ways to prepare mushroomcream soups. The main recipe contains a certain set of ingredients, but someone cooks on a meat broth, someone adds milk, not cream, and someone else also cheese. Here is the simplest and delicious recipe for this soup. In addition to it, you can cook garlic breadcrumbs. It will be very tasty. To prepare soup, we need the following ingredients: 2.5 liters of water, 5 bay leaves, 1 onion, 4 potatoes, 2 carrots, 300-350 g of champignons, spices to taste, 300 ml of cream 20%, 2 tablespoons of flour. Pour into the pan water and bring to a boil, put there laurel leaves, so that the taste of the broth was more intense, salt, pepper. Onion, potatoes, carrots cut into small pieces, put them in a pot of boiling water and cook. Meanwhile, the mushrooms are fried in olive oil until ready for 10 minutes, and then add them to the pan with the vegetables already cooked. All thoroughly mix and hold on fire for another 5 minutes. The fire is quenched and the mixture is cooled. Cool the cooled mixture with a blender, put it back on the fire and pour in the cream. Flour the fry in a pan until golden brown and add to the soup. So cream soup of mushrooms will be thicker. Here is the dish and it's ready! Now let's start cooking crackers. Many, of course, prefer to buy ready-made biscuits with different flavors. But cooked at home is much more delicious. To do this, we need a loaf (better not very fresh), garlic (the more, the better) and a little olive oil. Baton cut into cubes, and garlic very finely shred. All this is put on a baking tray, smeared with olive oil, and put into the oven. It remains only to wait for the crackers to turn golden. It will be better if cooked biscuits immediately put in a large plate, while we must try to separate from them pieces of garlic. Now croutons can be served along with the soup. Champignon cream soup

Recipe for gourmet soup

Consider another refined recipecooking cream soup, but already with the addition of additional ingredients. To such soup it will be necessary to prepare additional cheese sticks. We need the following ingredients: 100 ml of white dry wine, 300 g of processed cheese, 100 g of hard cheese, 150 g of bacon, 350 g of champignons, 200 ml of cream 20%, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 tablespoon of flour, pepper, salt, grated nutmeg to taste. For cheese sticks you will need: 500 g of puff pastry (unleavened), 70 g of hard cheese, 1 egg. First we will prepare cheese sticks. Cut the dough into six rectangles. Beat the egg and grease the dough. Three pieces of dough should be sprinkled with grated cheese and cover these pieces with the three remaining ones. We got a thin cake with a cheese layer. This pie should be cut into strips about 1 cm wide, and these strings are twisted in a spiral. We put the obtained spirals on confectionery paper, oiled. Bake should be on a baking sheet at a temperature of 180 ° for 10-12 minutes. Now let's start preparing the soup. Cut the bacon and fry it in a pan without adding oil to a crunchy state and put it on a plate. Champignons cut into small pieces, hard cheese rubbed on a grater. Pour olive oil into a saucepan and fry mushrooms on it. Then add there 1 spoon of flour, mix and pour water. Cool the resulting mixture and grind it in a blender. Then put the soup on the fire again and mix it with wine and cream. When the mixture boils, add grated cheese, melted cheese and fried bacon. Bring the soup to a boil and cook for 3 more minutes. Seasonings, salt and nutmeg are added to taste. Serve to the table with cheese sticks. recipe mushroom cream soup from champignons

The soup recipe for chicken broth

The recipe for cream soup on chicken broth suggeststhe presence of the following ingredients: 500 g of champignons, 2 medium bulbs, 600 ml of chicken broth, 200 ml of cream 20%, 70 g of butter, 2 tablespoons of flour, pepper, salt, spices to taste. Mushrooms and onions cut into small pieces and fry in vegetable oil. The prepared mixture is put in a blender dish, filled with chicken broth (100 ml) and crushed. In a saucepan, melt the butter, add the flour there and fry for 2 minutes. Further, very slowly, start pouring the remaining broth into the pan, and then blending in the blender mixture. Salt, pepper and spices add to taste, bring to a boil and cook for another 7 minutes. After that, pour in the cream, again bring to a boil and put out the fire. Our fine soup is ready. We have considered three variants of preparation of a mushroom cream soup. All of them are absolutely not difficult to prepare, they will not take you much time and will not require any specific skills of the cook. But your family, guests or friends will be satisfied and delighted with your culinary skills and more than once will be asked to prepare you this wonderful mushroom soup cream or ask for a prescription.

