How we taught my daughter to read- Mom, tell me what to do!Nastya flatly refuses to go to bed without a fairy tale, and I come home from work tired, and there’s nothing to say about Oleg – he’s also exhausted during the day. There’s so much to do around the house, and I don’t have time for anything! – Sveta, have you thought about teaching Nastenka to read on her own and just giving her her favorite book for half an hour before bed? And let her read to herself, and you take care of the house. – Mom, what are you saying! She’s not even four yet, how can she learn to read? She’ll learn it at school. And it’s long and tedious: remember how dad taught me using advanced methods? Open syllables, closed syllables, phonemes… It’s not for nothing that he’s been teaching at a university for half his life – how many tears have been shed and nerves have gone! And we both smiled, remembering the picture: a disheveled dad with a pointer in his hands and a tearful Svetka. - But it was good for you - remember how all the teachers at school praised you? And then you graduated with honors and now you work for a good publication. By the way, talk to Natalia, she runs your family column, maybe she can recommend something? After all, over all these years, they've probably come up with something better!Nastenka is learning to readThen the conversation moved on to other topics, but my mother’sthe words stuck in my memory, and the next day after the meeting with the editor-in-chief, I took Natalya aside. "Natasha, I have a serious problem. Advise me as an expert. I really don't know what to do," I said, pouring coffee into mugs. "What, has Oleg really gone on a bender?" Natalya became alarmed. "Oh, no, what are you saying! We are in perfect harmony, knock on wood. I don't have enough time for Nastenka in the evenings, there's nothing to do with her, the child is bored. Mom advised, this is a relief for me, and she needs it in her life.But how to do this, I have no idea. I'm not a teacher, and she's still a real bug - I'm afraid we won't cope. Do you know any effective method? - Well, you've created a problem for me! I thought something had happened, and here we have a five-minute conversation. There is one very good new, is called "I Read Easily".The idea was invented by teacher Evgeny Chaplygin. Teaching reading with the help of wooden cubes. We had a big article about it. - Natasha, how new is it?! These cubes are turning a hundred years old at lunchtime, give me some useful advice, or I'll leave! - Let me finish! They don't use simple cubes there, but dynamic ones. At these words, I imagined dynamite sticks with letters that children play with. Seeing the obvious misunderstanding written on my face, my friend explained: - Dynamic - in the sense of rotating, two cubes are connected by special platforms in such a way that the letters immediately form syllables. And the child understands what kind of word it is, there is no need to cram letters and sounds. Already at the first lesson, he himself puts together words. Don't make such a face - the method is excellent, last year in Moscow it won a gold medal at a toy exhibition! At lunchtime, I went to, I looked and couldn’t resist – I immediately ordered itorder. The method turned out to be simple and clear, how could anyone not have thought of it before! Well, hold on, Anastasia Olegovna, very soon you will be reading me fairy tales!

