I would like to suggest two ways howcook duck in pieces. For those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and for everyone else. On holidays, especially New Year and Christmas, roast duck is a classic dish, but it is not suitable for everyone. When steamed, the dish turns out just as tasty as with the traditional method of cooking by frying, and even "ulcer sufferers" can enjoy it. Duck in pieces can also be cooked in foil, in the oven or in a fashionable multicooker. It takes 3 hours to cook both dishes, taking into account that the meat is pre-marinated.
Duck slices, steamed
To prepare the dish you will need:
- knife - preferably sharp;
- hammer for beating meat;
- spice;
- fruits - apple or orange. It is better to take green apples with a sour taste.
It is best to cut pieces of meat from duck thighs.and breast. It is leaner there. Then it is cut across the grain - the pieces should be the size of ¼ of a palm - and lightly beaten. Next, each piece is rubbed with a mixture of salt and allspice, which must first be ground or bought ready-to-use. The prepared semi-finished products are placed tightly in a container, lined with sliced apple - there is no need to peel the apple, or orange slices - the film on each slice should be torn. The meat is marinated in apples or orange for 1-2 hours. During this time, the container should be put in the refrigerator, covered with cling film. Salt and pepper are added by eye. Their amount depends on how many portions the dish is designed for. Since the food is dietary, you should not overuse these seasonings. After the duck pieces have been marinated, all the ingredients that were used to add flavor to the dietary dish are removed. The meat is placed on the steamer basket, and the regulator is set for 1 hour. If after the allotted time the duck pieces are not soft enough - the bird turned out to be a little older than expected - they can be turned over and 10-20 minutes more can be added so that the dish "comes to life". Orange for the marinade is chosen by those who like sweeter meat, apple - by those who prefer sourness. This dish can be served with apple or orange sauce, which was prepared taking into account the fact that the dish is dietary. Preparation of fruit sauces The zest is grated from a whole orange - the very top layer, the orange itself is squeezed out, obtaining juice. Stir in the zest, add a little salt, allspice and put on the fire. To prepare the sauce - 5-7 minutes of evaporation of the liquid. For greater viscosity of the sauce during evaporation, you can add a piece of duck fat. It is even easier to prepare apple sauce for poultry. You need to put half a kilo of sliced apples without peel and seeds on the fire, add half a glass of water and a spoon of lemon juice, sugar and salt to taste. Simmer until thickened. 5-7 minutes, and the sauce is completely ready.
Duck cooked in foil
It will be very tasty if you use it for cookingdishes use foil, wrapping the pieces of poultry in it. This dish can be cooked both in the oven and in a multicooker. The duck is cut into pieces, removing the entrails, they are thoroughly washed and marinated in spices. The necessary spices are:
- salt
- sweet pepper
- ground bitter pepper
The use of other seasonings can be suggested by taste and imagination. It is worth considering:
- nutmeg;
- garlic;
- dried dill and parsley;
- carnation;
- grated ginger;
- pepper mixture.
If the duck is baked with apples, add nutmegcloves will be enough. All other seasonings are calculated for the fact that the duck pieces will be baked with onions. Onions can be marinated in vinegar in advance, or you can take fresh ones and cut into rings. Apples are cut into large slices, the skin is not peeled. The core with seeds is removed. For 1 bird, 2-3 medium sour apples are enough. The Simirenko variety or winter apples are well suited. The sliced and washed pieces are laid out in a dish with the desired set of spices, onions or apples, everything is covered with film and left in a cold place for 1-2 hours. Then the marinated pieces are carefully sorted into pairs. Those in which the meat is lean are combined with fatter ones. For example, a wing and a back, a thigh and a breast. A couple of apple slices or chopped onions from the container in which the duck was marinated are also laid out in foil. The foil should be wrapped especially carefully so that the juice does not leak out during cooking. Then carefully packed bundles are laid out on a sheet in 1 layer or in a multicooker bowl - laying in 2 layers is allowed. Baking time is approximately 1.5 hours. Preheat the oven to 170-180 degrees, set the "Bake" or "Fry" mode in the multicooker. In modern multicookers it is called differently. You need to focus on this - this function is set for baking. Usually an hour and a half is enough to bring the dish to readiness, but if in doubt, the tenderness of the meat can be checked during cooking. Do not unwrap the foil. It is enough to pierce the bundle with a toothpick. If it easily enters the piece, the meat is ready. You need to take the bundles out of the oven immediately after cooking is complete so that the duck does not dry out. In the multicooker, they can lie on the "Heat" mode until serving. Place the pieces on plates directly in the foil, without unwrapping, so that the most delicious part, the gravy, does not leak out. Duck cooked in pieces cooks much faster than whole duck, and it is very convenient to serve. You do not have to fiddle with a hot bird, trying to divide it into portions and trying not to get dirty. And the taste of this dish is not inferior to the taste of traditional duck with apples.