obstructive bronchitis To our great regret, our children periodicallysick, and if an adult can say about his ailment, then the child at an early age will not say anything. And older children can not always assess their condition objectively. Therefore, we recommend that you constantly monitor your child and carefully study all unusual phenomena. And one of the most common problems with child health is a cough. It is cough that is the symptom of a variety of diseases. One such disease is bronchitis. This is what we will talk about in this article. Obstructive bronchitis in children can be severe, especially if the disease is started. As a rule, it begins imperceptibly with a rare cough, which is not always recognized as a symptom. In addition to coughing at the first stages of the development of the obstructive bronchitis, there are no symptoms suggesting the disease, But after a very short time, the following symptoms appear:

  • Coughing

As the disease progresses, a slight cough develops into a severe, debilitating cough. Especially strongly coughing pierces the child at night, practically depriving him of a normal sleep.

  • Runny nose

Parents of their parents are unlikely to be surprised - everyone has become accustomed to snotty noses of children. However, in some cases, the runny nose may indicate not about banal ARVI, but about bronchitis.

  • Redness of throat

In addition to the common cold, bronchitis is often accompanied by reddening of the throat. Therefore, if your crumb complained of pain in the neck, be especially careful - a cough can appear at any time.

  • Increased body temperature

A rise in body temperature is also a very frequent companion of bronchitis. This is explained very simply - the inflammatory process and causes hyperthermia.

What is obstructive bronchitis?

First of all it is necessary to disassemble the concept itselfthis name. "Obstructive" comes from the word obstruction and means in translation - constriction, spasm or compression, the term bronxit comes from the word bronchus - this is the name of one of the lungs in the human body. So, if we combine these two concepts, then obstructive bronchitis is a spasm or constriction of the bronchi, as a result, the accumulated mucus can not go outside, which hinders breathing. If the pediatrician has diagnosed obstructive bronchitis treatment, it is necessary to start treatment immediately and direct it to weakening of bronchial spasm, so that the body can withdraw phlegm. In the period of such treatment, we advise you to maintain immunity, i. "Raise" it with the help of additional drugs. Such medications include: Interferon; Viferon and a number of other immunostimulating agents. Bronchitis in children can be accompanied by several types of cough: dry cough, sometimes with a pronounced whistling and a wet cough. For each of these types of cough, there are special medicines. Therefore, consult with your doctor, with the help of which medication the best result will be achieved. Do not rely solely on your strengths and knowledge in the treatment of a child, improper treatment can lead to overflow of the disease in more severe stages or the appearance of side effects in any other place. Especially dangerous is recurrent obstructive bronchitis. It is much heavier, and the health consequences can be much more dangerous. First, the child's lung function is significantly deteriorating, as a result of which the baby's bronchitis occurs more and more often. Secondly, the immune system suffers. And thirdly, in especially severe cases, there is a risk that bronchial asthma will develop. Therefore, you can not leave the bronchitis without attention in any case. If the child has started coughing, be sure to pay attention to it. With improper or inadequate treatment of the disease, it can flow into a chronic form, which will entail constant problems in the overall well-being of the person. These problems include: insufficient ventilation of the pulmonary system, resulting in constant dyspnea with insignificant exertion, acute cough, inflammation of the bronchi, and others. bronchitis obstructive in children


There are several general recommendations for obstructive bronchitis in children:

  • Treatment of such a disease should be rapid and effective

With the common cold, many of us until the lastavoid the use of antibiotics, as they disrupt the intestinal microflora. In this case, it is better not to use this principle. The consequences of obstructive bronchitis in children can be very negative. To help with the recovery of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract you will receive such drugs as: Linex, Bifidobacterin or liquid bifidobacteria.

  • The appearance of wheezing in the bronchi means an abundant accumulation of mucus, which the body can not infer independently

In that case, you should help him a little. To do this, it is necessary to thin the mucus. The inhalation is most effective with dilution. At inhalation do not use means suppressing a cough, they only will harm, as it is not necessary to apply coniferous inhalations as they in overwhelming majority provoke a new attack of spasms and cough. Inhalations should contain alkaline solutions, which may be mineral. If there are no allergic reactions to these solutions, essential oils can be added. It is best to consult a doctor about the use of a given inhalation drug.

  • Necessarily it is necessary to wash out a nasopharynx

Optimum will be the preparations containing silverto combat the common cold and the multiplication of bacteria and viruses. Direct washing is also carried out with saline solution, Borzhomi and with silver containing agents. To restore nasal breathing, vasoconstrictive drugs are used, such as tizin, oxymetazoline and others. Nasal drops can not be used for a long time - this can lead to atrophy or hypertrophy of the nasal membrane.

  • If a child has a high fever, it is necessary to comply with bed rest before normalizing this temperature

Diet in this period should be dairy -vegetable, rich in vitamins, drinking, - tea, mors. Hot milk with Borjomi is abundant. Antipyretics should be given only when the body temperature exceeds 38.5 ° C. The most optimal drug in this case is paracetamol. Amidopyrine, antipyrine, phenacetin for children can not be given. It is not recommended to use aspirin and analgin - they can give negative side effects.

  • Not the least role in the treatment of bronchitis is played by massage

To remove sputum remains effectivevibrating massage. In addition, the doctor can prescribe and postural massage. Very often parents ignore the massage, believing that it will not bring any significant effect. However, this is not so - massage helps the lungs and bronchi to get rid of sputum. The massage works very simply - by certain movements and exposure to the chest, the doctor causes the phlegm to separate from the bronchi and, accordingly, to go outside. And massage can help get rid of even a chronic cough. Therefore, massage is very effective for chronic bronchitis. But for this it is extremely important that the massage be done professionally. It is unlikely that the parents will be able to do the massage themselves properly. Therefore, in the event that the pediatrician has appointed your child a massage for the treatment of bronchitis, still do not give up on it. After all, massage can really help a child cope with the disease much faster.

  • Treatment of bronchitis is always only complex

The doctor prescribes vitamins that support the generala condition of an organism. And the food should be paid special attention. Eating a sick child should be easy at the same time, so as not to exert an additional burden on the body, but also nutritious. After all, the body must have the strength to fight the disease. Therefore, always discuss the nutrition of your child with your doctor. If the fever lasts more than three days, and respiratory insufficiency rises, treatment becomes more serious - antibacterial and antiviral therapy may be prescribed. Medicamental treatment is prescribed only by the attending physician - in no case do self-medication! obstructive bronchitis in children

Bronchitis in infants

In the event that bronchitis developed in the baby,parents should show the greatest care. Little babies up to a year are most vulnerable and bronchitis is much heavier. And the causes of bronchitis in these babies sometimes are much more serious. So, for example, sometimes the culprits of bronchitis are amniotic fluid that enter the baby's bronchi at birth. And this complication can make itself felt for a sufficiently long time - approximately until the end of the first year of the child's life. Of course, to cure bronchitis in a baby is not more difficult than for older children. However, remember that in infants up to a year to treat bronchitis on their own can in no case be impossible. No one can predict how the baby's body will react to this or that treatment, so it's not worth experimenting. Moreover - irrespective of what causes caused the development of bronchitis, doctors prefer to treat bronchitis in infants up to one year only in the hospital.

How to prevent a disease?

It is very important for parents to remember that the prevention of disease is a much more reasonable decision than its treatment. And the prevention of bronchitis is very simple. It consists of several stages:

  • Enhancing the immunity of a child

As you know, the main defender of a person is hisimmunity. The child is in a very interesting position - his immune system is not yet fully operational. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the immunity of the child, strengthening it in every possible way.

  • Tempering of children

Strictly speaking, this point follows fromprevious. After all, what can strengthen the immunity of a child better than hardening? However, remember the need to observe the measure - you should not go to extremes. Hardening should be gradual and stepwise. Do not pull the baby out of the sweater and pour cold water on the frost.

  • Timely treatment of ARI and ARI started

In about half of all cases of bronchitis, heis nothing more than a complication of banal cold or ARVI. Therefore, cough should be started to treat immediately after its appearance, not postponing for later. This is the best prevention of bronchitis. The appearance of a child with a hoarse cough, wheezing, whistling during breathing is a very disturbing sign. If they occur, immediately consult a doctor and make every effort to destroy the disease. The health of the child depends entirely on the parents, on their attention, diligence and careful care. We advise you to read:

