Piercing literally means "puncture".Today, it has become fashionable to pierce various parts of the body, and fantasy has gone much further than earrings in the ears. Lips, eyebrows and noses are in use. One of the most common is nose piercing. This type of piercing is especially popular among girls, because it allows you to draw additional attention to the face, but at the same time is not too conspicuous. A kind of highlight. The nose piercing procedure itself is not complicated and does not require special efforts and devices. The piercing is performed with a special needle, which will form a "path" for the earring. The pain of the puncture depends on the individual pain threshold of the person.
Piercing at home
You can get your nose pierced at homeconditions, if, of course, you like extreme sports. Despite the simplicity of the procedure, there is a risk of dire consequences. Of course, there are a few blood vessels on the wings of the nose, but there is no guarantee that you will not hit just such a vessel. Therefore, you should stock up on cotton wool, alcohol or another antiseptic and gloves. The puncture needle and earring must be disinfected beforehand. It is best to buy a sterile system at a pharmacy (it does not need to be disinfected), the main thing is to consider its diameter - it must match the diameter of the earring. The puncture process itself is simple:
- Treat the site of a future puncture with an antiseptic;
- Wrap the nostril as high as possible, so that the clasp of the earring in the future is not outside;
- Quickly make a puncture from the inside;
- Insert the earring into the opening of the catheter and carefully remove the needle;
- Rinse the puncture well and check that the earring keeps well and does not fall out.
Features of care for piercing
There are no particular difficulties in processing and caring forpiercing no. Until the puncture is completely healed, it must be treated with an antiseptic twice a day. Chlorhexidine solution is suitable as an antiseptic. You should not fiddle with or remove the earring.
Contraindications and consequences
Despite the simplicity of the procedure, it has contraindications and adverse effects. Nose piercing is contraindicated if:
- There is a risk of developing keloid formations in wound sites;
- There is an allergy to metals;
- Blood coagulability is broken or there are other blood related diseases (hepatitis, leukemia, diabetes);
- There are congenital heart diseases, kidneys, as well as the presence of bronchial asthma, sinusitis and skin diseases;
- There is a pregnancy or menstrual flow.
Even if you get your piercing done at a salon, there is a risk.complications such as swelling, infection and even blood poisoning. If an abscess occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor who will help find the root cause of the infection and suggest the right treatment. Sometimes a clear liquid, lymph, is released from the puncture. This is completely normal and can be removed with the help of a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide. Do not remove the piercing until the wound is completely healed, as this will only increase the risk of infection. Do not overuse creams and powders until the piercing has taken root. In any case, the main thing is proper care. Only then will a nose piercing, the consequences of which can be severe, not cause trouble. Unconventional types of nose piercing:
- Austin Bar - this unusual puncture is done at the tip of the nose horizontally, and during the piercing does not touch the cartilaginous septum.
- Sepptil is a puncture of the underside of the tip of the nose. It is made in the center towards the lower protrusion of the nose through a wider puncture.
- Bridge - a puncture in the region of the bridge of the nose. There is a vertical and horizontal breeches. As an ornament, an earring-rod is used.
There are also all sorts of combinations of piercing types, it's up to your imagination and courage! We recommend reading: