Let's face it: tattoos are becoming ever more firmly in our lives, having defeated the previous negative public opinion. Moreover, the application of tattoos has become just a craze: they are made by 15-year-old girls, 30-year-old women are putting on, ladies of Balzac's age put. Absolutely no one is surprised by all kinds of butterflies, dragons and flowers on different parts of the body of the fairer sex. Be that as it may, many girls who have made themselves a tattoo, or are disappointed in this idea, or are dissatisfied with the result. And then they have a natural question: how to get the tattoo from the body, without damaging the skin at the same time? And in general, is it possible to make sure that there is no trace left of the tattoo on the body?
Barbarian methods of tattoo removal
The fact is that to reduce the tattoo in the homeconditions so that no traces remain on the skin, it is impossible. It's sad, but to point the cursor at the tattoo, right-click and press "delete" you will not succeed. Even if you have just done a tattoo and the colors have not yet absorbed to the end - it's too late to rub and discolor the pattern. In the opposite case, all you earn is a dirty, smeared spot on the skin. It is better to go with any tattoo, not even with the most successful, than with such "beauty" on the body. Although - there are several "home" ways to remove tattoos from the body, and they all leave on the body the terrible scars and scars that will be present on the body throughout life. Among them there are two most popular methods - thermal burn with the help of potassium permanganate and a combination of thermal and chemical burns with the help of alkaline soap. The essence of both methods is that after a burn on the body an ulcer is formed, along with which the whole skin area involved in the tattoo is coming off. These absolutely brutal, artisanal ways are very dangerous for the skin and health in general, their consequences are subject to treatment by surgeons and dermatologists. Moreover, it is not at all a fact that after such terrible tortures the tattoo will come completely. But the fact that you can mutilate the skin area - a fact immutable!
Mechanical method of tattoo removal
In addition to home methods, you can remove the tattooin the same salon tattoo, either in the beauty salon, or in the medical clinic of aesthetic surgery. Believe me, getting rid of a tattoo costs a lot more money, time and effort than its application. However, if you are determined to take this step, we present you with several modern methods of removing tattoos from the body. In the vastness of our vast homeland, the most common mechanical method of reducing tattoos. Its essence lies in the fact that under local anesthesia, the patient is removed from the skin area on which the pattern is located. This is done by a special cutter with an abrasive surface, or a stone with a diamond coating. First remove the epidermis, then the rest of the skin layer by layer - until the entire tattoo has gone. Of course, on the site of the operation there is an impressive swelling, and after - a tremendous sore. The most unpleasant moment here is that the skin on the site of the tattoo should be kept in sterility until it is completely restored. The thing is that the wound after this operation heals very long (a couple of months), and therefore the skin in this place is subject to the risk of infection. Will there remain scars and scars on the site of the former tattoo - depends on how professional the expert is doing the surgery and whether you could save the wound from the infection.
Laser method of tattoo removal
Much more safe and successful methodgetting rid of tattoos is laser removal. Just a few years ago, such operations left very visible marks on the skin, because the principle of action was to apply a thermal burn to the right place. After the skin withered, along with the dry crust of the sores, the tattoo itself disappeared. A modern method of laser tattoo removal was invented in 2004 and it seriously differs from earlier methods. The fact is that scientists have taught the laser not to affect the entire area of the skin, but selectively - specifically, only on the coloring pigment. As a result, some of the paint granules evaporate, and a part breaks up into smaller particles, which are later taken out of the body on their own. This method is called - the method of selective photovoltaics. However, if you think that for one trip to the surgeon you will permanently get rid of an unsuccessful tattoo, then you are deeply mistaken. Sometimes you need a whole year to get rid of this trouble: first, the tattoo becomes slightly dull, then slowly begins to discolor - and so on until the pattern disappears completely. Moreover, the final result of photovoltaization depends on the following points:
So, selective photovoltaics - this isthe answer to a question, whether it is possible to deduce a tattoo, not leaving deep, not healing traces on a skin. So far this is the only available method for safely removing tattoos from the body. Fashion for the tattoo came to us from the United States, but few people know that about 50% of native printsmen regret that they once made the "mistake of youth" and dream of getting rid of tattoos. And if you already decided to make yourself a tattoo at any price, then approach this issue very carefully, starting with the choice of the drawing and ending with the professionalism of the master. Otherwise, unnecessary pain, money and nervous expenses you can not avoid.