hair extensions The hair was not so long ago something ofarea of ​​exoticism. But now the situation has changed dramatically. To date, hair extensions - a fairly popular cosmetic procedure, which is offered by many hairdressing salons. The desire to quickly change their image and make of a short hairstyle fluffy head of hair periodically occurs in almost every woman. There are different types of hair extensions: capsules - hot and cold, using clips and using adhesive tape.

Capsular buildup

With capsular hair extension over timeartificial strands spoil natural hair - they become weak and become brittle. Although it is fair to say that very much depends solely on the professionalism of the master who knows everything about hair extensions - which capsules to choose, how long will be the optimal length. To begin with, the craftsman must carefully select the locks for hair extension - they should be suitable not only in color and length, but also in structure. Otherwise, the hair extensions look unnatural. For such an extension, only natural hair is used, specially treated and sometimes painted. After selecting the appropriate strands the master will prepare your hair - they need to be washed with a special cleansing shampoo. Pay attention - before hair extensions, in any case you can not use any balms and shampoos. Then the hair is dried and stretched using a smoothing iron to even out their structure. And only after this you can start directly the hair extension itself. With the help of special hot tongs, a special capsule is formed, with which the strands are attached to the woman's hair. After hair extension, they must be treated again with ceramic ironing.


Hair extension with the help of clips is convenient in thatit is easy to carry out independently and to extend strands it is possible if necessary. And the hair looks very, very natural. Strictly speaking, the principle of hair extensions with the help of clips is similar to clip-earrings. At the end of a growing strand of hair is a special medical clamp, with which the lock is fixed to the woman's hair. Even a teenage girl can cope with this task - of course, with a certain skill. Incidentally, this method of building up to date is one of the cheapest. But remember that for this hair extension must be tough and perfectly healthy. And there is a very high risk that your hair can get in a bad way. hair extruded

Tape build-up

The most harmless and reliable way to transformshort haircuts in long locks are carried out by means of adhesive tape in millimeters thick with strands fixed to them. They are attached to the roots of hair and are covered with the same strip on the top, which makes the buildup absolutely imperceptible. With a professional selection of such strands do not differ from natural hair. But I would like to repeat again - the selection of strands should be really thorough, if you want to not just build up your hair, but get a really beautiful hairstyle. If the capsular extension can be carried out solely on the occipital part of the head, then the tape is also permissible on the parietal, which is especially important for individuals suffering from androgenetic alopecia, in which hair thinning occurs precisely in this zone. You can perform a partial build-up, which allows you to enrich the hair area of ​​the head, where there is a lack of density. The length will not change, but the volume will increase several times. Stretching with a sticky strip is suitable for stylish individuals who prefer all natural. After all, the procedure itself takes place without overheating the native hair and a wide range of colors and hair structure allows you to choose strands that are identical to your hair. After a certain time, the overhead strands are removed to update the sticky mass. After that, they can be used again - and so on until the hair does not lose its appearance.

Choose a good master

So, the decision is made - you sleep and see yourselfhappy owner of a luxurious mop of hair. And the main thing that you have to do is to choose a really good master. Hair extension is very delicate and requires experience, skill and skill. Otherwise, you will get a very bad result, the opposite of what you expected. Pay attention to the cost of services Very often the master is chosen exclusively at the cost of his services - the cheaper, the better. However, do not forget the old good proverb "Cheap fish - fucking yushka." Of course, not always cheap - it means bad. But, alas, in most cases this is really so. Low cost of hair extensions can be caused by several factors - either the master does not own the technique of hair extensions in perfection, or uses cheap consumables. The only exception to these rules are the young masters who have mastered the technique, and the materials use quality ones. But only experience is not enough. So, the circle of customers is not that great either. And it is for the acquisition of experience and the attraction of new clients that the services of such a master are much cheaper. But still find out in advance how much your hair is stretched in your region. If the cost is very different, give up the services of such a master - for sure he uses poor-quality materials. Look at the finished works Any self-respecting master - even a very young one - can show you examples of his previous works. If you did not have any photos at your request, you should not risk and build up this master. True, do not forget that an unscrupulous master can offer you different photos - how many are they on the Internet! Therefore, pay attention to the details of the interior, located behind the back of the model. So you can understand where these photos were taken. An exception is a master who works on a call, at home. Learn about the guarantees Ask the master what he gives guarantees. As a rule, the real masters of the case guarantee a certain time, during which the hair extensions do not lose their appearance. And in the event that this suddenly happens, the master will fix his erection errors completely free. How long this time period will last is hard to say. But the longer it is, the more the master is confident in his professionalism. types of hair extensions

Care for hair extensions

However, we must not forget that beauty andthe durability of your new hair depends not only on the master, but also on you, and directly. After all, care for hair extensions should be correct. We will tell you about it only in general terms, and more detailed recommendations will be given to you by your master. Special accessories The first thing you need to do is to purchase special care products for hair extensions. These are shampoos, balms, and combs. As a rule, they can be purchased from the master who dealt with your hair. Washing your hair and combing Are you used to washing your head by tilting it over a sink or bathtub? More it can not be done - the water should drain solely on the growth of hair. Simply put, you need to throw your head back. And you can comb your hair only with a special comb so that your hair does not lose its attractive appearance. Sleep Before going to bed, the hair must be collected in the tail or braided in a pigtail. About sleep with loose hair you should forget. In a word, hair extensions are an expensive and very troublesome pleasure. But who said that beauty is easy ?! We advise you to read:

