recipes with mozzarella cheese Mozzarella cheese is incredibly gentle and has a pleasant andnot quite usual for cheese consistency. Anyone who has tried it, in any case, will want to buy such a product again. And you can cook delicious dishes from this cheese. Below are the best recipes.

Mozzarella: what is it and how is it cooked

Before learning the recipes, study the product, fromwhich you are going to prepare different dishes. Mozzarella comes from Italy, where it was traditionally cooked from buffalo milk. But later they began to use the usual cow milk, which is more accessible and widespread. This product is sold most often in the form of balls of different sizes, soaked in salt brine. This cheese is not stored for long, but it is not necessary, because it is very tasty and quickly eaten. The mozzarella is produced in this way: in the first stage, whole milk is fermented with thermophilic lactic acid culture, and then coagulation occurs due to the rennet enzyme. After that, the mass is heated, the serum is separated. And the remaining composition is mixed until the necessary uniform elastic consistency is achieved. Periodically, this mass is heated, then cut into pieces, from which the balls are formed. And these balls for storage and put in a salt composition, which prolongs the shelf life. casserole with mozzarella

Hot dishes from mozzarella

We offer recipes of hot dishes made of mozzarella cheese. Chicken meatballs with mozzarella For preparation it is required:

  • 300 g of chicken breast,
  • 100 grams of mozzarella,
  • 1 egg,
  • 2 pieces of white bread (or rather a loaf),
  • 30 ml of cream,
  • 50-70 g of breadcrumbs,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil for frying.

So, to begin with, prepare the stuffing. To do this, pass the chicken fillet through a meat grinder. Roll the loaf for a short time (until softening) with cream, then mix it with minced meat and egg. Now from the stuffing form a cake, in the center of which put a ball of mozzarella. Then form a ball and roll it in breadcrumbs. Do the same with the rest of the stuffing. Fry the meatballs on the preheated vegetable oil until a ruddy golden crust appears. If desired, you can bake them, so it will be even better. Done! Casserole from potatoes with mozzarella To prepare this dish you will need:

  • 700 g of young potatoes,
  • 4 tomatoes,
  • 4 bunches of basil greens,
  • 4 cloves garlic,
  • 250-350 g of mozzarella cheese,
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil,
  • salt to taste.

Peel potatoes and cut into small cubes. Bottom the mold for baking with olive oil. Basil finely chop, chop garlic on a blender or using a garlic press. Now stir potatoes with salt, garlic and basil (leave it a little) and lay flattened in a pan. Send it all for 30 minutes to the oven, heated to 180 degrees. In the meantime, slice the tomatoes with thin rings and grate the mozzarella on the grater. Now put the tomatoes on the potatoes, then sprinkle all the mozzarella and basil. Bake the dish for 10-15 minutes until ready, then serve. caprese salad with mozzarella

Salads with mozzarella cheese

Recipes of salads with such cheese will also please any gourmet. Salad "Caprese" with ham For its preparation you need:

  • 300 grams of cherry tomatoes or 2 medium tomatoes,
  • 250-300 g of mozzarella cheese,
  • 200 grams of ham,
  • 50 ml of olive oil,
  • 2 bunches of basil greens,
  • 10 ml of balsamic vinegar (you can do without it or replace it with ordinary apple),
  • salt and pepper to taste.

First, prepare all the ingredients. Cut the tomatoes into cubes or slices. In the same way (by any chosen method) cut mozzarella. Basil just rip or cut (not finely). Cut the ham into small cubes. Now mix all the ingredients and season the salad with salt and vinegar, do not forget to salt and pepper it. Done, you can file. Salad of meat and vegetables with mozzarella Take the following ingredients:

  • 400 grams of meat (you can take half a beef, half a lean pork),
  • 1 sweet Bulgarian pepper,
  • 3 cloves garlic,
  • 1 fresh cucumber,
  • 2 tomatoes,
  • 200 grams of mozzarella,
  • 50 ml of olive oil,
  • 3 tbsp. spoonful of wine vinegar,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of hot ketchup,
  • 1 red onion,
  • 1 bunch of basil greens,
  • 70-80 grams of lettuce leaves.

Meat must be chopped, rubbed with oneclove garlic and cook on the grill. If you do not have a grill, wrap the meat with foil, rub it with garlic, and bake in the oven, and then cut it. Tomatoes, cucumbers and Bulgarian pepper (its free from seeds and cores) cut into cubes, in the same way cut and mozzarella. Cut the red onions into thin semirings. Just pick a salad. Mix all the ingredients. Now prepare the sauce. Mix olive oil, chili sauce and vinegar, adding salt, pepper, chopped garlic and finely chopped basil. Now with this sauce fill the mixture and mix it thoroughly. Salad is ready, you can serve it. Bon Appetit!

Baking with mozzarella

There are many delicious baked goods using mozzarella. The best recipes you can see below. Patties with mozzarella and salami To prepare such spicy pies you will need:

  • 500 g ready puff pastry (if you want, you can cook it yourself),
  • 100 grams of salami,
  • 250 grams of mozzarella,
  • 2 bunches of basil greens,
  • 200 g of cherry tomatoes,
  • 2 eggs,
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil,
  • 1 clove of garlic.

Tomatoes must be put on oileda pan and top, too, sprinkle them with oil. Send them for 10-15 minutes in the oven, heated to 160-170 degrees. Tomatoes should be soft, but do not fall apart. Salami cut slices, and basil chop. Cheese mozzarella should be grated on a large grater or cut into thin slices. Garlic should either be cut finely or finely, or passed through a garlic press. Roll the dough into a layer, divide this layer into rectangles of medium size (approximately 20x10 cm). In the center of each rectangle lay first salami, then tomatoes (they should be cut into rings), and then grated cheese and greens with garlic. Secure the edges of the dough by forming an envelope. Whip the egg, cover each patty with it. Fold the bottom of the pan for baking parchment, greasing it with olive oil. Spread the patties and send the baking tray to the oven, heated to 170 degrees, for about 20-30 minutes. Done! In conclusion, it only remains to add that there are other recipes using this gentle and soft cheese. And you can invent something of your own and experiment. Happy family with new dishes!

