diagnosis of mixed gastritis The combination of the occurrence of several at onceforms of gastritis are called mixed. The problem of correct diagnosis and treatment of this pathology is that it is often very difficult to determine this type. Since the simultaneous presence of hemorrhagic, hypertrophic, erosive and superficial forms does not give a clear picture of the disease.cream soup with gastritis

Causes and symptoms of the disease

The main cause of the disease isinfection of the body with the bacterium "Helicobacter pylori". The route of its infection can be both fecal-oral and contact-household. The primary stage is characterized by inflammation of the superficial layer of the gastric mucosa, and the further course of the disease gradually passes into the next chronic form. When the superficial type passes into the erosive one, damaged areas of the stomach walls are already visible - erosions. The acidity of the gastric juice in this case does not play a role, since they can appear both with increased and with decreased secretory function of the stomach. This form has a protracted chronic nature. The next complicated condition is the hemorrhagic type of mixed gastritis. At this stage, the blood vessels located on the walls of the stomach lose their strength and become brittle. As a result, pinpoint erosions and small foci of bleeding appear. The last hypertrophic form of mixed gastritis is characterized by the presence of thickened glands, which in turn lead to a modified state of the stomach walls - the emergence of thickenings, adenomas and cysts. The combination of 2 or more forms over a long period determines mixed chronic gastritis. The main symptoms of the disease:

  • unpleasant sensations in the epigastric region;
  • in the epigastric region a strong sensation of "sucking";
  • feeling of fullness of the stomach;
  • nausea, which may result in vomiting;
  • decreased appetite;
  • periodic dull or acute pain, giving to the left hypochondrium or back;
  • periodic belching;
  • bloating.

soft-boiled eggs with gastritis

Diagnosis and treatment of mixed gastritis

The effectiveness of treatment very often depends oncorrect and timely diagnosis. For this, gastroscopy and FGDS (fibrogastroduodenoscopy) are performed. FGDS is the main method for determining pathology, which uses a probe to examine the internal cavity of the stomach. After diagnosis, a treatment plan is determined. In particularly severe cases, the patient is observed by several specialists at once: a therapist, a gastroenterologist, an infectious disease specialist and a toxicologist. First of all, treatment is aimed at eliminating the factors that provoked the onset of the disease (poor nutrition, infection). Then drugs and a gentle diet are selected. The drug method includes a course of antibiotic treatment, the type of which depends on the form of the disease. Antiprotozoal drugs and drugs that normalize secretory function are also prescribed. If necessary, treatment is carried out with antispasmodics, astringents and enveloping agents, enzymes and drugs that accelerate the healing process of erosions.

Diet with mixed gastritis

Of no small importance on the road to recoveryhas a diet, the peculiarity of which is the refusal of many products that irritate the gastric mucosa. The consumption of salty, sour, spicy dishes, as well as tobacco and alcohol are prohibited. In addition, food should be boiled or steamed. Fried, smoked, fatty, cold and too hot food are completely excluded from the diet. It is prohibited:

  • Fatty, fried meat, brisket.
  • Rye bread, fresh buns.
  • Beans, lentils, pearl barley, barley and millet porridge.
  • Sour cream, hard cheese.
  • Mustard, horseradish, various sauces and seasonings.
  • Red and black pepper.
  • Chocolate, sweets.
  • Strong tea and coffee.

When preparing a dietary ration forA patient with chronic gastritis should focus on foods rich in vitamins and proteins. A deficiency of the former leads to a slow recovery of the stomach, and proteins are essential building material for its cells. When cooking first courses, it is better to use vegetable broths rather than meat ones and serve them in a pureed form. Porridges should be well boiled or mixed with vegetable puree, and fruits should be baked and peeled of seeds and skins. The softer the food, the more effective the treatment will be. It is allowed:

  • White poultry meat, veal and boiled fish (Protein).
  • Sunflower and soybean oil (Vitamin E).
  • Buckwheat and oatmeal (Vitamin B).
  • Milk, cottage cheese, yoghurt, curdled milk, cream.
  • Scrambled eggs.
  • Pumpkin, zucchini, tomatoes (peel off), beets, carrots, young peas, spinach.
  • Strawberries, raspberries, apples, wild rose and other fruits of sweet varieties.

A properly composed diet helps notnot only to a quick recovery, but also to the exclusion of repeated relapses. In addition, such separate and regular nutrition, not overloading the stomach, is the main preventive measure to prevent chronic gastritis.

