causes of genital warts in men According to the statistics of the last 10 years, genitalgenital warts in men appear with the same frequency as in the fair sex. Usually, these neoplasms are located on the areas around the genital organs, in the perianal region and rarely enough around the anus.

Causes of Genital Warts

Genital warts (warts) in menappear if the body is infected with the human papillomavirus or human warts virus, and not all of its variants, but only 6, 11, 16, 18, 33. There are several ways of infection with such a virus. In most cases, it occurs when you have sex with an infected person, and it does not have to be an anal contact. In heterosexual intercourse, too, infection can occur due to anatomical proximity of organs, the infection immediately spreads to the perianal region. Anal sex should not be discounted. According to the latest data, persons who practice anal sex are infected with the condyloma virus 5-8 times more often, in particular, with unprotected sexual intercourse. Another common cause of the appearance of genital warts is orogenital contact. With such contact, a woman carrying a virus on the mucous membrane of the mouth may well "reward" a man for them. Why do condylomas arise in most cases around the anus? And because he, like any other virus, "loves" rubbing and moisturized surface of the human body. The skin between the buttocks just "meets all the requirements" by more than 100%. And in cases where the rules of personal hygiene are not observed, such places are just a find for the virus. It is worth remembering that one virus is not enough to manifest genital warts. Of the 100 infected men, only 2-3 people have a disease. Often this happens because of the malfunctions of the body's immune system. man in consultation with a doctor

Causes of Weakening Immunity in Men

To the immune system failed, it is not necessarily the influence of some special factors, the reasons can be the most banal:

  • Sharp temperature changes, leading to overheating or supercooling of the body;
  • Systematic lack of sleep or frequent overwork;
  • Stressful situations, both in the family and at work (often found in the representatives of the stronger sex who occupy leadership positions);
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol, this includes the systematic use of low-alcohol and strong drinks;
  • Excessive love for fatty and meat dishes, rejection of fruits and vegetables, which are the main sources of vitamins and trace elements.

All these factors affect the state of yourhealth, and if several factors unite, they even lead to a sharp decrease in immunity. And in this case you are vulnerable to any disease, including the virus of the condyloma (papilloma) of a person. removal of genital warts

How does the first symptoms manifest?

Most of the infected people have a warts virusis in the incubation period from several weeks to nine months in the body. When the incubation period ends, there are first causes for concern: around the anus, there are characteristic neoplasms - genital warts. They have a grayish-pink color on the stem. Condyloma can be one, or several pieces can be located side by side. If your immunity is weakened, then condylomas can form so much that in appearance they will resemble cauliflower, closing the entrance to the anal canal. Condylomas can also be located around the genitals, in the inguinal folds and on the hips. If condylomas formed in the anus, they cause a foreign body feeling, itching, constant burning, which is similar to the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Neoplasms constantly evolve a liquid that smells unpleasant and irritates neighboring skin areas. Such neoplasms cause a lot of inconvenience to the "owner", during the stool may appear pain and minor bleeding. If condylomas are not treated for a long time, they may well turn into malignant tumors, whose treatment is very difficult. Usually, the diagnosis does not cause any difficulties, because the symptoms of this disease are too characteristic. But the doctor examines the skin of the anus and genitals, further exploring the rectum from the inside to reveal internal seals in the intestinal wall. For more serious manifestations of the disease, it may be necessary to use a sigmoidoscopy and a blood test for HIV infection and syphilis. With suspicions of the regeneration of male condylomas into a cancer tumor, histological analysis is performed. successful treatment can occur with timely access to a doctor

How to cure condyloma?

Complete disposal of this virus is possibleonly when the treatment of neoplasms is carried out in parallel with the strengthening of the body's immune system. Otherwise, you will cure the virus, but after a while there will be a relapse. With a small amount of genital warts treatment can be carried out both out-patient and at home. Cautery solutions such as Condilin or Solcoderm can be used. They are applied in the form of applications on the affected area of ​​the skin. Bonafton and Oxolin Ointment are helpful, they should be lubricated with damaged skin 2-3 times a day, usually treatment is continued until complete healing. In parallel, you should take interferon-containing drugs and antiviral drugs, but strictly under the supervision of a doctor, because these are serious drugs that can cause side effects. If these funds did not help you, do not worry. On large areas of damage the treatment is carried out by means of laser burning, freezing with liquid nitrogen, radio wave exposure and other medical innovations. But it should be remembered that the virus can be defeated only "from within". To do this, constantly monitor your immunity, protect yourself during sexual acts, especially if you often change partners. Following these rules, you can protect yourself from the re-manifestation of genital warts.

