It's no secret that most ofWe receive information through the organs of vision. The eye records the shape of objects, their volume and color, which is one of the important characteristics of the surrounding world. Color is a powerful factor that affects the well-being, mood and performance of each person. Any colors cause a chain of associations in a person that can change not only his emotional and psychological state, but also physiological. This phenomenon has been known since ancient times and has long been used in practice. There is an expression: "The walls are pressing." It was not invented for the sake of a catchphrase. Indeed, in some rooms you can breathe freely, while in others there is a feeling that the walls and ceiling are coming closer together. Color plays an important role in such perception. Therefore, the choice of the right color scheme for the interior of your home will largely determine how comfortable it will be to live in it. The combination of colors in the interior is an important aspect, so you need to approach their choice with special care. Anyone who has faced this problem has difficulty choosing a color scheme, not knowing that there are several universal rules that help calculate the consequences of any decision. They are based on the relationship between color and the size and functional purpose of the room, color with interior elements, and color with the emotional state of a person.
Color combination in a color wheel
Compatibility of colors in the interior is oftenare determined by their location in the color wheel. To choose the right colors for your interior, you need to have an understanding of the basics of light theory. There are so-called primary colors - red, blue and yellow. They are originally in nature and are the basis for other colors. By mixing them, you can get secondary colors, of which there are also three: purple, green and orange. If you continue to mix the primary and secondary colors in pairs, you get six more colors. If you arrange them in a certain order, you can assemble a color wheel of twelve color sectors. But even within one color sector, you can give the color an almost infinite variety of shades by adding white and black colors in various proportions. All colors in the color wheel can be divided conditionally into two groups - warm and cold. Warm colors and shades from yellow to scarlet and red-violet, and cold colors - from violet to green with a yellow tint. Warm colors are also called approaching, because surfaces painted in these shades visually seem closer than they actually are. Well, and accordingly, cold colors are removing, so the interior in colors of a cold range seems more spacious. With the help of a color wheel it is easy to create color combinations. Close or adjacent colors have a calming effect and are considered harmonious. But an academically correct color scheme for the interior will look boring and monotonous. The ideal option is a combination of a harmonious base with the use of a reasonable addition of contrasting strokes. There is another technique. This is the use of paints containing several monocolors not mixed with each other - multicolor paints. They make it possible to create smooth combinations. For example, when choosing the color of the walls to match the furniture, the set of monocolors includes the color of the furniture set and shades that harmonize with it. So you can choose a wall color that does not merge, but will not contrast with the entire setting. Modern materials make it possible to create textured surfaces, which are inclusions of small drops painted in different colors. Such paints are a universal background into which a variety of decorative elements fit perfectly.
The combination of colors and the size of the room
Color gives the opportunity to adjustplanning and architectural flaws of the room. That is, with the help of color, the interior can be changed even in geometric terms. For example, intense orange or red shades will visually reduce the boundaries of the room, and to create the illusion of space in a small room, the walls should be painted gray-green, gray-blue or light blue. In small rooms, it is better to avoid bright and dark colors, as well as large patterns. Pastel, light colors will be more appropriate in such rooms. If you select wallpaper for this room, then they should be without contrasting color combinations, with a rare pattern. Using intense colors, you can make large rooms cozy. But they are tiring for the eyes, so such experiments should be carried out very carefully. A high ceiling can be visually lowered by limiting it with a conditionally narrow border, the color of which is slightly more intense than the color of the walls. According to some designers, it is better to paint the ceiling in yellowish or light gray shades, which give it more softness. Often in attic rooms, the sloping ceiling or beams literally hang over your head. Here, you can’t use the principles of color contrasts – paint the ceiling and walls the same color. A light, but high and narrow room will seem lower if its ceiling is painted in gray, beige or even darker – reddish and brown – tones. The opposite is also true: ceilings painted in white, gray-blue or light yellow colors will visually seem higher. A narrow long room with a window on the short end wall can be visually expanded if the side walls are painted in light colors, while warmer colors should be used for the end walls. The same visual effects can be achieved by using wallpaper with patterns, stencils and rolls. Moreover, for a stencil and roll, it is better to choose an inexpressive small pattern, and for wallpaper, on the contrary, a bright and large one. If you need to visually lengthen the space, then light wallpaper with horizontal stripes will help you. A vertical pattern will create a visual sensation of a higher room. It is also important to know that in rooms with windows facing north, it is better to use pink-cream and golden-yellow tones. This light palette has the ability to "accumulate" light. If the room has windows facing southwest or south, it gets very hot during hot seasons and is illuminated by the sun for a long time, then it is better to use a cold palette - gray, blue-green and blue shades. It should also be taken into account that the color of the walls significantly depends on the reflected light of everything that surrounds the house. If, for example, there are lawns or trees in front of the windows, then the walls in the room will be greenish, and if they abut a brick wall, then reddish. In this case, you should avoid combining additional shades of green and red or blue and yellow in the interior.
Combination of color and purpose of the room
The rules for combining colors in the interior are based onна соответствии определенного цвета функциональному назначению комнаты. То есть выбор цветовой палитры зависит от того, чего вы хотите добиться от конкретного помещения. Например, гостиная в усадебном доме, где живет большая семья, служит местом их постоянного пребывания, поэтому ее колористика должна быть спокойной, способствовать хорошему настроению и релаксации. Здесь могут быть использованы желто-зеленые, золотистые, серо-зеленые, серо-голубые и другие цвета от малой до средней насыщенности. В коттеджах и особняках, где живет небольшая семья, гостиная используется, в основном, для приема гостей и вечернего отдыха. Поэтому ее можно решить в насыщенных тонах, которые способствуют праздничному, приподнятому настроению. Это могут быть синие, пурпурные и фиолетовые цвета. Спальня создана для отдыха, поэтому здесь должна царить атмосфера спокойствия. Ей больше всего соответствуют холодноватые голубые тона и теплые желтые. Если одновременно спальня служит и рабочим помещением, то рекомендуются светлые серо-голубые, серо-зеленые и другие нейтральные цвета, которые способствую сосредоточенной работе и умственной деятельности. Дети любят яркие насыщенные краски. Несмотря на это, они сильно утомляют ребенка и действуют на его психику, поэтому детскую желательно окрашивать в приглушенные тона. Например, белые, охристые, голубые, светлые зеленые и серые. Зато здесь в интерьер можно включать яркую мебель, коврики, покрывала и прочие декоративные предметы. Комнату, предназначенную для людей преклонного возраста, правильно будет оформить в спокойной цветовой гамме без резких контрастов. Предпочтительнее зеленые, серые, бежевые и спокойные коричневые тона и для отделки кабинета. Чаще всего холл страдает нехваткой дневного света. Это легко исправить светлой цветовой палитрой. В прихожей также рекомендуются светлые тона. А если ее стены обшиваются досками, то лучше сохранить естественный оттенок древесины. Для кухни лучше всего подойдут сине-зеленый и разбеленный голубой цвета, которые создают впечатление простора и прохлады. Если же в квартире совмещенная кухня-столовая, то можно использовать насыщенный зеленый и синий цвета. При этом светлая кухонная мебель и оборудование будут красиво оттенять темный фон, за счет чего помещение будет выглядеть нарядно. Зачастую в отделке кухни используется древесина. Светлые доски, которыми облицованы стены, отлично сочетаются с деревянной мебелью, яркой посудой, декоративной и столовой утварью, а также кухонными принадлежностями из цветного пластика. Санузел в основном имеет скромные размеры, поэтому его лучше оформлять в очень разбеленных, чистых тонах – бирюзовых, голубых, розовых, сиреневых. Хотя в таких приватных местах очень экстравагантно смотрится глазурованная плитка насыщенного синего, красного и даже черного цвета. Если в вашем доме преобладают стенные проемы и арки, и нет закрытых дверей, то есть у вас пространство просматривается одно из другого, можно использовать эффект нюансирования. В таком случае цветовую гамму подбирают по принципу разной насыщенности и тональности одного цвета, причем выбирать можно любой цвет, который сочетается с аксессуарами, мебелью и другими декоративными элементами. Не стоит забывать о таких декоративных элементах, как цоколь, лепнина, перила, рейки, бордюры, обрамления окон. Если вы хотите их выделить, то это можно сделать, используя более светлые оттенки по сравнению со стенами. Помогут в этом случае глянцевые и полуглянцевые краски.
The combination of color and emotion
The predominant color of the interior can changeour mood and emotional state. In order to choose the right colors for the interior, you should know what influence a particular color has on a person. Despite the fact that the associations caused by color differ among people of different ages and cultural groups, there are still many common reactions that allow us to talk about its general, international influence.
- Blue and blue color of the interior are associated withcoolness, calm and silence. This is the color of the distant sky and bottomless depth. And the deeper the blue, the more he gives the person more relaxation and a sense of peace. Blue and light blue colors cause a feeling of lightness and carelessness. A pure blue color makes you want to play and fool around.
- Red is tension, passion and excitement. He has an exciting effect on man, and scientists attribute this to an ancient association with blood and fire. This is a very strong color, it attracts powerful people. In addition, it has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, a beneficial effect on the liver, encourages movement.
- Yellow. Its meaning is dual. On the one hand, it means liberation, joy, wealth, the sun, but on the other hand it is the color of anxiety, betrayal, betrayal. It is a yellow color and a symbol of insight. Yellow color for the interior is chosen by people seeking liberation.
- Green color. It is formed by a combination of yellow and blue colors. This is the color of potential energy, static and rest. The green color is cool, and the colder it is, the more blue it contains. If the green color is more yellow, then it becomes more active and warmer. Green color is unlimited in its shades. Conservative and calm, reliable and loyal people choose this color for the interior of their home.
To sum up all of the above, it becomesit is clear that the combination of different shades in the interior is an important task, which must be approached with all responsibility when decorating a room. Knowing at least the basic laws of the influence of color and being able to choose its combinations correctly, you can harmonize your surrounding space, making your life a little brighter. We recommend reading: