Every woman dreams of a caring husband,obedient children, a red car and, of course, an ideal figure. And if the three main desires are more a matter of chance, then a beautiful athletic body depends solely on the person himself, or rather on his diet. It is possible to correct the figure by changing your daily diet. Recently, the so-called milk diet for weight loss has become especially popular. The system is suitable for almost everyone, but there are exceptions - intolerance to dairy products. If you like cottage cheese, kefir and whey, then the milk diet for weight loss is just for you. You can find a diet to your taste, because there are many diets on dairy products, especially since the result will not take long to come, and very soon you will achieve the desired shape. You just have to put in a little effort and willpower. Before going on one of the milk diets, it is advisable to consult with your doctor about whether the diet on dairy products is right for you. If doctors do not see any concerns, feel free to choose the one that you like.
Lovers of cottage cheese
The milk-curd diet is suitable for loverslow-fat cottage cheese with fruits and vegetables. This system will not only help you get rid of excess fat on your sides, but will also enrich your body with calcium. This means that your bones, hair and nails will become stronger. By the way, the calcium contained in natural cottage cheese is absorbed much better than that contained in pharmacy vitamins. So, to lose weight on a milk and cottage cheese diet, you need to follow the following diet.
- During the day, you need to eat about a kilogram of fat-free cottage cheese. Ideally, you need to eat 5 times a day for 200 grams.
- Monotonous food must be supplementedfruit. It's better if it's apples or citrus fruits, but not more than 200 grams. But from grapes and banana it is desirable to refuse, as they contain a lot of glucose, which does not help to reduce your weight.
- You can also vary the diet with a handful of nuts or dried fruits, but remember that the main diet is cottage cheese, not additives.
- Animal protein in this diet is absent in principle. If you are unbearable, it is better to eat a piece of red fish in the morning.
Recipe for a delicious breakfast:Beat 50 grams of low-fat cottage cheese in a blender with a small bunch of fresh dill and a thin piece of red fish (trout or salmon). Put the resulting mass on a piece of slightly stale rye bread. Breakfast is ready! Recipe for a rich lunch: mix 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese with a handful of cornflakes, two or three prunes and two tablespoons of low-fat kefir. Recipe for a light dinner: mix 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese with half a grated apple, add low-fat kefir to taste. To satisfy your “animal” hunger in the evening, drink black or green tea with grated ginger and brush your teeth more often. It is worth noting that this milk diet is followed for no longer than a week and no more than 2-3 times a year.
Lovers of fermented milk products
Another option for dairy loversproducts - a fermented milk diet. Its diet is dominated by the following products: low-fat kefir, yogurt, sour milk and whey. Unlike the previous one, this milk diet for weight loss is designed for a long period: from 14 to 30 days. It is suitable for those who do not like to have a heavy breakfast, and this, as statistics show, is the absolute majority of women. So, if you decide to go on a fermented milk diet, your diet should look something like this. Breakfast The morning should always begin with a cup of tea or coffee without sugar. The only thing you can please your stomach with is a piece of hard cheese or two biscuits. And even such a modest breakfast should not be skipped. Lunch You can alternate the lunch menu. It is desirable that the meal time is the same every day, this helps to normalize the metabolism in your body. So, on a fermented milk diet, lunch should be one of the following:
- a glass of whey (a cold drink is much simpler than room temperature) plus fruits: an apple or an orange;
- 200 grams of chicken fillet with fresh cucumber;
- a few slices of hard low-fat cheese, for dessert - an apple or an orange;
- 125 grams of low-fat, and preferably fat-free cottage cheese with fruit.
Dinner "Give dinner to the enemy" is the motto of most diets, but not the sour milk diet. On that diet, you won't have to starve in the evening. Choose one of the options below to suit your taste:
- a handful of fat-free cottage cheese, a hard-boiled egg, a couple of fresh cucumbers;
- a handful of fat-free cottage cheese and a couple of glasses of low-fat milk;
- salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and sweet pepper and two boiled eggs;
- a small bunch of radishes, one boiled egg, 100 grams of ham;
- 100 grams of hard cheese low-fat varieties and radish.
It is worth noting that the lactic acid diet does notimplies restrictions on water consumption, it is only important that all drinks are without sugar and sugar substitutes. On the contrary, the more liquid you drink, the more your body is cleansed of toxins and waste. This is facilitated by bifidobacteria contained in kefir, whey and cottage cheese: such products are digested much faster. That is why fermented milk diets of this type rarely have contraindications, rather the opposite. An extremely important feature of this diet is breakfast, which necessarily includes whey. This is an ideal product for those who have long been struggling with extra pounds: it is low in calories, contains a lot of valuable proteins and is practically fat-free. Therefore, whey helps to cope with fat deposits better than other dairy products. Another dairy diet is a mono-diet. All you can eat and drink is low-fat kefir and boiled buckwheat. The advantage of the system: these two products can be consumed in unlimited quantities, but as practice shows, women do not stay on a mono-diet for more than two weeks, although they do not feel discomfort, since kefir cleanses the stomach, and buckwheat contains almost all the substances necessary for the functioning of our body. In a couple of weeks, you can lose from 2 to 7 kilograms. Another plus - after this diet, you want to eat twice as little. This is due to the fact that in two weeks you get used to a small amount of food (on the third day, monotonous food gets boring, and you have to eat only because of hunger).
To lovers of whole milk
Milk diet against belly fat looks more likeas a fasting day once a week. However, some particularly strong-willed girls can withstand it longer - from three to seven days. Most often, people go on a milk diet against the belly before some event, when it is so important to fit into a small evening dress. The diet was invented by a French nutritionist, the system is still used to relieve swelling, but with its help, not only water but also fat leaves the body. The essence of the diet is very simple: in one day you need to drink only one liter of milk, with a fat content of no more than 2.5%. It is best to drink it at short intervals of several hours so that by six in the evening you have one glass left - this will help you not to break down before bed and sleep more soundly. It is worth noting that this diet is strict, so you should not go on it for several days at once. There is another option using milk - a milk diet for five days. The diet of the system is designed for three to seven days.
- In the morning, you should drink a glass of non-carbonated mineral water, half a glass of low-fat yogurt, any non-acidic fruit and tea (coffee) with honey.
- By ten o'clock it is necessary to arrange a lunch of 100 grams of porridge (buckwheat, rice or oatmeal), a small amount of cottage cheese and skim milk.
- For lunch you can eat one boiled egg, cucumber, tomato (if desired, you can season the vegetables with yogurt), and for drinks - a glass of fermented baked milk.
- For dinner - yogurt and non-acidic fruit (apple, banana, a handful of prunes or raisins).
After the milk diet on the fifth day, practicallyall women feel lightness and comfort, because this nutrition system rejuvenates the gastrointestinal tract. This diet is practically free of carbohydrates, such a short period of time of refusal will not negatively affect the functioning of your body, because every day outside of diets the diet of many of us is bursting at the seams precisely because of carbohydrates.
Milk and vegetable diet
This milk diet is recommended for manydiseases: liver, kidney, cholecystitis, etc. The important thing about this diet is that there is no need to follow a strictly prescribed diet - you can eat at a convenient time and in almost any quantity, but only those products that are allowed by the diet. Prohibited products:
- coffee, chocolate, cocoa;
- mushrooms, mushroom broths and sauces;
- canned fish and meat;
- culinary fats, as well as fatty meats and fish;
- any spicy food and seasonings, including mustard and horseradish;
- fried food;
- absolutely all legumes;
- onion and garlic, radish and radish, sorrel;
- green borsch and okroshka;
- buns, donuts, sweets and other confectionery;
- eggs in any form;
- alcohol is inadmissible, even a small number of times a year.
Allowed products:
- from drinks prefer a green or weak black tea with milk;
- try to eat only dried wheat bread;
- from dairy products you can almost everything: low-fat whole milk, sour cream and butter;
- butter and sour cream (not more than 50 grams per day), curd and yogurt;
- from meat products safely choose fish and low-fat beef, you can also eat salted herring;
- first courses should be prepared without sautéing vegetables - in water;
- from the side dishes choose cereals and pasta;
- fruits should become an integral part of your diet, you should exclude the black currant, cranberries and gooseberries.
It should be noted that this milk dietinvolves drinking a lot of liquid: juices, tinctures, compotes and teas, and at the same time limits salt intake: no more than eight grams per day. What is good about this diet - with strict adherence to the diet, the body does not require additional vitamins and minerals. Here is such an interesting milk diet, reviews of which give every reason to believe that success is inevitable. If you have a good metabolism and you are losing weight quickly, then you should definitely add physical exercise to the diet. You can not go to the gym, do aerobics and swimming. To maintain shape and prevent sagging skin, 20 minutes of exercise in the morning and evening is enough. Adjust the intensity of the exercises yourself, do not overload yourself, but you should feel a little tired after training. Do not forget about the beneficial properties of a contrast shower. Good luck! We recommend reading: