It is generally accepted that a business card of any kindwomen are her hands and this is really true, so all women do manicure. But about the legs, to great regret, the fair sex is often forgotten. Or at best, the nails are varnished - and ready, the woman believes that the deal is done. But is it really so? Our legs are very hard - firstly, all the load falls on the feet, and secondly, the narrow uncomfortable footwear promotes deformation of both the foot and nail plates. As a result - often on your feet without tears you will not look - outgrowths, natoptyshi, unattractive nails. Yes, nail polish such a situation, alas, will not save - indeed, he will only draw attention to his feet and emphasize the unsightly picture.
Indications for medical pedicure
And if it was only in aesthetics, it would behalf troubles. But often such a careless attitude to their legs leads to the development of various medical problems. And the woman will not be able to cope with the problem on her own. Moreover - even a cosmetologist in the salon is unlikely to bring your legs in order. So what do you do? It is known that there are no hopeless situations. And in this case, the best solution will be a medical pedicure. Immediately I would like to draw the attention of the fair sex to an important detail - a real medical pedicure can only do a doctor. Remember about this, choosing a specialist - alas, often cosmetology rooms offer a pedicure, which they give out for a medical. But unprofessionalism in this case can only worsen the situation. These very rooms and renamed the pedicure medical in the hardware. Woe-beauticians acquire a special apparatus and begin to apply it, on business and without business polishing the skin of the feet and nails, not having the slightest idea how to do it and when this procedure is generally necessary. At first glance, everything seems simply wonderful - ingrown nails, calluses and corns disappear as if by the stroke of a magic wand. Of course, a woman comes out of the cabin is absolutely happy - her legs are perfect! But this joy will not last long - very quickly problems will return back, and the situation will be much more lamentable. Simply put, a person who came to the salon with small problems, comes out from there sick. In order for the procedure to really benefit a woman, a doctor must conduct it. This specialist has a medical education, studied in depth dermatology, surgery, traumatology. Such a specialist can really assess the condition of your legs, carry out the necessary manipulations and tell you how to proceed. How can you understand that you need just such a pedicure and the usual is not enough? It is best for you to be examined by a specialist and decide whether you need a medical pedicure. But it is only natural - to understand what you need to a specialist, you need to guess about the existence of the problem. There are a number of indications for carrying out this procedure:
- Cracks
Cracks in the feet are a verywidespread, especially in the summer, when the footwear is mostly open. Sometimes cracks are insignificant, but if you do not take urgent measures, they become very deep. And this not only looks unattractive, but also causes serious physical discomfort when walking. In this case, holding a medical pedicure can be a real salvation.
- Neoplasms on the soles
Corns, burrs - to our legsit is necessary oh how hard it is! Yes, and we ourselves exacerbate the situation, following the fashion and buying a terribly beautiful and fashionable, but sometimes very, very uncomfortable shoes. And also warts sometimes annoy pohlesche than mosquitoes on a warm summer evening in the swamp, because they cause severe pain while walking.
- Ingrown toenails
All the same narrow shoes often provokedevelopment of such trouble, as ingrown nail. It is impossible to get rid of an ingrown nail independently, but a hardware pedicure made by a specialist will help get rid of the problem in a short time. Of course, this is not all indications for hardware pedicure - it's diabetic foot, excessive sweating, fungal diseases, and many other problems. The main thing is to find a good specialist, and not apply to the first manicure room.
Technique of medical pedicure
If you go to the master for the first time,most likely, you are curious to know what awaits you. Well, firstly, immediately I would like to note that during this type of manicure complete sterility is required - there is no risk of infection.
- Foot bath
After you take off your shoes, the doctor will doa special foot bath - it is necessary for disinfection and softening of the skin. The bath contains special medicines, which are selected individually, depending on your specific problems with your legs. The duration of such a bath is usually
- Foot Treatment
After the tray, the skin of the feet and fingers will becarefully processed with special medical preparations - antifungal, antibacterial, softening, depending on what problem you have come to the doctor. Sometimes only one substance is used, and sometimes several if the problem is complex.
- Skin Treatment
Further in the course is a special apparatus thatoperates on the principle of a grinding machine - removes excess keratinized layer, corns, corns. And the hardware pedicure allows you to remove even such a serious problem, as corners of the callus. In the process of polishing the skin, the doctor will process it several times with various preparations.
- Nail treatment
After the skin of the legs is treated, the doctorwill start working with the nail plate. With the help of various cutters the doctor will polish the nail plate, process the corners of the ingrown nail. If the nail grows very much and the situation is neglected, the doctor may decide to remove the entire ingrown nail plate. As you understand, only a specialist with a medical background can do this procedure. And one procedure here can not do - you will have to come to the doctor several more times. He must control the healing process of the nail.
- Other manipulations
In addition to the above manipulations, the doctor maymake a number of additional - ranging from therapeutic massage and ending with paraffin compresses. Only a doctor can really assess the situation and, if necessary, prescribe a comprehensive treatment, choose the optimal course of foot care.