mask with cinnamon and honey Pure shining skin and thick shiny hair -the limit of the dreams of every girl and woman. However, not all of us nature has made such a gift. Fortunately, today you can achieve the desired results without problems in a short time, the benefit is the widest choice of cosmetic products that help us look after ourselves. But sometimes this diversity can play a cruel joke: it's so difficult to make a choice when the shelves of cosmetics stores are full of bright bottles from different manufacturers, and each of them promises a magical result. It is difficult enough to determine which particular tool will be useful specifically for you, not having tested on yourself. And in order to try everything, there is not enough money or time. That is why today popular means and recipes are becoming more popular, which have a number of undoubted merits:

  • cheap and affordable;
  • the naturalness of all components (you decide what to use, see for yourself, what quality products you choose);
  • a huge variety of combinations and variations of recipes, which makes it possible to pick the perfect care that will suit your skin and hair.

In this article we will talk about the useful cosmetic properties of honey and cinnamon. They are widely used in "home cosmetology" for facial and hair care and have a long list of virtues. mask with honey and cinnamon

The benefits of honey for the beauty and health of the skin and hair

First, let's talk about the benefits of honey forskin. It can be safely said that one of the surest ways to achieve a radiant skin is the regular application of honey masks. The most important effect of this product is that it perfectly retains moisture in the skin, and yet moisture is the source of life and youth, it allows the skin to be firm and beautiful, prevents wrinkles. Even in antiquity, the medicinal properties of honey for women's beauty were known, but only representatives of rich families had the opportunity to use them. Today this natural product is a part of many cosmetic products. It is also important that honey is the most real natural antioxidant, protecting our body from free radicals, and also has an antimicrobial effect, protects the skin from ultraviolet light, which is especially important on sunny summer days. Honey acts as an excellent cleanser in the fight against acne, helps maintain the natural fat balance of the skin and delicately cleanses the pores, allowing them to "breathe". This natural product is used and as a lip balm, it moisturizes the delicate skin and does not allow it to dry and crack, especially in cold and windy weather. Widely used honey in hair care. Its healing properties consist in the fact that it is rich in vitamins of group B, zinc, manganese, iodine, magnesium and other substances that are simply necessary for hair. The effect of honey on hair is:

  • moisturizing and nourishing;
  • stimulating hair growth;
  • adding extra volume;
  • elimination of split ends.
  • Useful properties of cinnamon

    Cinnamon is used not only in cooking, but also incosmetology. This is due to the fact that it has a positive effect on the restoration of hair and facial skin. Masks on its basis will help get rid of dandruff, activate hair growth. It is very useful due to essential oils, vitamins A, C and B1, potassium, zinc and iron, which are included in its composition. As for skin care, the masks from cinnamon allow to normalize the complexion, increase blood circulation, increase elasticity and preserve youth and beauty.

    Effective masks with honey and cinnamon for the face

    The greatest efficiency from the useful properties of thesetwo products is achieved precisely when they are used together for the care of face and hair. Below you will find recipes for masks that will allow you to make the skin radiant and your hair shiny. Mask for the elasticity of the skin To make a mask of cinnamon and honey for the elasticity of the skin, you need to add 2 teaspoons of honey 1 teaspoon of cinnamon in powder and the same amount of olive or vegetable oil. For normal skin, you need to put 1 tablespoon low-fat yogurt or low-fat sour cream, and for fatty - replace them with egg white. The resulting gruel should be applied to the skin for 15 minutes, then rinse it with warm water. Mask with honey and cinnamon to improve the complexion For her, you can use the same recipe as the previous mask, just replace yogurt (or sour cream) with 1 teaspoon of oatmeal and add a little warm milk (to make a gruel). Apply this composition on the face skin with massaging movements, hold for 10 minutes, then rinse the mixture with warm water. Tonic for all skin types Cinnamon can also be used as a tonic for all skin types. To do this, in a glass of water at room temperature, dissolve a spoonful of cinnamon in the powder. The received tonic needs to be wiped every day. The prepared product can be stored in a cool place for a week. Masks against acne Masks with cinnamon and honey are used to fight acne and eliminate traces from them. For the first mask, mix 1 tablespoon of honey and half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon. The mask is applied at bedtime for 15-20 minutes. To eliminate traces and spots from acne, you can prepare the following mask with honey and cinnamon: 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon (you can replace 2 drops of cinnamon essential oil). The mask is applied to problem areas and left for 20-30 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. To get a pronounced effect, you need to use this mask at least once in 2 days. You can apply it and the entire face for skin regeneration, but in this case, the mixture should be kept no longer than 10 minutes. Lotion for sensitive skin For delicate care for sensitive skin, you can prepare a milky lotion with honey and cinnamon. But for this recipe you will need not ground cinnamon, but a product in sticks. 1 cup of cinnamon is filled with half a glass of milk and put on a slow fire. Milk should be warmed, but not boil. In the resulting broth, add 2 tablespoons of honey, and the lotion is ready. The received lotion needs to be wiped skin of the face 2 times a day or, having applied as a mask, to leave for half an hour. mask of cinnamon and honey

    Masks with cinnamon and honey for hair

    It is common knowledge that masks with cinnamon and honeyhave a number of useful properties for hair: they strengthen hair, preventing loss, make them stronger and thicker. So to strengthen weakened or damaged hair is well suited such a recipe: 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 yolk, 2 tablespoons of olive oil (in case of fatty hair you do not need to use oil), 2 tablespoons of yogurt. The mixture is evenly applied to the hair and left for 20 minutes, then rinse the hair thoroughly over the entire length with warm water. For the care of hair prone to fat, a mixture of 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1 yolk and 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil is suitable. The resulting mass is applied over the entire length of the hair and rubbed into the roots, you can hold it for up to 1 hour, then rinse the hair thoroughly with warm (not hot) water and shampoo. Cope with hair loss, a mask of cinnamon and honey, consisting of 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1 spoon of warm oil (olive or vegetable) and a few drops of vitamin E. This tool is rubbed into the roots of the hair for 10-15 minutes. With regular use (every week), it not only stops hair loss, but also makes them more bulky and thick. To accelerate the growth of hair, essential oil of cinnamon is used. It "awakens" inactive hair follicles and thereby makes hair more dense and bulky. This mask is suitable for any type of hair, the given dose components are designed for normal hair, for fatty or dry, you need to slightly change the ratio of ingredients, picking the best option for you. To prepare this magic hair mask, you need the following ingredients: 3 tablespoons of honey, 3 teaspoons of cinnamon powder, 1 teaspoon of coconut oil, 1 spoon of macadamia oil, 4 drops of cinnamon essential oil. Preparation begins with the fact that the water bath melted coconut oil, gradually it interferes with honey until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then powdered cinnamon. In a separate container mix macadamia oil and cinnamon oil (be careful when handling undiluted essential oils and watch that they do not get on the skin). Then mix 2 mixtures and a warm mask is applied to the hair (preferably on wet after washing). We wrap the head with a towel or we put on a bath hat so that the heat activates the action of the mask components. After 30-40 minutes, the hair should be rinsed. After a few applications, you will notice that the hair has become thicker and furry. A nice flavor of cinnamon will be an excellent bonus. Finally a few words about honey and cinnamon. They are often called "sweet couple" in cosmetology, and this is not surprising, because this combination is widely used not only for facial and hair care, but also for weight loss, weight normalization, treatment of digestive problems, heart disease, insect bites and even relief of toothache. Using this sweet and spicy duet for beauty and health, do not forget that in everything is a good measure, do not immediately attack your body "on all fronts," start small, using one face mask, wait for the effect and then apply the following recipes. Be healthy and beautiful! We advise you to read:

