masks for split hairHe who takes care of his health will not have split ends.(folk wisdom) Remember how often you see this picture: a pretty girl is walking, slender as a birch tree, her hair is loose to her waist, dressed in haute couture. And, it would seem, there is no chance for men to resist her beauty. But no, something prevents the representatives of the stronger sex from piling up in neat stacks, something in her appearance is repulsive. And only after looking closely, you understand that it is all due to her fluffy, split hair. Perhaps, from a distance her hair looks luxurious and sexy, but as soon as you come closer, the impression is sharply spoiled. Who would like electrified strands with split ends?! Oh, apparently the beauty did not know that it is not enough to grow your hair - you need to take care of it! And if you do not want to get into the same situation - urgently take care of yourself and start making masks for split ends.

Why do the hair "get sick"?

And why does hair split?Sometimes it's just too lazy to take on all these medicinal masks for split ends! Why shouldn't they peacefully grow and bother their owner with the need for constant care? Maybe it would be so, if not for one fact: every millimeter of our hair lives its own life, and its "behavior" in the future depends on the conditions in which it "grew". Think about it: the hair at the roots is always healthy and strong, those that grow further are thinner, and the ends generally split and break. Is it because it is they (the ends) that have the "honor" of taking on the maximum of curls, blow-drying, straightening with an iron, and so on and so forth? Of course, masks for split ends would help, but most of us ignore such care, believing that regular shampoo and conditioner are quite enough. What's surprising is that over time, each of us may have a problem with brittle hair. After all, despite the desire to have beautiful, healthy curls, we simply cannot give up all these styling and regular coloring, and there is simply no time or desire to do all sorts of masks for split ends. And from here we will smoothly move on to discussing the reasons, "how we brought our hair to such a life":

  • Frequent washing. First, having normal or dry hair, frequent washing can increase the work of the sebaceous glands, making the hair become fat. You know, it's like a vicious circle: the more you wash, the faster they become greasy and untidy. Of course, no one encourages you to walk with a dirty head, but we also do not recommend washing it twice a day. Secondly, not all shampoos sold in stores are equally useful. You can buy well, very expensive shampoo and look with horror at yourself after drying - hair dull, naughty, electrified. And you can pick up a tool with which daily washing your head is not a problem (thank God, now there are such). A little secret: if you are too lazy to do creativity and do homemade masks for split hair, then you can buy it at a pharmacy or a shop ready. Just apply them after washing instead of balm.
  • Frequent coloring and bleaching.Of course, you can find many hair dyes on sale that do virtually no harm to your hair. However, the demand for permanent dyes containing peroxide is not falling at all; many ladies cannot deny themselves the pleasure of the combination of “cheap and cheerful.” And “cheerful” does not mean “high-quality.” And what can we say about bleaching: how many owners of dry, brittle hair dye their hair blonde again and again? You can’t think of a better way to destroy the structure of your hair!
  • Continuous use of hot dryer for dryingand stacking. Well, why all the best in life (in this case, a beautiful blow-drying) is harmful, and unpleasant (long drying and lack of form hair) is useful? High temperature disrupts the integrity of the scales of hair, from which they acquire the appearance of dry, split and untroubled curls. Reconcile with the need to give rest to your hair: in the end, you also have a weekend! Why and your curls at least sometimes do not translate the spirit, drying up without a hair dryer and dispensing with ploek-irons. A beautiful stowage save for a special occasion.
  • Hard combs.Oh, how much beautiful hair has been torn out by horrible hard combs, especially after washing your hair! And how much will happen! Sometimes it seems that only a girl with very thick hair can afford such a "luxury": to tear out tangled hair from the very roots with a frequent hard comb. However, even owners of thin, and also dry hair are too lazy to separate their curls into strands and use the "right" comb. Hence the result - eternally split bangs, unkempt ends, thin, sparse hair. Urgently save your curls, make homemade masks for split ends, otherwise you will soon run to the store for a wig. Do you need it?
  • Frequent beginnings. There are a lot of lovers of lush hairstyles that simply can not imagine life without serious hair loss, and do it every day. That's where the expression "hair stood on end" becomes meaningful! Why does hair damage the structure of the hair? Here comments are superfluous: it is obvious that hair loss is simply an outrage over the health of the hair, the best way to make it cut and break. And if you have such rare hair that you can not create hair without napping, then reserve this "knight's move" for the most exceptional cases. Do not you want to lose even what nature has not so generously given you?
  • Diseases, weakening of immunity. In a healthy body a healthy spirit, and at the same time healthy hair. You probably know the saying: "A talented person is talented in everything." The same can be said about health. If a person does not get sick and feels great, his hair and skin are in excellent condition. And if the immunity is weakened, the state of health leaves much to be desired, then the hair hangs with dull, lifeless locks. If so, then immediately take care of your health, and at the same time do not forget to make masks against split hair - in your case, they are necessary! After all, any woman, even if she is sick, wants to remain attractive.

Hair mask for split hair

Mask, mask - I know you!

It's hard to make a beautiful hairstyle and surpriseeveryone with its exquisite appearance, if you have weak, split ends. The best thing you can do for yourself in this situation is regular masks for split ends. Do not complain about the lack of time and the fact that there is not much money in your wallet. Home recipes are simply created to spare your family budget and not to distract you from important matters for a long time.

  • Egg yolks and vegetable oil

If you have dry hair, then forпридания им здорового блеска попробуйте их «умаслить». Просто разотрите один яичный желток с двумя столовыми ложками любимого растительного масла, добавьте туда по чайной ложке меда и коньяка, и у вас получится прекрасная маска для секущихся волос. Легкими массирующими движениями вотрите смесь в кожу головы, нанесите на всю длину волос, наденьте шапочку и укутайте голову полотенцем. Через тридцать-сорок минут можно смывать.

  • Egg yolks and onions

This mask is also great for dry,damaged hair. Add a tablespoon of onion juice to one egg yolk and beat the resulting mixture well. Now add one tablespoon of vegetable oil and one teaspoon of honey. Apply to the scalp and hair, cover with a cap and towel, rinse after forty minutes.

  • Herbal mask for split hair

You will need six fresh or driedraspberry leaves, black currant and mint. Grind the leaves, pour half a glass of cream into the mixture, add two tablespoons of potato starch. Mix thoroughly and apply the mask to the scalp and hair. Keep for at least an hour, rinse. The effect will simply amaze you: your hair will shine, as after a "salon" treatment.

  • Kefir mask

The following mask for split ends is appliedin the evening before going to bed and leave it until the morning. To get rid of split ends, it is enough to do this mask for two months, once a week. All we need is warm kefir, which should be applied to washed hair. In the morning, wash off the mask and dry your hair naturally.

  • Masks for especially lazy

If you hate making all sorts of mixtures, andIf you are just too lazy to sit with a plastic bag on your head, then we have good news for you: there are homemade masks for split ends for you too. Not only will they not take much time, but they will also allow you to leave the house without a funny towel on your head. Just find the strength to buy burdock and castor oils, they are sold in any drugstore. Apply a little oil to the ends of your hair every day, alternating them daily, and in a month you will be happy with the first results. Needless to say, beautiful hair is, first of all, healthy hair. And it doesn’t matter how cool your shampoo is and what they say about it in advertising: “shine and strength of healthy hair” will be given to you by daily care and maintenance, and not just beautiful bottles with foaming agent. Reduce the amount of chemicals you use, stop damaging your hair, make masks for split ends - and you will forget about the problem of dry, brittle ends forever. And then nothing will stop you from walking down the street, driving absolutely all male representatives crazy – your hair will help you with this! We recommend reading:

