hair mask with honey The beauty of the hair depends on many factors andone of the most important is care. Fortunately, women perfectly understand this, so they actively use a variety of hair masks to give them shine, strength and beauty. And in the course are not only purchased masks, but also cooked at home. One of the most popular components of hair masks is honey. And it's no accident, because honey is a source of a huge amount of nutrients and vitamins. Masks with the addition of honey excellently improve hair growth, strengthen and nourish them, while making the hair soft, thick and shiny. Honey will help to restore damaged hair, will give elasticity and volume to weakened hair, will be useful in the fight against dandruff. What is important, in combination with various components such as chamomile, olive oil, etc., you can achieve even better results - such combined hair masks from honey can not be overestimated. The beauty of honey-based masks is also that it is easy to prepare them at home. In addition, you will be sure of their naturalness. But be careful with the use of honey if you are allergic, since honey can provoke various manifestations of allergies. But despite the fact that honey masks are extremely useful, they should not be abused. Such masks should not be done daily. The best option is not more than a couple of times a week. And with the goal of prevention - once in 2 weeks will be enough. By the way, not only dry hair needs support and nutrition, so in combination with various ingredients, honey masks are suitable for oily and for split hair. Before applying most masks, you should wash your head with the most common shampoo. Cosmeticians are advised to use a shampoo that does not contain silicone, because it envelops the hair and then the mask is poorly absorbed. We have gathered for you the most effective masks based on honey, which can be easily made even at home. mask with honey for hair

Honey masks for combating weakened and dropping hair

Hair loss is a problem, unfortunately, very muchpopular today, as the hair suffers from many negative factors (environment, stresses). These problems can be solved with the help of honey, making various masks. Even just rub honey into the roots will be effective. For this, take a little honey, rub it gently and after about half an hour, rinse the hair thoroughly with warm water. Very popular masks with honey and propolis, as these components promote hair growth, help fight dandruff, while also having an antibacterial effect. And if you cut off the tips, then they should be rubbed such a mixture: 2 tablespoons of honey, a tablespoon of vinegar, only apple and almond oil. Similar mask for hair from honey, hold for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.

  • Mask based on honey and jojoba

It is necessary to take 1 tablespoon of honey and butterjojoba, mix them with yolk, extract of propolis and 2 milled tablets mummy. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied. After 30-40 minutes rinse with warm water. The mask perfectly strengthens the hair, feeding them from the ground.

  • Honey mask with cognac

The peculiarity of this mask is that it must beapply before washing your head. In addition, the mask with cognac is productive for hair growth. To prepare it you need 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cognac, honey and burdock oil, which you mix, gradually adding the yolk. Mix the mixture until a uniform consistency is obtained. Apply the mask for about 30 minutes, then rinse well and wash your hair with shampoo.

  • Mask made of honey with natural yoghurt

If the hair falls out strongly, then moreA complex mask that will strengthen and restore the hairline. This mask is made from 1 teaspoon of honey and yogurt, garlic and cognac juice (6 drops), and a tablespoon of hair balm, which you usually use. Leave the mask for an hour, then rinse thoroughly. hair mask with honey

Honey masks for giving shine to hair

  • Mask based on honey and mustard

Today it is no longer a secret that mustard hasvarious useful properties. And in combination with honey, she just does wonders. Therefore, even just cooked at home, such a plan mask with the addition of mustard will give the hair an unforgettable glow and shine. To make it, you need a tablespoon of mustard powder, which must be mixed with kefir (1/2 tablespoon), yolk, tea spoon of vegetable oil and honey. The resulting mixture should be applied for about half an hour, then wash it off with warm water.

  • Honey mask with lemon juice

In the old days, when women did not have thisthe abundance of various colors and techniques for giving shine to hair, many used lemon for this purpose. This mask with honey is incredibly simple for cooking at home, because you only need 2 tbsp. spoons of honey and 5 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice. Mixing the ingredients, apply the mask on dry hair, combing and distributing their comb. 10 minutes, keep the mask, then rinse with warm water. It is not necessary to abuse using a mask, 2-3 times a week - this is enough to achieve maximum effect.

  • Mask of honey for lightening hair

Today, many ways of lightening hair are known- it is possible both in the cabin and at home. But if you use paint, the hair becomes weak and brittle. And if you think about it, why put your hair on such tests, when they can be lightened 1-2 shades harmlessly, using honey? Masks with honey for clarification are very easy to prepare. To begin with, you will need to wash your head with an ordinary shampoo, but first add a quarter teaspoon of soda to it. After that, take the warmed honey, determine the volume, depending on the length, and apply over the entire length of the hair. After wrap the hair first in a film, and then in a towel. The only disadvantage of this mask is that you have to sleep with it, because in this case the effect will be more obvious. In the morning you wash off honey and enjoy soft, beautiful and blond hair. But be careful, because such a prolonged effect of honey, can cause allergies. masks with honey for hair

Masks with honey that promote hair firming

  • Mask for hair from honey with onions

To strengthen and nourish the hair an excellent optionthere will be a mask with honey and onions. To cook it, you take a medium sized bulb, rub it on a fine grater. Watching how long you have hair and keeping a 4: 1 ratio, you add honey to the onion mush. This mixture is carefully applied to the hair, paying special attention to the roots and leaving for 35 -45 minutes. If you have overdried hair, then you can add a few drops of oil, whether vegetable, olive or burdock. After that, it is good and long to wash your hair with warm water.

  • Mask with herbs and honey for strengthening the hair

The use of herbs has always had a positive effecton the condition of the hair. Mask based on herbs and honey will perfectly support and strengthen hair, help in the fight against manifestations of dandruff. To prepare a mask, you must take a collection of various herbs (whether nettle, calendula or chamomile - 1 tsp). Brew them 100 ml of boiling water and insist half an hour, then filter, and add honey (1 tsp), propolis (half a teaspoon), jojoba oil (1 tablespoon). After stirring all the ingredients, leave the mask for half an hour.

Masks based on honey for dry hair

  • Honey mask with aloe

Dry hair needs special care, so theirwe must take care of them and take care of them. One of the effective ways to care is the mask with aloe. For its preparation you will need to scroll in a meat grinder fresh aloe leaf, mix it with a tablespoon of honey, castor oil and one yolk, adding a teaspoon of cognac. The mixture must be carefully applied to the hair and scalp, wrap the head with a towel and after 2 hours wash off with warm water.

  • Mask with aloe, garlic and honey

Aloe and garlic are very useful in themselvesproducts, but in combination with honey their effectiveness increases. To make such a mask, you need a tablespoon of aloe and honey juice, one yolk and a teaspoon of garlic juice. All components must be mixed and left on hair for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water, and to improve the effect, you can still rinse with a decoction of mint.

  • Olive oil

Very useful and at the same time very simpleThe mask is made from honey and olive oil. The components are mixed in the same proportion, the mask is applied for 20 minutes, and then washed off with shampoo. We advise you to read:

