marry a foreigner It's no secret that many modern girls andwomen dream of marrying a foreigner. Truth and crook they are trying to arrange their fate away from their homeland, and many succeed. You can condemn them, talking about the lack of patriotism and the desire for an easy life, or you can try to understand the reason for such a desire. After all, whatever one may say, the number of men in Russia is inferior to the number of women, and by the age of 35-40, an unmarried woman can not find a suitable husband for herself. So these women remain alone, with envy looking at the more successful married friends. Yes, and the love of Russian men for hot drinks sometimes does not allow many women to expect a happy, happy marriage. What seems ridiculous and ridiculous for residents of most countries of the world is perfectly normal for an ordinary Russian woman: we are ready to consider a man ideal only because he does not drink. And the difficult economic situation in the country, which does not give one hundred percent certainty in the future, makes many girls seek personal happiness abroad. We all want financial stability and prosperity, not only for ourselves, but for our children. All this together and serves as an excellent explanation that some girls do not want to associate their destiny with fellow-men. They are looking for the best conditions for their lives, and it is not worth condemning them. Everyone has the right to personal happiness, and if it is not possible to find him in his country, then why not look for him anywhere in the world? how to marry a foreigner

Marry a foreigner: where to start

Well, if you are morally ready to leave from alltheir relatives and friends for many thousands of kilometers, if you are not afraid of the difficulties of life in another country, with other laws and mentality, then it's time to start realizing your dream. Before thinking about how to marry a foreigner, decide which country you would like to live in. After all, you will agree, even the most respectable and decent man from China in many respects differs from the same contender on a hand and heart from the European country or the USA. You have to determine what mentality you are closer to the heart, whose moral and religious principles you are ready to accept. And, as soon as you decide on the choice of the country, immediately proceed to the second point of implementation of your plan. Namely - to learn the language in which you are to talk. The most difficult for abroad is those emigrants who do not know the language of the country they came to live in. Or they do not possess it well enough. How can you communicate with your chosen one without knowing a word from his native language? Translators are unlikely to help you - rather, on the contrary. There are many cases when foreigners switched their attention to these same translators and married them instead of former pretenders. So immediately sign up for language courses, buy self-study books or learn the language on the computer with the help of special programs! Adjust your appearance. Of course, Russian women are really appreciated for their beauty all over the world, but a couple dozen extra pounds and dandruff in untidy hair will not give you a chance to find an interesting man. Then he will understand and appreciate your rich inner world, and first you should interest him with your attractive appearance. Try to imagine a man for whom you would be willing to marry. His age, height, weight, hair color, eye color. Our thoughts are material, which means you need to scroll the image of the ideal man in your head more often. Finding true happiness is always difficult, and even abroad - even more so. You must be prepared for the fact that you will have to make a lot of efforts to realize the dream. And, most importantly, you need to remember that your efforts will be justified and you will find your loved one. Many foreign men have a rather unpleasant idea of ​​brides from Russia. Numerous marriage agencies spread myths that a Russian girl is a silent beauty ready to work for the happiness of her husband 24 hours a day and does not require anything other than a place of residence in another country. Unfortunately, most of the potential suitors who apply to such agencies are people who, due to their poor character, circumstances or state of health, are not attractive to their compatriots. From women from Russia they are waiting for obedience and gratitude, not knowing about the hot temper of our compatriots. In order not to run into such a potential husband, it is necessary to work long and hard, looking for a kind, decent man. And if you believe in yourself, then the light at the end of the tunnel will surely dawn, and you can marry a man who will not turn your life into hell. how to marry a foreigner in Russia

How to get acquainted with a foreigner

To get acquainted with a foreigner in order to get outfor him to marry, you can only two ways: yourself and with the help of marriage agencies or specialized sites. Let's look at each of them. Independent search for a partner It is possible to get acquainted with a nice foreigner in different ways. For example, you can go on a tourist trip to the desired country in the hope of finding the right man. Here you can face the following problem: you will be able to get acquainted, but you hardly have time to bring the matter and marriage. Your acquaintance can easily turn into a regular holiday romance, which has no continuation, and after all you pursue a completely different goal, right? The following options for independent search are ads in newspapers and magazines, as well as international social networks. Unfortunately, with this way of dating you have a big risk of stumbling upon a scammer. Pay special attention to any requests of your potential suitors to send them some money. Many impure men in the hands are specially acquainted with women from Russia and other countries of the former Union for the sake of illegal enrichment. Of course, and with an independent search for the groom, you have a chance to successfully marry a resident of another country. However, the success rate here depends on your luck, and this is not the most faithful companion in the search for happiness. Dating agencies and dating sites In Russia, in almost every city, there are marriage agencies that can help you marry a foreigner. For their services they take a certain payment and work with you for a certain period of time, after which (if the groom is not found), a new contract is concluded with a new payment. But there are agencies that charge only once for unlimited membership and provide services to their clients until they get married. Typically, these agencies post your profile on their own website on the Internet and send your data to overseas marriage offices with whom they cooperate. In the presence they have a directory where you can see the candidates. The trouble is that in these catalogs there are no contacts of suitors, you can communicate with them only through the agency. In addition, information about men is updated fairly rarely and may be hopelessly outdated. Nevertheless, the search for a foreign husband through a marriage agency can bear fruit. You will be helped to make a good photo, provide an interpreter in case you do not know the language. In order to successfully choose a marriage agency, it is necessary to find out how long it has been operating and whether it has positive results. Dating sites The easiest way to get acquainted with a foreigner on a dating site. To do this, find a site that provides an opportunity to communicate with men from other countries. You can also go to the site of the country where you want to move. Register and create your profile. Of course, you need to do this in a foreign language. It is very important to provide truthful data in the questionnaire, otherwise you will earn the reputation of not a very decent woman, and you will not have to count on a successful search for the groom. In a short communication about yourself it is important to be interested in a potential groom. Write about your age, profession, interests and what kind of man you would like to see as your life companion. Be sure to specify that you are ready to communicate with a man via email and / or Skype, this will give confidence to the candidates that you are determined and do not try to hide anything. Try to write competently, this will add determination to men to contact with you. Be sure to answer all the requests of men, but do not hesitate to sift those who did not like you. Be polite, but adamant, otherwise it will be much harder for you to find the person you are dreaming about. to marry a foreigner in Russia

Possible consequences of marriage with a foreigner

If a woman realized her dream and got marriedfor a foreigner, then, unfortunately, this does not guarantee her happiness. People are different: you may just not be lucky. Well, if you get a kind, attentive, generous and educated companion of life. Then, real love and a happy marriage are possible. And if not? Suddenly he turns out to be stupid, cruel and too greedy? Perhaps, even because of the difference in mentality, you and your chosen one will look at the same circumstances from different points of view. Consider the possible options for your relationship ... The ideal option is when everything is fine Despite the existence of some differences in the perception of the surrounding world, you could become the only one for each other. Such unions are, as a rule, only if the acquaintance of the spouses is due to the common interests, and already much later common points of contact appeared, which turned into personal relationships. There are many examples of such an alliance. Satisfactory option - marriage without love (just together) It also happens that it seems that all expectations of marriage with a foreigner were justified, but after the wedding, life in marriage was not so rosy as it seemed before marriage. The honeymoon has not yet come to an end, and the spouses start annoying each other. But many couples do not hurry to get divorced, continuing to live without love, respecting their interests and respecting the laws of the hostel. Variant of "transport" means Recently, this option is quite common. Despite the general plans for a future life together, very often after the wedding it turns out that to get along under one roof next to your chosen one there is no possibility, and no desire. That's where it all begins ... If you do not want to return home, make every effort not to divorce at least a few years. For example, in Germany the so-called "trial period" is five years. Thus, staying in this country as the wife of a local resident, you will receive a permanent residence permit. If earlier it was possible to obtain a visa and immediately divorce, then after the "transport" marriages were massively used for enrichment, they were immediately banned. Now every girl has the right to stay in the country of the spouse exactly as much as continues to be his lawful wife. If you want to divorce before you get citizenship or a permanent residence permit, you simply will not be granted a visa. Therefore, if you do not have a relationship with your chosen one and he does not aspire to get a divorce as quickly as possible, you can, while remaining nominally married, extend temporary residence permits or visas. In this case, you actually have to rely only on your own strengths: to look for high-yielding work that allows you to pay for accommodation, food, clothing and much more. But for this, as a rule, it is necessary to have a good command of the language. After the expiration of the "test" period, you can safely divorce, now no one will ever evict you from the country, since during this time you have already managed to adapt here and you simply have nowhere to go back. Now, having reached the goal, you can lead your independent life in Europe. The most unfavorable variant - neither husband, nor love, nor abroad Such cases, unfortunately, are not unique. Going overseas in search of happiness, every girl dreams of a beautiful fairy-tale prince. However, not everyone is destined to meet in such a completely foreign country such a fairy-tale hero. An unfamiliar person can turn out to be not a prince at all, or you simply can not approach him as a wife, and not every man will agree to be with you in marriage for such a long period of time, until the period of your integration is over. All - you stayed at the broken trough, what next? Many immediately return home, while others, while the long divorces go on, start frantically looking for other options for obtaining a visa. There are also cases when the bride dreams of "rushing off" as quickly as possible from a new husband who does not look like a fairy prince at all. It is not uncommon for foreign grooms to look for themselves, most likely not their own wife, but a free housekeeper, mistress and cook in one person. Specific advice. No matter how well your life with a foreigner evolved, you should be ready for different variants of your future abroad:

  • If you are going to marry someone from another country, you must at least be fluent in the language. After all, without knowledge of the language you will be in a vulnerable state.
  • Going abroad, you must necessarily have a financial reserve (for every fire case), of which no one should know except you.
  • Be sure to take with you all the documents, even those that you do not think you will need abroad.
  • Do not bring your children with you when you first visit abroad.
  • Try to find a common language with relatives, friends and acquaintances of your husband.
  • In order not to feel in a vacuum, try to get new friends.
  • Try to find a job in your specialty as soon as possible.
  • In European countries, there are variousorganization for the protection of women's rights, so in any case, find out the contact details of "shelters for women." Let's hope that the addresses and phone numbers of these organizations will never be useful to you!

Nobody discourages you from the dream of getting marriedFor a beautiful foreigner who will turn your life into a fairy tale. There are full-full examples of successful marriages among people, formerly separated by distance, culture, mentality. You just need to be ready for an unexpected turn of the plot, because life often presents us surprises, and unpleasant ones - including. To ensure that your family life with a foreigner turned out to be happy, you should not look for a way to leave Russia for a more economically developed country, but a way to fall in love and become a beloved one. Accepting with all your heart a person, his culture and values ​​- this will allow you to enter the number of those lucky people who have lived abroad for a long time. We advise you to read:

