long wavy hair The old statement of the world that hair -one of the main female jewelry, does not lose its relevance over time. Long, flowing, shiny, wavy hair has always been and remains the main secret female weapon that beats without a miss, forcing the masculine heart to freeze and then to beat faster. By the way, the same conclusions were reached by scientists who conducted a number of opinion polls. More than 50% of men between the ages of 18 and 65 confirmed that this type of hair is the most sexually attractive. Perhaps the secret of the attraction of long wavy hair is that they are involuntarily associated with men with innocence and youth. Indeed, despite the variety of different short haircuts, they are most often resorted to by mature women, burdened with family and various concerns. This is understandable - they simply do not have time to care for long hair. Yes, curly hair delivers a lot of problems to its owners. They need to be constantly taken care of. In order for the hairstyle to look spectacular and slightly careless sometimes you have to spend several hours before the mirror. But the result is worth it! How to properly care for this type of hair?

Simple rules

The structure of curly hair is so unique andis complex, which requires mandatory intensive and systematic care. Curly hair forms curls, whose folds are considered the most vulnerable. Therefore, improper washing or styling can easily damage it. In order for this not to happen it is enough to use several simple rules.

  • Long curly hair is not recommended to washtoo often - the daily mechanical effect on the curls can harm them. You should definitely use a shampoo for your hair type. And you only need to apply it to the roots - the tips will be rinsed when you flush the remedy.
  • Try not to abuse hot styling -it can dry your hair. To reduce the harmful effects of hot air, it is recommended to use a hair dryer with a diffuser. By the way, this nozzle will perfectly help to form elastic curls. And that the hair stayed longer, at the end of the installation, switch the hair dryer to cold mode and let the curls cool down. At least twice a week let your hair dry out on your own - let them rest from the hair dryer. In other days, always use thermal protection.
  • Regularly moisturize your hair. You can use ready-made masks for curly hair, or you can prepare them yourself using "grandmother's" recipes.
  • Never use a brush with a frequent bristle forstacking. It is better to buy a comb with sparse teeth. In general, combing long curly hair should be as rare as possible. Ideally - only after washing and very carefully. If during the day the hair is disheveled - just give the locks the desired shape with your fingers. And, of course, in order to make your hair look stylish and well-groomed, you need to choose the right haircut.

wavy long hair

How to choose a haircut

Long hair for many years firmly holdprimacy in the world hairdresser's fashion. This is understandable. After all, it is with them that the master has a huge space for creativity. The most complex elements and the most virtuosic laying are performed precisely on this length of hair. Haircuts on long wavy hair there is a lot. Which of them to choose? When choosing a hairstyle, you must take into account the structure of your hair. For example, thin hair, which is often confused, it is recommended to cut a cascade. This will give them the necessary volume and, besides, will allow to lay separately each lock. Such hairstyles are surprisingly multifunctional and versatile. In addition, they look fantastically beautiful and attractive. True, under one condition - the hair should be very well-groomed. But the elastic and heavy locks are very suitable even haircut with a "ladder", gently bordering the face. And one more thing, which you should pay attention to - whatever haircut on long wavy hair you did not choose, from the straight bangs experts recommend all the same to refuse. If you can not find the haircut on your own, it's better to seek the advice of an experienced professional stylist. After all, a properly selected hairstyle can emphasize your individuality and add the last, finishing touch to the image, making it bright and harmonious.

Styling for long hair

Unfortunately, not always there is time andthe ability to regularly make styling in expensive salons. How to lay wavy curls on your own? And so that the hairstyle for a long time kept and looked effectively. In fact, nothing complicated in this. You will need:

  • shine for the hair
  • lacquer light fixation
  • brush
  • ploy
  • flat comb
  • hairpins

Let's start?

  • Wash your hair and gently dry it with a hairdryer. They must be absolutely dry.
  • Make a nap in the occipital and parietal parts of the head, using a flat comb.
  • Using a brush, carefully align the upper part of the hair in such a way that the fleece remains inside.
  • Brushed hair first twist into a bundle, and then gather into a bundle and fix it with pins.
  • Remain the remaining hair using a curling iron.
  • Arrange them asymmetrically, laying on one shoulder. Your hair is ready!
  • As you can see, everything is very simple - a little bit of attentionand cares, and no one can stand before your luxurious curls. After all, this is a gift that is not given to everyone. And the wise, old folk proverb: "What is rare, it is dearly valued" has not been canceled yet! We advise you to read:

