lamination of hair at home Every woman wants to look beautiful. However, not everyone succeeds. After all, nothing adorns like beautiful healthy hair. Someone endowed them with nature, and someone has to make certain efforts, achieving the effect of a lush hairstyle. We experiment with care products, we change hairdressers, but even the most stylish haircut can not give lifeless, dull strands a healthy look. The beauty of any woman lies in the brilliance and radiance of healthy hair. As it turned out, all this is not so difficult to achieve. The best option is to get an amazing effect - lamination. This method of hair restoration and protection, which is very popular in foreign countries, has appeared not so long ago. Lamination is extremely easy, and the whole process takes no more than half an hour. On the strand is applied a special composition, which contains biologically active substances and proteins of wheat. Thirty minutes later, it is washed off and thoroughly rinsed with hair. There should not be any money left on them. For such a short period of time, the composition has time to cover each hair with the finest protective film. Already after the first procedure, the volume of the hairstyle increases substantially, all of its strands become elastic, soft and obedient. laminating hair at home

Laminating hair at home with the help of professional tools

If until recently lamination is possiblewas done only in beauty salons, today modern means allow you to perform it yourself at home. The effect lasts for about 4-6 weeks on the hair, feeding them with proteins, vitamins and other beneficial substances, and then gradually washed off. Repeated procedure can be carried out both after complete removal of the composition, and before. The result, as a rule, largely depends on the quality of the drugs used. Laminating hair at home can be perfectly combined with other methods of their treatment. The regular conduct of such procedures and the use of professional tools allow each woman to always look amazing. And now let's try to figure out how to accomplish this popular and costly salon manipulation yourself as simply and with the greatest effect. Lamination of hair at home is most often done with a special spray. It is only necessary to apply this remedy uniformly on each strand and not to wash it off. As a result, you will get more shiny and smooth hair. However, you should understand that the effect of this method of visual improvement will not last long - it will last only until the next washing of the head. But in any case, the hair for some time will not be exposed to external negative factors. But the simplicity of this procedure is seeming. Direct hair lamination in the home must be preceded by a certain preparatory process, otherwise the effect of it will not impress you. So first you need to assess the real state of your hair. The next step is to choose the necessary means for their purification and restoration of moisture balance. And here without referring to a specialist from a good beauty salon clearly can not do. It is with his help that you can correctly prepare your hair and understand how to make a hair lamination at home in such a way as to achieve the effect of a salon procedure. After the hairdresser gives all the necessary recommendations and you give some time to hair restoration, you can proceed to the very procedure of their external recovery. To do this you will need to purchase special compositions for lamination, the complete list of which consists of:

  • shampoo, providing deep cleansing;
  • strengthening the mask-reductant;
  • revitalizing spray (express laminate);
  • special oil for the tips of hair.

Before proceeding to the procedure itself, do notDisregard the careful study of instructions to the above-mentioned drugs. Adhere to all recommendations for their application and exposure time, and the algorithm for manipulating the lamination of hair at home, observe with maximum clarity. This is an indispensable condition for obtaining an excellent result. As for the technology itself, the procedure for external hair healing is performed as follows. First of all you will have to wash your hair with a special shampoo. You can use a tinted version of this cleanser, it should be evenly distributed across all the strands, left for thirty minutes, and then washed off with warm water. Then you should make a mask, the remnants of which remove after ten minutes. After doing all these manipulations, excess moisture from the hair needs to be removed with a terry towel. Now comes the work with the laminating compound. For those who at least once performed painting at home, it will not be very difficult. You just need to evenly coat each strand of your hair with a tool, leave it for thirty minutes and then wash it off, but without shampoo. After you carefully remove the remnants of the laminating compound, it is recommended to make another mask. If all the procedures were carried out correctly, then the hair will please you with extraordinary smoothness, brilliance, healthy appearance and good volume. Those women who want to independently perform the procedure for laminating hair at home, you need to know some nuances. It is best at least once with my own eyes to see how this manipulation is done in the salon by an experienced master and what should be its result. Therefore, if opportunities allow, do not neglect the opportunity to surrender to the specialist's hands. This will teach you many subtleties. But if you for some reason do not get to visit the hairdresser salon, then the masters can always be invited to the house. It is important to know that lamination is suitable for all types of hair - it can be done both on dyed or discolored strands, or with a chemical wave, because this procedure helps to fight against dryness and various kinds of damage. Remember that shampoo for deep cleansing should be used only before performing the lamination directly. Use it in everyday care can not. To do this, there are less traumatic means. Do not be superfluous for you, and information that the agent for express lamination can be both transparent (colorless), and perform also the functions of hair dye. home hair lamination

Laminating hair with folk remedies

Those women who are convinced thathome lamination is not possible. As already described above, this procedure is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. You just need to stick to the right technology, and then you can save on a hike in the salon and at the same time boast of shiny and healthy hair, almost like advertising shampoo on TV. But no less mistaken, and those ladies who are sure that such a procedure and the house is not feasible without an expensive set of special funds. This is not true. In the kitchen, each housewife has a wonderful composition for carrying out hair lamination. It is very cheap and therefore available to all. It is, of course, an ordinary gelatin. This product consists of protein and protein collagen. And you do not need to be a certified cosmetologist to understand how these substances are valuable for the hair, nails and skin of a person. Gelatin is needed by those of us who have problems with the growth of cartilaginous tissue after injuries and fractures in the joints. So why not take advantage of its useful properties to restore the beauty of our hair? Moreover, it is very easy to do this. Some experts even say that lamination with gelatin is much more useful than using special expensive means for this purpose, since natural collagen is much more nutritious than its artificial substitutes. The effect of such procedures at home, as a rule, is visible already in the first week of their conduct. Longer use of gelatin makes it possible for your hair to look stronger: they noticeably thicken, acquire a healthy radiance and grow faster. The film that it creates protects your hair from the harmful thermal effects of styling products. It also prevents hair from electrifying, making them smooth and at the same time not depriving the volume. So, laminate the strands of the house in the most simple and affordable way. As in the case with the use of special professional means, hair conditioning with gelatin should begin with their preliminary preparation. The first stage consists of washing the head with an ordinary shampoo. Then you should use a softening balm, which after a few minutes should be washed off with warm water. Complete hair preparation will help remove excess moisture with a towel. Now you can go to the very recipes of the laminating formulations based on gelatin. The main mask is made as follows. In any glass, porcelain or ceramic container you need to pour one tablespoon of dry food gelatin and add three to four tablespoons of slightly warmed water. The resulting mixture must be left for about thirty minutes for swelling. After the specified time in the same capacity it is necessary to add the usual conditioner for hair in such quantity that the received structure as a result reminded a dense sour cream. Do not forget to mix everything thoroughly, so that the mass becomes as homogeneous as possible. Next, place the container with a laminating compound on a water bath and stir it constantly. This will allow the gelatin to dissolve, but do not let it boil. Then the received mass should cool down and turn into familiar jelly. With this composition, laminate each strand of pre-prepared hair, evenly covering them. Avoid getting gelatin on the scalp, because when drying you will feel an unpleasant itch and tightness. Having finished applying the mask, you need to put a plastic bag or a special cap on your head, wrap it with a towel and warm it up with a hairdryer for at least fifteen minutes. After that, you need to hold the mass for about half an hour, then wash it off warm, but in no case by hot water. Hair after the completion of the procedure must dry yourself - the hair dryer in this case you will not need. To make the effect noticeable as early as possible, this method of laminating the house can be used up to four to five times a week. In addition to this universal mask for all types of hair, there are many other recipes based on gelatin. By the way, instead of water for its dissolution, you can use herbal decoctions and infusions, for example, from nettles, chamomile or burdock. Some of the masks include various essential oils, known for all their positive effects, egg yolk and black bread. But you will not be able to remove them with water alone - you will need to use shampoo. Below we will talk about the compositions for home lamination intended for different types of hair and contributing to their volume, growth and so on. laminating hair at home

Gelatin masks

  • Mask for intensive nutrition In this case, onetable gelatin should be poured with three tablespoons of milk, leave for half an hour for swelling, and then bring to a homogeneous state in a water bath. If you have long hair, then the specified number of components should be increased. The main difficulty is to keep the proportion: one part of gelatin to three parts of the liquid. In the resulting composition, you can add any capsules for hair nutrition.
  • Gelatine mask with fruit juicethe composition for any hair color is prepared on the basis of apple juice. Blondes, to give brightness to their hair, you can take instead of it a little lemon juice, diluted with water, and owners of dark strands should use carrot juice. The composition is prepared according to the principle described above: one tablespoon of gelatin is poured with three tablespoons of the selected juice, is infused and dissolved in a water bath.
  • Masks based on almond, castor andBurdock oil In all cases, the gelatin mixture must be made according to the usual algorithm, observing the already mentioned proportion. And then add almond oil, focusing on the type of hair: for dry and damaged one and a half teaspoons, for normal - one, and for fat - half. This mask, besides laminating, well nourishes and heals your strands, but it is not worth keeping it longer than half an hour. Composition based on castor oil is prepared in the same way - it promotes the growth of hair, and their loss is prevented by a mask with the addition of burdock oil.
  • Medium for intensive moisturizingfor lamination it helps to cope with the dryness and damage caused by prolonged exposure to the sun and the constant use of thermal styling tools. It's done very simply. To begin with, you need to prepare a decoction on the basis of nettle leaves for dark hair or chamomile flowers for the light. The proportions in this case change: now one tablespoon of gelatin should be dissolved in a water bath in the same amount of the herbal liquid obtained and add as much honey. This composition should be applied not only over the entire length of the hair, but also rubbed into the roots.
  • Laminating mask for volume For herpreparation it is necessary to mix one teaspoon of gelatin, two tablespoons of water, one teaspoon of colorless henna and mustard, and then add the egg yolk. The composition should be brought into a homogeneous state in a water bath, applied to the hair and kept for about an hour. After the end of the time it needs to be washed off with warm water and shampoo.

This is not all existing recipes,allowing you to do hair lamination at home. However, this procedure must be carried out with a sense of proportion. Do not forget that no matter how good and natural your chosen composition was, hair can not do without oxygen and a certain amount of ultraviolet light. Therefore, do not keep your strands permanently encased in a protective film and perform lamination with interruptions, so as not to nullify the processes of natural cell regeneration. Good luck and shine to your hair! We advise you to read:

