tips for girls who want to conceive a child You decided to have a baby and are already waiting forwait, when will this long-awaited moment come? But there is one "but", you need to wait and no one knows how much. To expedite this moment I advise you to read the recommendations of experienced people in this matter - gynecologists.

Take a medical examination

Before you start "having children" go throughmedical examination. Drink a course of vitamins, but first consult your doctor, what vitamins are right for you. If you have health problems, your health care provider should monitor them before pregnancy. Just visit the gym, go to the bookstore to buy relevant literature and visit the dentist.

Watch your cycle

You need to know your cycle and successful days forconception of the child. Ovulation is the best period for fertilization. You can use special sets that are sold in the pharmacy, they will inform you about the onset of ovulation. Usually, in those girls who have a cycle lasting 28 days, ovulation occurs on day 14, but also does not exclude any individual differences. If you take contraceptives, then after rejecting them for the first time, you can not track the onset of ovulation. A few years ago it was believed that if a girl takes birth control pills, then after giving up, they must go through an unlimited amount of time to get pregnant. To date, you can think of conceiving a child as soon as you finish taking the contraceptive.

Do not look for the "right" posture for conception

There are many myths that these or thosepostures accelerate the process of conception, but the evidence that the missionary posture fits better than when the girl from above does not. So it all depends on your imagination! Surely you've heard this advice - lie down after sex with your legs raised up? This is also a myth! Lie down after sex is about 10-15 minutes, but there is no need to raise your legs, because the position of the pelvis does not change from this. Lie quietly for 10-15 minutes, in this position, sperm probably will fall into the cervix.

Do not overdo it.

Constant sex during ovulation is notmean that you have a greater chance of becoming pregnant. With frequent ejaculation, male sperm loses its value. In principle, having sex every night, you double your chances, as the sperm remains active for 72 hours. To ensure that the quality of sperm in men was good, do not often go to the sauna, wear tight clothes and wear a mobile phone in the genital area.

Relieve stress

If you are constantly in a statestress due to attempts at conception, this can affect ovulation. Similarly, stress can cause men to have sexual dysfunction and fear of possible failures. Therefore, use all possible ways to relax.

Adhere to a healthy lifestyle

Attend sports, but do not overdo it. It is proved that training for 7 days for 40-45 minutes leads to problems with ovulation. Therefore, it is better to reduce the level of intensity of classes. The most optimal option for you is walking or aerobic exercise for 30 minutes. Just do not forget about a healthy diet and diet that will help to conceive a child faster. If you smoke, you must definitely throw this bad habit, nicotine reduces your fertility. 85% of women can conceive a child during the first year of attempts. If you do not enter into their number, then you need to see a doctor. And women older than 35 years should see a doctor after 6 months of attempted conception. If you do not have neither the time nor the desire for tips and advice, but you want to get pregnant and have a healthy baby, then we recommend . We advise you to read:

