Quince belongs to the genus of small trees orshrubs of the rose family, which are grown for their fruits, used for confectionery purposes. Quince was brought to Europe from Central Asia and Iran, where it grows in natural conditions. Quince looks very beautiful - a round or slightly pear-shaped form, yellow skin and a pleasant aroma make it appetizing. However, raw it is too hard and sour. Quince skin is covered with tiny hairs, the seeds are similar to apple seeds - there are also five of them, and they are placed in exactly the same "pockets", forming the core. You can appreciate all the gastronomic qualities of this fruit only after careful preparation. Quince jam is especially delicious. Sweet recipes with quince are the most widespread. Jam, jellies and preserves, filling for pies are made from it, baked with sugar and other sweets. But there are other ways to cook it - for example, it is fried with meat or game, stuffed with beans, peas or minced meat.
A simple recipe for jam
Quince jam - the recipe is quite simple. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:
- Quince yellow-green - 1 kg;
- Sugar - 1 kg.
Peeled fruits with the core removedBlanch for about twenty minutes in boiling water, then cool in running cold water. For further preparation, you need syrup. To get it, take half a kilo of sugar for each kilogram of fruit. Heat this syrup (without bringing it to a boil) and keep the slices in it for about six hours. It should be noted that for preparing such syrup, it is better to use the water in which the fruit was initially blanched. From the sugar that remains after the syrup in which the fruit is infused, you should make another syrup, a little more concentrated, and gradually pour it to the fruit while cooking the jam. After completing the six-hour soak, strain the fruit and put it back into the boiled syrup, do a second soak, now eight hours. After all the preliminary manipulations, you can finally proceed directly to cooking. It is done in four stages, during which you must try to increase the boiling temperature with each subsequent cooking. And only during the final, fourth cooking, the resulting mixture should be boiled down until ready. We pack the quince jam into warm dry jars, which should be hermetically sealed.
Jam with lemon
Quince jam with lemon is another delicious recipe. To prepare it you will need:
- Quince - 1 kg;
- Sugar - 600gr .;
- Water - 1 glass;
- Lemon - 1 piece;
- Vanillin - 1gr .;
- Nuts (peanuts, almonds or walnuts) - 100 gr.
Before you start cooking, wash it thoroughly.quince. Cut it into 4 parts, remove the seeds, divide into small slices. Put an enamel pan on the fire, add water and sugar and boil this mixture. Next, throw finely chopped quince into the pan. After it has stood on the fire for five minutes, remove and leave for 12 hours. After this time, put it on the fire again, bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes and leave for 12 hours. The nuts must be thoroughly chopped. Strong varieties can be broken with a hammer, and soft ones can be kneaded by hand. Grate the lemon zest on the smallest grater, in the end you should get about one teaspoon. Bring our mixture to a boil for the third time, this time adding the chopped nuts and lemon zest. Add vanilla, lemon wedges to give the jam a unique, more refined and sophisticated taste. When the whole mixture boils and cooks for a couple of minutes, put the resulting jam into pre-prepared sterile jars. Roll them up with lids, wrap them in a warm blanket and let them stand for 3 days. Fresh quince is very sour and hard, and after cooking it acquires a sweetish taste and a delicate consistency. Jam from this fruit will be an excellent addition to any tea party. It can be served both on a festive table and daily with tea or coffee. Many housewives use quince jam or marmalade for filling pies. This unsurpassed taste can amaze the imagination of even the most fastidious gourmet.
Jelly from quince
This sour and tart fruit will make an original and incredibly tasty jelly. To make it, you will need:
- Quince - 1 kg;
- Sugar - 400gr .;
- Water - 2 tbsp.
To make delicious jelly you shoulduse smaller fruits. The peel and seeds cut out when making jam are also suitable. Wipe the fruits with a damp cloth, divide into very small pieces, without removing the seeds and without peeling. Place the chopped pieces in the selected pan, fill them with water and cook until as soft as possible. Strain the juice obtained during cooking through fine gauze, while not squeezing the fruits themselves. The resulting juice should be very transparent. Add sugar to it at the rate of 800 grams per liter of liquid. Cook it all until the desired thickness is achieved. Before removing the pan from the heat, you need to add citric acid at the rate of 5 grams per 1 kilogram of sugar. Place the prepared jelly in a special dish or in plastic boxes, in which it will then be easy to cut the resulting dessert. If you want the jelly to be more transparent and aromatic, you can add apples to the quince in equal proportions. Quince jam can be called a truly delicacy. Any sweet tooth will appreciate it. Lemon slices added when cooking the jam will give it an exquisite sourness. The fruits of this fruit contain ascorbic acid, fructose and glucose, which are very useful for every organism. Since ancient times, quince has been grown and selected on the island of Crete, where the best varieties of this plant grow today. Quince was also recognized by the ancient Greeks, they loved to cook it by baking, having previously removed the core and filled it with honey. Over time, this exotic fruit migrated to Belgium, France and Great Britain, and then spread almost throughout the world.
Jam with ginger
There can never be too much quince jam. Here is another recipe that will please all lovers of sweet preserves. Quince jam with ginger, to prepare it you will need:
- Quince (cleaned and cut into small pieces) - 2 items;
- The root of ginger - 1 item;
- Sugar - 2 items;
- Water - 2 st.
We wash the quince, peel it, and remove the seeds.box, and then cut into very small slices. Peel and cut the ginger root into very small pieces. Then pour in the water and light the fire. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat. Cook the jam for exactly as long as necessary to make the quince soft and tender to the taste. After that, pass the resulting mixture through a fine sieve, transfer to another pan and cook everything until you get a consistency similar to jam. Quince jam always comes out moderately sweet, with its inherent unusual sourness. The slices of this fruit remain whole and acquire an exquisite tenderness. Tea with quince jam, drunk after breakfast, will charge you with a positive mood and the necessary strength for the whole day. We recommend reading: