Itchy scalp annoying enough largenumber of people. Someone confronts him only occasionally, and someone is much less lucky, and the itch of the scalp tortures a person practically throughout his life. Agree, there is not a bright prospect for the development of events. Of course, with this misfortune it is possible and necessary to fight. However, in order to eliminate the itching of the scalp, it is necessary to know precisely the cause that caused it. It is unlikely that you will be able to determine this cause on your own, therefore it is much more reasonable to apply for help to a dermatologist without delay. Perhaps there will be absolutely nothing serious, and you will quickly get rid of the painful itching sensation. And perhaps the problem is much more serious, and you need medical care and treatment. So, what are the causes that cause a strong sensation of the itch of the head? This is precisely what will be discussed below:
Different stress factors
Not so long ago, doctors in some cases in thethe answer to people's complaints that their scalp is very much scratched, puzzled with their hands and signed in their own impotence. However, recently, medical research has established that there is the most direct link between the stressful state of the body and the appearance of skin itching. Itching of the scalp from stress is by no means a rarity. Situations requiring excessive concentration of attention, psychological pressure on a person, mental stress for a long time, emotional instability, serious illness or death of a loved one. All these stressful situations lead to the same result - in the body there is an increased production of the hormone adrenaline. In order for adrenaline to leave the human body, a certain physical load is necessary. Otherwise, adrenaline remains in the body for a very long time. And it is the increased content of adrenaline in the blood often causes a person intrusive, exhausting skin itching of the head.
Muscle Stress
Despite the fact that very few people can evenassume this, but the itch of the scalp can be caused by excessive muscle tension. And most often the sensation of itching causes tension in such muscle groups as the muscles of the back, shoulders, neck. In addition, do not forget that there are a lot of different muscles on the head, which can also be in tension. How can muscle tension lead to sensation of itching of the scalp? It's very, very simple - because of the muscle strain, microcirculation of blood in the blood vessels of the skin of the head worsens. And, in addition, the constant tension of the muscles of the head can not but lead to the appearance of microtraumas of muscle fibers. And as a result, the inflammatory process develops, which also makes you aware of yourself with a fairly intense and almost continuous skin itching. Moreover, itchy skin with excessive tension of the muscles of the head is still the greatest trouble. In especially severe cases, this very itch appears against the background of intense hair loss. In this case, only a doctor can help a person, with the help of special intensive therapy, the ultimate goal of which is complete relaxation of the muscle fibers of the head. As a rule, as a result of such therapy, complete relaxation of the muscle fibers is achieved, the full blood supply is restored, the inflammatory process is eliminated. Accordingly, and the itchy skin disappears completely.
Effects on the skin of chemicals
One of the most common causes,provoking the occurrence of skin itching, is the effect on the scalp of various cosmetics. Such provocative factors can be: shampoo for washing the head, conditioners, masks and balms for hair, various means for styling hair and coloring them. In addition, the itch of the skin is often women are provoked by frequent washing of the head, the use of a hair dryer or other devices for drying and styling hair. Yes - yes, do not be surprised - the effect of high temperatures not only affects the hair condition negatively, but also overdoes the scalp, thereby provoking the appearance of irritation and itching. In such cases, you can try yourself, without the help of a doctor, to try to help yourself. First, try as little as possible to change the type and brand of funds that are usually used to care for skin. And if you change the cosmetic product, then the first time, very closely monitor the condition of the skin of the head. In case you feel itching and burning, stop using it. If you can not independently identify a provoking factor, you should completely stop using all cosmetic products, temporarily giving preference to the most simple children's shampoo, without any additives. As a rule, it is most effective to use shampoo for children of the first year of life. Of course, be sure to seek help from a doctor - a gynecologist.
The presence of dandruff
What is dandruff, probably, everyone knows. However, very few people understand where it comes from, and why often the appearance of dandruff is accompanied by severe itching. The average life cycle of skin cells on a person's head is 30 days. In the same case, if there is a violation of this process, the cells begin to die much faster, resulting in the formation of Czechs - the very dandruff. And dandruff, in turn, can cause quite a strong and exhausting itch. And as a consequence, a problem arises in front of a person - an itch of the scalp with dandruff. In the course are various improvised means, which do not bring practically no relief. And the underlying disease remains without due attention. In no case is it inadmissible to carelessly treat the appearance of dandruff. After all, it also arises from the fact that the normal release of fat is disrupted, and this threatens the fact that ordinary dandruff can develop into a serious enough disease - seborrheic eczema. In this case, the only correct solution will be as soon as possible a person turns to a doctor - a dermatologist, who will appoint a suitable treatment that can eliminate this disease.
The presence of parasites in a sick person
One of the most unpleasant reasonslead to the emergence of the strongest, almost intolerable itching - is the presence in the hairline of parasitic insects: lice, fleas and ticks. Despite the rather high standard of living of modern people, this problem arises very often - absolutely no one is insured from infection. Diagnosing this disease and this or that kind of parasites is not so difficult - the doctor can easily cope with this task. Fortunately, getting rid of parasites is not so difficult - after all, a large number of a wide variety of hair treatment products and household items are sold in pharmacies that can easily cope with the destruction of parasites.
Treatment of scalp itching
If you, or your relatives are faced witha problem such as an itch of the scalp, in no case should you leave the problem without proper attention. First of all, the sick person should try to establish the cause, which provokes irritation of the scalp. To do this, you need to closely monitor your lifestyle - perhaps you will be able to find a causal relationship. If you managed to establish this reason - eliminate it once and for all. In principle, this is what will be the most basic treatment. In addition, you can use simple folk recipes that will help get rid of the itch much faster:
- Onion husks. Onion husks are great not only for painting Easter eggs, but also for eliminating the itch of the scalp. To do this, place the husks of three to four bulbs in enameled dishes, pour one liter of water and boil for about an hour. After each head wash, rinse the hair with this decoction. As a rule, the itching disappears after two to three days.
- Apple vinegar. A solution of apple cider vinegar also very effectively eliminates discomfort. Dissolve two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in one liter of clean warm water. Rub this solution into the scalp five minutes before washing. The course of treatment is five days.
In the event that you yourself get rid ofdermal itching of the head fails, the sick person should consult a dermatologist. Unfortunately, sometimes in order to diagnose the cause of the itching, it is necessary to conduct a series of examinations. Yes, and treatment is sometimes very, very serious. We advise you to read: