Ah, who else but us, the former?to fidgets and mischievous girls or quiet and modest girls, to know how important it is to have a real girlfriend or sister? And if a sister becomes a friend, then you can consider that life is a success! And if you and your sister also share one girl's room for two... Although, here we can already discuss luck in life. Two ladies (even little ladies) will inevitably begin to divide the territory and conflict over the issue of its properly decorated and organized interior. Therefore, if two future ladies are growing up in your family, then the issue of organizing their joint girl's dwelling becomes an issue for parents: you want to please each of them, but how to do this is not entirely clear. On the one hand, two same-sex inhabitants of the children's room simplify the task for parents: after all, two girls, similar interests, similar problems. But on the other hand... It is important for each child to have their own personal space, it is important to defend their ideas about their own room, it is important to be understood and satisfied in their childhood ambitions. But what if there are two children? How to arrange a children's room taking into account the individuality of each child? Let's try to find out what professional designers, psychologists and teachers advise on this matter, and how, taking this advice into account, to arrange the interior of a children's room for two girls?
The design of a child's room
First, we will understand the pedagogical andпсихологические требования к оформлению детской комнаты вообще. Родители, размышляющие над тем, как оформить интерьер детской, должны помнить об одном важном нюансе. Дело в том, что для ребенка своя комната – то же самое, что и весь дом для взрослого человека. Это вы можете выбрать, где вам лечь спать (или не спать вообще), где поужинать (на кухне, в столовой или в гостиной), где отдохнуть после работы (на кровати с книжкой или на диване перед телевизором). Ребенок такого выбора лишен. Для него в доме выделена целая комната (или уголок) и именно там он проводит основную часть своего свободного от занятий и прогулок времени. Потому психологи советуют, а дизайнеры практикуют метод функционального зонирования при оформлении интерьера детской комнаты. Условно интерьер детской должен быть поделен на три зоны: зону сна, зону отдыха и зону занятий. Удобнее всего распределять эти зоны в зависимости от освещенности комнаты. В самой темной части организовать место для сна, а оставшуюся территорию поделить на зоны отдыха и учебы. При организации места для занятий обязательно учтите советы тех же психологов. Они не рекомендуют располагать письменный (компьютерный) стол так, чтобы сидящий за ним ребенок не был повернут спиной к двери. Дети подсознательно опасаются неожиданного появления взрослых, даже если не делают ничего запрещенного, а это тоже может повлиять на общее состояние ребенка, вызвав необъяснимое (для него) беспокойство и дискомфорт. При организации зоны сна психологи советуют использовать балдахины и пологи над кроватью, потому как лежащему в постели ребенку свободное вертикальное пространство над ним кажется поистине огромным, пугающим и заставляет испытывать тот же дискомфорт. Именно поэтому дети так любят двухъярусные кровати: на верхнем этаже до потолка ближе, а нижний этаж имеет собственную «крышу». Оформляя интерьер детской, родители также не должны лишать ребенка права на личную жизнь и приватное пространство. Поэтому не запрещайте детям устраивать в своей комнате небольшие тайнички, во всяком случае, не давайте понять, что вам известно их местонахождение. Вам же лучше: у вас будет возможность тактично контролировать тайные помыслы своего дитяти, а уж вопрос об этичности и педагогичности такого приема – тема отдельного разговора. Что касается освещения в детской комнате, то оформляйте интерьер с учетом необходимости нескольких групп света. Так, например, в качестве основного источника освещения может использоваться традиционная потолочная люстра или же встроенные светильники (тоже потолочные). Еще необходимо организовать освещение за рабочим столом, где желательно расположить подвижную лампу с рассеянным светом, а на компьютерном столе еще и поставить подсветку за монитором. И последняя важная группа света – ночное освещение: многие дети вообще не могут уснуть без света. Поэтому бра с неяркой лампой, торшер или рассеянный свет «звездного неба» от ночных потолочных светильников в детской комнате просто необходимы. Оформляя интерьер детской, позаботьтесь об экологичности отделочных материалов, мебели и предметов интерьера. Старайтесь использовать только натуральные материалы, безопасные и приятные на ощупь. К тому же вся мебель в детской комнате также должна быть безопасной: прочной и без острых углов. И, естественно, как можно меньше синтетики в интерьерном текстиле. Учтя эти требования, можно переходить непосредственно к оформлению самой детской комнаты, предназначенной для двух девочек. Рассмотрим возможные варианты дизайна, в котором может быть оформлен интерьер такой комнаты.
The interior of a girl's nursery, when children are almost the same age
Firstly, for two children of the same sex it is possibleorganize a combined sleeping area, regardless of whether they are boys or girls. Of course, there is no need to put them to sleep in the same bed, but you can and even should put the beds next to each other. This area can be shared, and the beds do not necessarily need to be separated by a screen or a nightstand. On the contrary, girls will definitely want to share secrets in the dark before going to bed, and it is possible (and even very likely!) that they will climb into the same bed for this. But bedside tables (if the interior implies their presence) should be made individual: after all, some privacy should be maintained. A bunk bed will also be a good solution for organizing a sleeping area (read above why children like such beds). In this case (shared sleeping area), let them also have a shared workspace, even with two desks, but located next to each other. Only then will you have to divide the window equally, placing the desks equally close to it. If the girls are still too young and there is no need for a workspace in the children's room, then organize a large play area. Here you can put a real children's house or a play corner, where the girls will be happy to play house (and they will definitely do it). A children's table at which you can "receive guests", play kitchen, read, draw or do needlework. A sports corner would not hurt in a children's room for two girls: let them get used to being in shape. This can be an ordinary wall bars or even sports equipment specially designed for home use. Do not think that the girls will be satisfied with playing with dolls or beadwork: they also really want to frolic, and they need it. A wardrobe, a shelf for books and toys can also be made common. Just give each girl a place for her own things. And, of course, a mirror! A children's room for two girls must have a mirror, and perhaps a dressing table, if the girls have already reached adolescence. As for the color scheme of the interior, the same psychologists recommend taking into account the wishes of the children. And you can reach a compromise when tastes don’t match by decorating the interior with multi-colored zones or allowing the girls to independently choose the color scheme for individual interior items: bedspreads on the bed, for example, can be different colors for each of the sisters.
Children's interior for girls of different ages
When sisters have a big age difference(four years and older), then the interior of their shared room should be organized completely differently. In this case, psychologists recommend not functional, but individual zoning of the interior. The room should be divided into two equal parts, each of which will contain the child's private area. This need is caused not only by the completely different interests of the girls, but also by considerations of convenience. When the age difference is large enough, and one of the sisters is still very young, and the second is already a schoolgirl, then the interior should be divided into practically isolated rooms. Moreover, the border should be not so much visual as tangible. In this case, you can delimit the girls' personal areas, for example, with a high rack or even two racks. However, such a division is appropriate when there are two windows in the room or one window is on a long wall. Instead of racks, you can build a through partition or put up a screen. Each half should be a full-fledged children's room with its own sleeping place, a place for games or activities, a place to store things. If the area of the room does not allow you to organize the interior in this way, then try to divide the nursery into two parts, one of which will have a sleeping place for both girls and a play area for the younger one, and make the second part the “study” of the older sister. Or divide the room into three zones: sleeping, working and playing. But in any case, the older girl should have her own work place, as well as a place to store hygiene products, teenage cosmetics and other things that the younger one is not yet old enough for. As for the aesthetic and artistic component of such a children's room, then, again, be sure to take into account the wishes of the children. And if the younger one can still sincerely trust your taste, then the older one will most likely rebel against the concept of interior design imposed on her. And here it is important to show flexibility and wisdom. Difficult? What did you think? It is difficult to be parents in general. But it is not you who will have to live in this room, but your girls! So can't you compromise even to the detriment of your own ambitions? After all, this is the only way you can let your children know that you take their opinions into account, which means you love them. Sometimes this is exactly the kind of confirmation of parental love that children lack. So don’t make them unhappy by not approving of the color of their wallpaper or flooring. Believe me, it’s not that easy for them either in this difficult life. Love them! And be loved. We recommend reading: