Everything ever ends. Not so long ago you told at the interview why you want to work in this company, and today you are already thinking about how to quit your job professionally. So, you made this decision. What "pitfalls" do you face?
What should I know before dismissal?
Despite the fact that every day from workthousands of our fellow citizens are being fired, few know how to do it better. Not even what is best - how generally going away from work. Indeed, this is not the simplest topic for a person unconcerned in the psychological and legal sense. Especially for you, we have compiled a list of questions that will be faced by those who decided to change jobs. What should I do first? First of all, consider the decision you made once again. "Working for an uncle" is very difficult, as, indeed, and for yourself. In the process of work, we are faced with a number of difficulties that an adult and a responsible person should actually be able to overcome. Therefore, before you burn the bridges and quickly notify everyone of the dismissal, consider how hard you are in your decision. Let's give a simple example. It's one thing when you work for a few years in a company that constantly cheats, delays wages, can not differentiate the duties of employees and force you to do things that you are completely uninteresting. And quite another, if you just went to work and realized that in fact it is very different from the picture that your imagination drew. Ideal positions practically do not happen - at least, they need to grow up. And the boss does not always turn out to be honest and fair: it happens that he will irritate you about some minor oversight and not praise for the brilliantly executed task. Or the work itself was not as interesting as it seemed to you. In these and similar cases, one should analyze one's own resistance and think about whether it is possible to stay in the workplace and adapt to the difficulties that have arisen. When to notify your boss about your decision? Indeed, this problem can dislodge you. On the one hand, it is widely known that the chief should be warned two weeks before the date of the alleged withdrawal - in order for him to have the time to find you a replacement. On the other hand, it is very clear that finding a worker in such a short period of time can only help a grandiose success, which is not so common with ordinary companies. Therefore, you should not "delay" with the warning of the chief. Of course, it all depends on what kind of relationship you are with him. If you look into the eyes of a harsh reality, it becomes clear that good leaders do not go away, which means that you have some misunderstanding. It is only natural that you may not have the desire to part peacefully with the boss. But we would advise you a little cool down and think: life is long, and the Earth is round. It is not known how aggressive dismissal can affect your future destiny. Therefore, if you have the strength and desire, try to behave decently in relation to the "future former" boss. To do this, you need to warn him about the dismissal in advance. Not for two weeks, but somewhere in a month. Do it better in a polite, but decisive tone. Carefully select words, expressions and intonation. Talking about the reasons for which you decided to quit, do not call the character of the boss, brutal working conditions and boredom. All this will cause aggression from the interlocutor, but there will not be any sense. Be correct and accurate - these are the main conditions for a successful conversation with your superiors. For example, instead of words about low wages, try saying this: "I feel that I have reached my ceiling in this company. I would like to continue to grow and develop in order to be more effective and effective. " In the end, be prepared for negative emotions on the part of the manager. He's just a simple man! Naturally, the news of the employee's departure will cause him stress. At the same time, you have the right to interrupt communication if the conversation goes beyond boundaries and boundaries. So, find a balance, and your conversation will end well. What laws protect me? Strangely enough, almost all of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is on your side. The dismissal is entirely devoted to chapter 13 of the relevant document. Article # 77 provides a general list of grounds for termination of employment relations. These include the agreement of the parties, the initiative of the employee or employer, the expiration of the term of the employment contract, the refusal to continue the employment relationship in connection with the change of the owner of the company and so on. Above we wrote that you need to warn the authorities at least fourteen days before the expected date of dismissal, which, accordingly, will need to be worked out. However, not everyone knows that there are exceptions to this rule. For example, if the organization is not your main place of work and you work as a part-time worker. Or subject to the conclusion of a fixed-term contract or contract for seasonal work - in these cases, the notice period is reduced to three days. This is reported to us by Article 292 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. What documents will be required for dismissal? To understand how to quit your job, you need to have a clear idea of the documents accompanying this process. To begin with, you will have to write a letter of resignation in the prescribed form. If the bosses are loyal to you, then you can just leave a statement in the personnel department. If there can be problems with the solution of this question, then you should fix the fact of its submission. For this, print out the application in two copies and either send it by registered mail or hand it over to the head through the secretary with the signature of the latter on both versions of the document. This date will be the day of your notice of resignation. In two weeks, the head must sign an order for your dismissal. You go to the personnel department and there you get all the documents related to the work, the work book and the final calculation, backed up with a memo. This amount, by the way, should include compensation for unused vacation days. The last document you are to meet is a notice of termination of the employment contract. How to tell colleagues about the dismissal? Much is determined by what kind of relationship you have with colleagues and what is the psychological atmosphere in the office. Any sensible person understands that the place of work can change, and there is nothing terrible in this. But for some reason it happens that once you decide to quit, everyone immediately stops thinking soberly. If you have a tense relationship with colleagues, then you generally do not have to tell them anything. The same goes for the circumstances when the company decided to drop all the dogs to the outgoing employee. In this case, you should take care of yourself and your nerves. Politely say goodbye to your former colleagues when the day of X comes, and go "to freedom with a clear conscience." In a completely different way, one can act if the collective has normal or even friendly relations. Then you can say about your dismissal to colleagues somewhere for a couple of weeks before the final departure. This will make it easier for them to adapt to the upcoming changes, and together you can make your care maximally painless. On the day of care, you can invite your former colleagues to celebrate this event in the nearest café or simply offer you tea and cakes right at work. Be sure to note the positive moments in communicating with them: how they helped you, what you learned and the like. This will not make your care less sad, but leave a bright and pleasant impression about him. What obstacles can occur in my path?
- Anger from future ex-colleagues. Colleagues and especially bosses, most likely, will not be happy with your leaving. In some cases, this results in persecution of a "negligent" employee. It remains to advise you to be morally stable, not to succumb to their provocations and remember that it will soon end.
- Legal traps. In order not to pay you half of the salary, the authorities can try to tailor everything so that you can not be dismissed on your own. All the reasons for this are listed in Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Therefore, in the period of two-week work-out, you should never be late, truant, etc. ... Remember about such a concept as a commercial secret. It may include any information about the activities of the company. If you signed the corresponding obligation, then neither during, nor after the dismissal, you have no right to tell anything about the internal affairs of the organization.
- Delay of payments. Of course, the Labor Code says that you have to make a calculation on the day of your dismissal. But, unfortunately, laws in our country are not always respected. In this case it is necessary to apply to the labor inspection with the appropriate application. Employers like fire are afraid of inspectors, and it will be easier for them to pay you back, rather than substitute the organization for serious fines.
How to behave in the remaining two weeks? So, the application is submitted, and you have only to work for two weeks. The question arises about the line of behavior that should be chosen during this period. The most important thing is to be as decent as possible to the former employer. He is already so uneasy, because the news of your dismissal forces him to look for a new employee, to train him, to puzzle over whether he will fit into the team. Therefore, try to be loyal and patient. If the nervous breakdowns of the bosses are kept within the limits of ethical norms, then it is best to just tolerate them. Work duties should be performed accurately and qualitatively - then the employer will not have a reason to quarrel with you, and you will prove yourself as a responsible and decent person. Colleagues do not want to do your work for you. By the way, about the employees. It is not known when and where you need their help. Therefore, it is not necessary to "burn" professional bridges in the old position. How can I quit my job without it? Thank colleagues for their time together. Most likely, you will be able to recall some pleasant moments about each employee - do not forget to tell them about it. Adequately respond to requests for help in these two weeks, try to be helpful and benevolent - and then your former colleagues are more likely to remember you with a kind word. When to look for a new job? Of course, from the moral and ethical point of view, this question seems inappropriate. In the same way as in relations, the search for a new one follows, when ties with the old are already broken. A few can afford to be so decent. Yes, and the situation on the modern labor market is such that there is a rather big chance to spend a very decent time in search of work, because of what you will subsequently have to grab for the first satisfactory proposal that has come across. Therefore, you should start looking for work already when you have made a firm decision about dismissal. Or even a little earlier: studying this issue will help you navigate the situation in your professional field. Whether there is a shortage of personnel, what is the level of salary and necessary competencies - all this is very important to know in order to keep a hand on the pulse. Perhaps your requirements for the employer are somewhat overestimated and you should think about reducing them? Well, if you are sure that you need to find work for the expected date of dismissal, then you can not delay it. Actively research the sites with job openings, send summaries, call the company of an interesting profile. Personnel managers are now willing to meet the applicants and appoint interviews outside of working hours. But be careful! The boss, who learned about the job search by his employee, can be very scary in anger, so do everything to "open his eyes" on his own and at the right time. What to live after retirement? This should be taken care of in advance. With each salary, save from five to ten percent in the "fund of crisis savings." If you stick to such a scheme, then you will not have such a question. Also, you do not need to solve it, if you have already decided on a new job. In the case when the dismissal turned out to be sharp and unexpected for you, it is necessary to look for ways out of the current situation. Analyze your knowledge and skills: perhaps, thanks to them you will be able to participate in the implementation of any single projects or provide other people with advice on specific specific issues. Of course, it is worthwhile to understand that for some time you will have to cut down your expenses and change your way of life. But it is worth it not to suffer, working in an unloved position. Few employees know that before the expiration of a two-week period they have the right to change their mind and withdraw their application for dismissal. However, most often this does not happen. After all, for most people, leaving work is a forced measure based on serious reasons. We can only wish you career success and good luck on a difficult professional path!