cracks in the lips Lips - almost the main decoration of any womanand yield only to the eyes. Therefore, it is so important to follow the beauty and, most importantly, the health of your lips. Although these two concepts are inextricably linked - there is no health, no beauty. Agree, no lipstick will not look spectacular enough if applied to dry cracked lips. But it is dryness and cracking of the lips that are the most common problem. With it, sooner or later, most people face - someone less often, someone - more often. In most cases, a person simply does not pay much attention to this problem, simply dismissing it as an annoying fly. And very vain, because the problem does not disappear anywhere. At best, it disappears for a while, hiding in the depths of the body. And the cracking of the lips will repeat again and again, and constantly worsen. At first the skin will simply peel off, then - crack, and after and at all "zaedy" will be your usual companion. So is it worth it to bring to this? After all, the more the situation is launched, the more difficult and more prolonged the treatment will be.

Causes of Lip Cracking

Of course, nothing happens just like that, withoutcauses. And as everyone knows, in order to eliminate the investigation, first of all you need to eliminate the very reason. This truth is also relevant in this case. Therefore, before starting treatment, let's first understand what are the causes of the appearance of cracks on the lips.

  • Dry skin

Excessive dryness of the skin on the lips is the mostfrequent cause of their cracking. There are many reasons why the skin of the lips can be dry. Firstly, it's cosmetic. Decorative lipstick and / or lip gloss are available in almost every woman's arsenal. But they contain a large number of dyes, which corrode the skin of the lips. Especially often this happens in the cold season. And women have to cure long and hard cracks. And even about frost and do not have to say - lipstick corpulcely stiffens and causes dry lips. Therefore, in the event that you do not under any pretext disagree with the use of cosmetics in the winter, then at least apply the first layer of hygiene lipstick. And in any case, do not forget about the need to cleanse the skin of the lips before bed. Very opportunely, and some moisturizer. In extreme cases, any vegetable oil.

  • Allergy to toothpaste

Perhaps you will be surprised, but very often cracks inlips appear because of allergies and toothpaste. This is especially true for fluorine-containing pastes - they not only irritate the skin of the lips, but also lead to its dehydration. And people do not even know about their allergies. Therefore, the first thing to do when faced with lip cracking is to change your habitual toothpaste. Ideally, you should try toothpaste for the youngest children. However, do not wait for an immediate effect - watch the skin of your lips for at least a couple of weeks.

  • Smoking

The most unfavorable effect on nicotine isthe state of the whole organism, including the skin of the lips. It becomes very dry and, as a result, it crackles violently. There are two ways out - either quit smoking (which is most desirable), or use a lot of moisturizers.

  • The state of human health

In some cases, the condition of the lips is a reflection ofgeneral health. So, for example, sometimes cracking of lips can be a consequence of a lack of vitamins B and C, as well as an excess of vitamin A. Incidentally, in this case, not only the lips, but also the nails with hair. In this case, you will need a doctor's consultation, which will help you choose the best balanced diet and, if necessary, appoint a multivitamin complex. In some cases, cracks on the lips can be a direct consequence of various diseases - most often the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. More rarely - infectious diseases, herpes, candidiasis. In this case, it will not be possible to cope with the problem alone-only a doctor who will not only diagnose the disease, but also will select the optimal treatment will help.

  • External factors

The skin on the lips is very, very tender andsensitive, so it is very easy to injure. That is why lips can crack - wind, cold, low skin moisture, bad habits like pencil biting - all this should be avoided. Or additionally protect lips. And if the cracks still appeared, treatment should begin as soon as possible. cracks on the lips treatment

Treatment of cracks in the lips

If the cracks still appear, they need to be treated,so as not to aggravate the situation even more. We offer you some wonderful products that will quickly put your lips in order. The treatment is very simple and does not require much effort.

  • Moisturizing Masks

If the skin on the lips cracked too much,try making the following masks. For example, a mask of apples. Rub on a plastic grater halved sweet apple, melt in a water bath two tablespoons of butter, mix everything thoroughly. Apply this mask before going to bed on the skin of your lips, for about 15 minutes. Then rinse and smear your lips with hygienic lipstick. Store the mask only in the refrigerator, in a tightly closed glass container, no more than three days. If you have a carrot at hand, you can make the following mask. Press one tablespoon of carrot juice, mix with one tablespoon of fat cottage cheese and apply a thick layer on the lips. Leave on lips for 30 minutes, then rinse and apply hygienic lipstick. You can not keep a similar mask, so make every day fresh.

  • Regenerating agents

In addition to masks, you can use otherrestorative means. Do not you have time to mess with making different masks? You can do even easier - before going to bed, apply a thick layer of ordinary butter to the cleansed lips, leave for 30 minutes. Such a procedure should be carried out at least several times a week. Another very effective and simple remedy for cracks is honey. Clean your lips, apply honey on them and leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse with water and use hygienic lipstick. Pay attention - honey is a very strong allergen! If you have already had an allergic reaction to honey, such treatment is strictly forbidden to you. If the cracks are very deep, prepare the next cream. Melt three tablespoons of butter on a water bath, add 1/2 tablespoons of cocoa and mix thoroughly, bring to a boil. Then pour into a glass container, place in the refrigerator. Grease cracks as often as possible, but at least five times a day. Such treatment should be carried out until the cracks completely disappear. But also about prevention it is impossible to forget - that it was not necessary to start treatment on a new one, put ointment on lips twice a week - this will prevent them from repeated cracking. And, of course, do not forget about preventive measures. Only in this case your sponges will be beautiful, gentle and smooth. We advise you to read:

