causes of cervical disease Diseases of the cervix are among the mostactual women's problems. Many women are aware that this organ is prone to diseases such as dysplasia, erosion and even cancer, but few know exactly what these diseases are and what are dangerous. As it is a question of health, everyone will be superfluous to get acquainted with this information. Despite the fact that this body is available for visual inspection, like a few reproductive organs of a woman, cancer of the cervix is ​​one of the first places among women with oncological diseases after breast cancers.

Causes of cervical disease

Diseases of the cervix can develop for the following reasons:

  • Infections (cocci, chlamydia, mycolasms, trichomonads, etc.) that cause inflammation;
  • Injuries (after childbirth, abortion);
  • Disorders of the hormonal balance (progesterone-deficient state);
  • Viruses (human papilloma viruses in combination with the herpes virus type II);
  • Violation of local immunity.

examination with a gynecologist

Classification of cervical processes in women

Diseases are classified as:

  • background diseases;
  • precancerous;
  • cancer.

Background processes include: polyps, ectopia (pseudo-erosion), leukoplakia without atypia, condyloma. By themselves, they do not lead to oncology, but can become a backdrop to the onset of pathological changes. The precancerous process, otherwise called dysplasia, is divided, in turn, into mild, moderate, and severe dysplasia. As can be understood from the title, the precancerous state precedes the transition to cervical cancer in women. In addition to these three conditions, inflammatory processes are distinguished, which are more attributed to sexual infections. consultation with a specialist

About the diseases that occur most often in women

The described diseases are often related,one ailment can develop into another, especially if the woman does not receive the proper treatment. The disease that affects many women is erosion. This disease is characterized by damage to the mucous organ. Simply put, this is a wound that a gynecologist can see with the naked eye when viewed as a red spot on a smooth pink background. This picture can be observed for no more than 2 weeks, after which erosion is either completely cured or becomes pseudo-erosion, which is often taken by women for the first. Pseudo-erosion is, in turn, not completely healing erosion, that is, the healing process began, but then something went wrong. As a result, pseudo-cysts can be formed, which are difficult to get rid of later. They are clogged ducts of glands and look like bubbles filled with liquid. Sometimes the pseudo-cysts completely pass after the woman manages to completely get rid of the cause of erosion. Widespread to date, leukoplakia, which manifests itself in the form of a white seal. This disease is usually preceded by erosion, it can progress in combination with precancerous conditions. Another ailment that can affect a woman is polyps (outgrowths of different structures). They appear, as a rule, because of hormonal failures or inflammatory processes. If we talk about women at risk, they can include those who early began to have sex, repeatedly been subjected to intra-uterine interventions, often changes partners and those who have many times suffered natural childbirth. All these ailments are easier to treat in the early stages, so it is so important to visit the gynecologist regularly.

