how to distinguish love from loveFinally, you met HIM!The one and only! All your life (at least, it seems so to you!) you have been waiting for the person who will make your heart sing with happiness. And here he is next to you, and all your thoughts are occupied only with him - a real handsome prince, albeit without a white horse. Your relationship is developing wonderfully, and everyone perceives you as a couple. And you yourself begin to talk about your future. But very often, such promising at first glance relationships are initially doomed to failure. Why does this happen? Psychologists say that the reason for this is the inability to distinguish true love from a temporary infatuation or, in other words, falling in love. People place too much hope on such relationships. In order to avoid disappointment, it is worth arming yourself with certain knowledge in advance. How do you see your future together? Do you think you will always be comfortable together? Is this really the person you are ready to spend your whole life on, or are you simply afraid to go into the future alone? These questions deserve careful consideration. The passion that engulfs lovers puts such an emotional "makeup" on their relationship that sometimes even simple infatuation can seem like a serious feeling. How not to make a mistake when walking the thorny paths of love? How to distinguish love from infatuation? To answer these questions, let's first define what love and infatuation to distinguish love from love

Love is…

It is impossible to give a clear definition of love,because it is not an exact science. Love is a dynamic process. This means that over time, relationships change, grow and acquire additional shades. Love brings out the best personal qualities in people. It helps in work, in building a career, in solving family problems and tasks - loving people act as a team, helping and supporting each other, showing understanding and flexibility in relationships. And this only makes their relationships flourish. The dynamics of love are determined by the exchange of emotions, trust, and deepening of relationships. A couple turns into a kind of symbiosis - they enjoy each other's company, confide in each other all the secrets that they could not trust anyone else, depend on each other and share with each other the concerns of raising children and caring for their aging parents. They themselves grow old, but they grow old together. Of course, there are periodic conflicts between people who love each other, sometimes very serious ones. This is life and it simply cannot be otherwise - It is only in fairy tales that everything is always smooth and cloudless. And then - the authors of fairy tales do not tell us about the family relationships of the heroes, preferring to get by with the phrase "they lived happily ever after and died on the same day". This is completely normal - all people quarrel from time to time and those who love each other are no exception. The only difference is that a loving couple successfully overcomes all conflict situations - quarrels do not affect the strength of their union and warm attitude towards each other. Of course, over time, the relationship in the couple undergoes some changes. Which, however, is natural - it is impossible after 15 years of living together to treat each other exactly the same way as in the first year. Yes, perhaps there will be a little less adrenaline and passion. But if we are talking about true love, they will be replaced by warmth, care, respect. But if people live together for a long time, and their infatuation never develops into love, passion will be replaced by irritation, dissatisfaction with each other, resentment, unresolvable conflicts, betrayal. Such a couple will sooner or later cease to exist, and this is the best option. If people who do not love each other continue to live under the same roof, absolutely no one will benefit from distinguish love from love

Is it just love?

So, with love everything is more or less clear.What is infatuation? When you are in love, but not in love, you also constantly think about your beloved, and all your interests are focused on him. You have your own history together; it can be very short, or it can last for quite a long time. You also love being together, you also dream about each other, and at the mere memory of your beloved, goosebumps run down your body. In a word, the picture is exactly the same as in the case of love. So how to distinguish infatuation from love, if everything seems so similar? Infatuation, which we are talking about now, is a static process, which is characterized by unrealistic expectations of blissful passion without positive growth and development of the relationship. There is no such complete trust, loyalty, commitment, reciprocity. Infatuation is not necessarily a prelude to true love. The example of men makes it especially clear how love differs from infatuation - a man who is infatuated, but not in love, most often thinks about the object of his infatuation only when they meet or immediately before it. The rest of the time his thoughts are occupied with other life issues. While a loving man resolves almost all life issues for the benefit of his beloved. By the way, this rule does not apply to women - in most cases, during the period of falling in love, the object of adoration does not leave the lady's thoughts. But this does not last very long - a couple of months at most. And after that, the same pattern - she remembers the man only before the date itself. How else can you distinguish love from simple infatuation? It is unlikely that the above example is enough to understand what you are really experiencing, because everything is very individual. It is easier to ask a question than to answer it, but we can also look for other answers. Let's try asking ourselves additional questions:

  • Do these relations reveal the best in both of you? Answering, try to analyze and evaluate yourself, your partner and your relationships, just be honest with yourself.
  • Yes? (Only honestly!) When you wake up, are you excited about a new day, of life itself?
  • And your parents already know about you and about your relationship? Did you introduce your parents to your friend? Did he introduce you to his parents?
  • Are you satisfied with your life today? Do you feel that your life has become much better just because it appeared in it? Do you have any hopes for the future? Do you build joint plans for several years ahead, do you have any common dreams?
  • Do you think and plan your business as a couple? Do you have to give up something for the sake of a relationship, or do you consider each other's dreams and desires?
  • Do you automatically assume that the weekend you spend together, or do you just expect that the meeting, perhaps, will ever happen?
  • Do you accept each other as you are? Do not you try to re-educate each other, change something in one another?
  • Feel the difference! Ответив на все вопросы, мужественно посмотрите фактам в лицо. Честные ответы помогут вам понять, чем отличается любовь от влюбленности. Когда вы увлечены, вполне возможно, что ваши взгляды притягиваются к этому человеку, и все ваши мысли вертятся вокруг него. Возможно, весь ваш мир сузился до отношений с этим человеком. Но! Пытаясь рассмотреть ваше совместное будущее, вы словно шоры чувствуете на глазах. Вы, честно говоря, даже и стараетесь не думать о вашем совместном будущем. А это говорит о том, что вы не уверены в своих отношениях. Если вы не видите в своем ненаглядном никаких недостатков, то это, конечно, объяснимо. Эйфория тоже служит шорами на ваших глазах. Но так вы не в состоянии определить, готовы ли вы мириться с его недостатками, готовы ли вы принимать его таким – обычным, будничным, со своими заморочками и причудами. Они ведь есть у каждого из нас. Эйфория рано или поздно пройдет, и где гарантия, что вас не начнут раздражать его привычки? Как только начнется перевоспитание – все! Конец романтике! Очень многие отношения распались из-за этого. А когда люди любят друг друга – нет эйфории, которая делает их слепыми. Любящие прекрасно видят недостатки каждого, но любят и принимают друг друга именно такими, какие они есть. И не пытаются переделать – ведь тогда это будет уже совсем другой человек, не тот, которого любили до сих пор! Эйфория характерна именно для периода влюбленности. Многие из нас имели такой опыт, особенно если вспомнить период нашей юности. Мы влюблялись в совершенно обычных мальчишек, которые тогда совсем не казались нам обычными. В ретроспективе легче увидеть и понять свои заблуждения. В то время мы не готовы были рассмотреть обыденность и даже недостатки объекта своего тайного воздыхания. Наши романтические мысли были полны фантазий, а избраннику приписывались те черты, которых на самом деле у него и не было; увлечение – вот что мы чувствовали тогда. Увлечение и влюбленность. Сейчас, когда мы понимаем это, мы не должны повторять ошибки, свойственные юности. С чего начались ваши отношения? Вы бежали от одиночества? Вам хотелось чувствовать себя не хуже других? Тогда есть реальная возможность того, что и сегодня вы придаете своему избраннику черты, которых на самом деле у него нет, а ваши чувства имеют очень мало общего с реальным объектом вашего увлечения. Все это происходит больше в вашей голове, чем в реальности. Пытаясь найти рядом с этим человеком спасение от одинокой жизни, вы становитесь особенно уязвимы, ведь вашим мечтам, скорее всего, суждено когда-нибудь рухнуть. В случае если у вас любовь, все ваши мечты способны стать реальностью. Потому что они становятся общими. Брать и давать, находить компромисс и быть в постоянном сотрудничестве – вот что характерно для любовных отношений. Достижение общих целей, разделение ценностей друг друга определяют динамику отношений в любви. Некоторые подсказки,  мы вам дали. И вы теперь сможете отличить любовь от влюбленности.  Конечно же, попытки дифференцировать свои отношения потребуют от вас смелости и мужества. Они также потребуют от вас зрелости и способности сделать шаг назад, чтобы обследовать общую картину. В результате вы получите больше уверенности и сделаете уверенный шаг в сторону любви. Любите и будьте любимы!

