It happens that we begin to feelcompletely devastated, and life loses its colors in our eyes. Most often, this happens when someone lets us down, things go badly, we lose people we loved, or dreams that were so important to us collapse. Probably, there is not a single person on earth who has not experienced this at least once in their life. Sometimes our sadness becomes a problem that is quite difficult to cope with. If sadness has been with you for several weeks, if it greatly affects your ability to communicate with people and enjoy life, then it is likely that you are experiencing depression. When you feel that depression is taking a severe form, then you should immediately consult a doctor. But if you are sure that you can cope with the problem on your own, then start doing it right from today. And we will provide you with a number of strategies that will tell you how to cope with depression on your own.
What are the signs of depression?
It is important to determine whether you really havedepression. Of course, it would be good to do this with the help of a doctor, because the symptoms of many diseases can be similar to the symptoms of depression, and it is very important in this case not to waste time and detect the disease in time. But if you are sure that everything is fine with your health, then you can determine that you have depression by the following signs:
- Loss of ability to function normally in everyday life;
- Drowsiness, fatigue, the feeling that even the simplest deeds take away too much of your energy;
- Constant sadness, attacks of tearfulness, feelings of anxiety or emptiness;
- A sense of inferiority, which is becoming more difficult to cope with, self-flagellation and lack of self-respect;
- You begin to sleep much more or less than usual, down to insomnia;
- Unusual weight gain or loss, and at the same time constant overeating or total loss of appetite;
- Difficulties with concentration, "nebula" thinking, forgetfulness or inability to make clear decisions;
- Pessimism, the sense that the meaning of life is hopelessly lost, all attempts to do something - just useless;
- Increased irritability, unreasonable long-term anxiety;
- At the physiological level - muscle pain, cramps, digestive problems, headaches and other pains that do not go away without the help of medications;
- Suicidal thoughts are thoughts about death or suicide attempts.
It must be said that when it comes to dark thoughts about death, it is better not to rely on your own strength, but to seek help from a specialist.
How to be healed of depression?
Start your journey to health withoutputting it off until tomorrow. Depression is like an endless lethargy, when you feel like you are immersed in a complete numbness, and any action seems too difficult. It is for this reason that it is important to understand that steps towards healing must be taken gradually, and not expect an instant cure. You will have moments of “enlightenment” and moments of despair; but it is precisely then that you must not retreat, but do everything possible to avoid returning to the depths of depression. Here is what you need to do to get started:
- Find a role model It happens that wewe begin to feel completely devastated, and life loses its colors in our eyes. Most often, it happens when someone brings us down, things go wrong, we lose people who were loved, or the dreams that were so important to us are ruining. Probably, there is not one person on earth who at least once in his life has not experienced such a condition. Do you think that only you have suffered such a condition? Try to go to the library and at random pull out five books with biographies of various famous people. We can guarantee that at least one of them must have suffered from depression. Do a little research to find the stories of those famous people who managed to overcome the decadent state. Read how they talk about their "battles" with this ailment, take note of their methods of combating depression. Let you be encouraged by the fact that there are people who could overcome this condition; and also that you have some advantage: they independently searched for ways to healing, and you can use their experience.
- Learn to love yourself Life is not a race and notan occasion to constant competition. The reality is that each person has great value as a person, and self-flagellation significantly reduces this value in your own eyes, which leads to despair. Stop punishing yourself for any mistakes and mistakes, and try to create for yourself a personal space in which you could feel comfortable and safe.
- Make a list of things that are causing youthe greatest concern that can lead to depression These may be unpaid bills, a lack of leave or too much hard work. In the other column opposite each item, write down what practical steps you can take to solve the problems: for example, find ways to pay these bills, plan a vacation or find out how to get another job. And start acting! When you do not just think that you have problems and start solving them, you will immediately feel how you will get enthusiasm, which will help to cope with depression.
- Create a diary in which you will describe your"Journey" on the road from depression to healing Record the thoughts that will come to your mind. The diary will be the place that will keep the most secret of your reflections from the eyes of others, and you do not have to worry that someone will condemn you for them. A diary can become your assistant in the fight against depression, because in the end it will be an indication that you can be pleased, improve your mood or, conversely, can upset you. In other words, going back to your records and rereading them, you can better understand yourself.
Body care
Take care not only about your sincereсостоянии, но и о своем теле. Организм может оставаться здоровым только тогда, когда вы заботитесь о себе: хорошо питаетесь, полноценно отдыхаете, поддерживаете тонус мышц. Если вы будете с пренебрежением относиться к потребностям своего тела, то это очень быстро приведет к истощению и открытости для депрессивных мыслей. Поэтому сейчас речь пойдет о том, что имеет очень большое значение в борьбе с депрессией. Спокойный сон Сон очень важен для сохранения здоровья. Недостаток сна может усугубить негативность мышления и легко втянет вас в порочный круг, когда ваши мысли не дадут вам уснуть и исключат возможность выспаться, а это, в свою очередь, вызовет еще большее погружение в негатив. Прерывающийся, поверхностный сон и постоянное чувство усталости – это самые характерные жалобы людей, страдающих депрессией. Чтобы избавиться от нарушений сна, необходимо строгое соблюдение режима отдыха и бодрствования, и это правило обязательно для каждого дня. Следует избегать приема кофеина или алкоголя не меньше, чем за три часа до сна. Спальню нужно проветривать, и очень полезны прогулки перед сном. Физические упражнения Недавние научные исследования показали, что физические упражнения ничуть не менее эффективны, чем лекарственные препараты, которые используются при лечении депрессии. Спортивная нагрузка освобождает в мозгу человека вещество, которое является природным антидепрессантом, поэтому активный образ жизни поможет вам вернуть здоровье и душевный покой. Начните с малого, с простой ходьбы до ближайшего магазина или даже с прогулки вокруг собственного дома. Постепенно увеличивайте нагрузку, соизмеряя ее со своими возможностями и потребностями. Договоритесь о совместных прогулках с друзьями или запишитесь на групповые занятия, так как наличие партнеров будет вас дополнительно мотивировать. Кстати, можно заняться такими видами спорта, которые помогут сбросить сдерживаемые эмоции. Например, запишитесь на курсы самообороны. Здоровое питание Сократите потребление сахара, крахмалов, фаст-фуда и обработанных продуктов питания. Ешьте как можно больше фруктов, овощей и цельных продуктов. Пейте больше чистой воды. Хорошая, сбалансированная диета способна победить депрессию лучше всяких лекарств. Да и вообще, многие симптомы депрессии могут быть связаны именно с неполноценным питанием и с недостатком витаминов и минералов. Не менее важны для организма клетчатка, омега-жиры, а аминокислоты являются жизненно необходимыми для нервной системы. Также стоит упомянуть, что такие пищевые продукты, как какао и бразильские орехи (характеризующиеся высоким содержанием селена) отлично подходят для улучшения функций мозга и устранения депрессии. Безупречный внешний вид Вам может быть нелегко заставить себя обращать внимание на свой внешний вид и одежду. Но ведь любую женщину даже на подсознательном уровне беспокоит то, как она выглядит! Если вы запустите себя, то это только добавит вам новую порцию печали и недовольства собой, даже если вы не будете этого осознавать. А вот усилия, которые вы станете прилагать для поддержания ухоженного вида, могут помочь улучшить настроение и дать ощущение благополучия. Сделайте новую прическу или купите красивую обновку, и это станет знаком вашей любви к самой себе. Концентрируйте свое внимание на том, что вам нравится в себе, вместо того чтобы поедом есть себя за что-то, что вызывает недовольство.
And finally, we want to give you some more tips so that you know how to cope with depression:
- Remove things from your sight that can distract you.upset or depress Try to surround yourself with beauty. It can be very simple (for example, just removing the clutter), or it can be more difficult (doing cosmetic repairs, for example). But, in any case, it is worth it. A good mood will only get stronger if you are pleased with the appearance of the surrounding environment. You can also make it a habit to often walk and admire the beautiful landscape or a magnificent sunset. By the way, frequent stay in the fresh air and under the sun's rays also contributes to a quicker recovery from depression;
- Create in your bedroom ideal conditions forsleep Let it be as dark and quiet as possible, as much as possible. Even minor noise or dim light is often enough to wake or prevent a person who is depressed from falling asleep;
- Reduce stress levels Stresses feed depression,exacerbating the tendency to depression, and provide a constant "fuel" for maintaining depressive thoughts. Ability to deal constructively with stress increases your chances of resisting depression and makes you the most resistant to any pressure;
- In everyday life, avoid any comparisonyourself with other people Better compare yourself with yourself in the worst moments of your life, and think about what has become better now. Only you, your ideas about life, your achievements, further goals and aspirations can be a priority for you. Everything that other people have done or is doing may be important only for themselves and not necessarily important to you;
- Change Your Life Often depression isthe result of dissatisfaction and a deep desire to be in a different life situation than you are now. If you are twenty years old and you no longer want to live with your parents - rent an apartment and live on your own. If you do not like your city - find an opportunity to move to another. If you do not like your job - look for a new one. Emotional discomfort and unpleasant situations for you can turn your life into a swamp that drags you into a quagmire of discontent and despair. Take the initiative to change what is no longer working. It will be difficult, but living with depression will be even more difficult. Therefore, it is worth making every effort to prevent this condition from arising or to cope with depression!
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