Conception of the girl The birth of children has always been associated with a largejoy. In general, it is not so important who will be born in the family: a boy or a girl. But sometimes I really want to plan the gender of the child to know for sure who the family will soon replenish. That is why future mothers and dads resort to various methods of child planning. Conditionally, all these methods can be divided into only two groups: scientific and unscientific. It is worth considering both categories so that everyone can draw something useful and necessary for themselves. So, read the advice — How to conceive a girl.

Medical methods of conception of the girl

There is no doubt that this group belongsTo the scientific category. To begin with, you should figure out how you can conceive a girl with methods that are based on a scientific approach. In this case, exclusively physiological aspects of such a matter as conception of a child are taken into account. To date, only one method can be distinguished, which gives an almost one hundred percent guarantee that the unborn child will be female. This is extracorporeal fertilization. In this case, the so -called genetic preimplantation diagnosis is carried out. The floor of the future sex is already known before it is transferred to the woman’s uterus. In case of extracorporeal fertilization, you can carry out such a procedure as the separation of X and Y Cromosomes. As you know, it is the X-chromosome that determines the fact that the fetus will be female. For this manipulation, the father’s sperm is taken, which is placed in a special apparatus (centrifug), where the necessary chromosomes are separated. However, such a procedure as in vitro fertilization is carried out strictly according to indications. Therefore, if a woman has the opportunity to conceive a child without this intervention, then, alas, you will have to say goodbye to one hundred percent guarantee that a child of the desired floor will be born. Do not determine, but you can find out the gender of the child at a very early date with the help of a procedure that is called invasive diagnostics. Thanks to it, already at the seventh week of pregnancy, you can find out the floor of the fetus. This is done using a special blood test, where free fetal DNA is determined. The accuracy of this analysis is approximately 98 %. But do not be upset, since there are other proven options in order to get pregnant with a girl. Although they do not give an absolute guarantee, it is better than nothing. And these are not empty words, because they are based on facts related to human physiology.medical methods of conceiving a girl

Methods based on human physiology

This group can also be attributed to scientific,Since all proposed methods in it are based on human physiology. So, you need to have at least a minimal idea of ​​what male sperm is. As mentioned earlier, it consists of X and Y Cromosomes, where X is responsible for the female sex of the child, and Y, in turn, gives the embryo belonging to the male floor. At the same time, each type of sperm has its own distinctive properties. For example, spermatozoa with Y-chromosomes are more mobile and rapid in terms of penetration to the egg. However, the duration of their « life » Quite low. Spermatozoa of this group quickly perish, especially for them, the alkaline environment is destructive. But for spermatozoa with a female chromosome, this is exactly what is needed. Spermatozoa with X-chromosome have less mobility than their brothers. However, they have one advantage: for a long time they can live in the female body. It is on these physiological facts that further methods are based on how to conceive a girl. One of these options for conception of the girl is associated with the date of ovulation, more precisely, with her beginning. A few days before the arrival of ovulation, sexual intercourse should occur. At the same time, the egg itself, without which, in fact, the conception will be impossible, has not yet matured. Thus, sperm with a male chromosome will simply quickly die. And at this time, specimens with a female chromosome will be able to wait for the egg maturation, and then fertilize it. Sexual intercourse should occur three days before the start of ovulation. Calculating ovulation is not so difficult. For this, the measurement of the basal temperature, a special ovulation test, as well as the calendar method, is suitable. This is how a way to conceive a girl by ovulation looks.conception of a girl by ovulation

Some intimate details

There are a number of features in sexual intercourse,who can increase the chances of getting pregnant by a girl. It is believed that an orgasm during sex contributes to the fact that the gender of the unborn child is likely to be male. The thing is that after an orgasm, the environment in her vagina becomes exactly what is necessary for the conception of the boy. Also, muscle contractions during orgasm have the ability to push faster sperm into the uterus, and this will be the same « male » copies. As mentioned earlier, they move very quickly, the speed is much higher than that of female. Therefore, if you wish, to conceive a daughter should abandon such pleasure as an orgasm. In addition, the penetration of a man’s penis during intercourse, if desired, should not be very deep. An unhurried sex is suitable without deep penetration, because the deeper the penis will be in the vagina, the easier it is to reach the y-chromosomes to its goal, that is, to the egg. And due to their high -speed advantage, the boy conception may occur. Another detail of sexual intercourse: before conception of a girl, it is better to refrain from sexual intercourse for some time. This is due to the fact that in the accumulated sperm there are much more sperm that contain female chromosomes.special diet for the conception of a girl

Unscientific methods of how and when it is better to conceive a girl

Finally, it's time to talk about someunscientific options. The first of them — This is a Chinese table or calendar. There are such indicators as the age of the mother and the month of the conceived child. Having checked these indicators in the calendar with her own, a woman can assume the half of her child. It is important to remember one detail to calculate everything correctly and quickly. In China, the age of a person is counted not from the moment when he appeared from his mother’s womb (that is, not according to the civil calendar), but from the time he appeared in the form of the fetus. Therefore, the months should be added to the age that are needed in one case or another for bearing. This will allow you to get the most accurate and truthful indicators according to the Chinese conception calendar. By the way, such a calendar is very popular among female representatives. In a certain way, the calendar will tell you where it is better to make conception. The next very popular method of how to conceive a girl — This is a special diet. By the way, both the man and the woman will have to observe it. It is believed that in order to get pregnant by a girl, you need to choose a diet that includes as much as possible with magnesium and calcium. This especially affects the composition of male sperm. The diet should include the following components: boiled meat (low -fat), shrimp, mussels, squids and other seafood, kefir, milk, fermented, yoke, yogurt, eggs, tangerines, apples, pears, strawberries, grapes, oranges, sweet pepper, cucumbers, cucumbers, cucumbers Carrots, eggplant, cheese, pasta, rice, peanuts, almonds, raisins. Active food with these products should begin no later than a month before the alleged conception. As already mentioned, both parents should adhere to such a diet. This is how the main methods of how to close the girl look like. They are quite different. Some of them are more rational and reasoned, some less. In conclusion, you need to add one simple, but very wise thought. Conception of the child of the desired floor should begin in the head of his parents. Of course, it’s good to know when it is better to conceive. But people themselves should be as bright as possible and clearly represented by the fact that they will finally have a daughter. Psychological attitude and faith in their strengths and opportunities, the desire to realize a dream — Important components, without which something will hardly work out. Therefore, you need to tune in a positive way and strive for your desires. And most importantly, it is worth understanding: the greatest joy — When the child is healthy and happy. And what kind of gender is it — The fate will decide … or his parents!

