In the ranking of the most asked questions to women,"in an interesting position", the first question is probably "Who are you expecting?" Planning the sex of a child can be compared to a lottery with only one difference: in most cases, the lottery turns out to be a win-win no matter what the outcome. Most often, the fact of having a child is important to parents. And it would be, at the very least, unfair to the baby to form gender preferences in advance, such as: "We need to conceive a boy, we don't need a girl", or vice versa. However, sometimes there are situations when planning the sex of a child is vital. For example, in the presence of diseases transmitted through the female line, the birth of a girl is extremely undesirable.
Ancient methods of conception of the boy
The question of how to conceive a boy was askedsince ancient times, when the tradition of passing on inheritance, for example, the throne, exclusively through the male line was alive. Great attention was paid to the continuation of the family line in those days. There were many methods and beliefs about how to conceive a child of a certain sex. For example, to conceive a boy in ancient China, a woman lay down with her head to the north, the Egyptians waited for the full moon, and the Germans - for warm sunny weather. For some peoples, an essential attribute accompanying the conception of a boy was an axe under the pillow or a cocktail of lion's blood with wine before intercourse. Some methods have survived to this day. Thus, a table that came from Ancient China is often used today to conceive a boy. It takes into account the combination of the month of conception and the age of the mother. It is interesting that the original of this table has survived to this day and is in Beijing. The Japanese have invented their own, more complex version of the table for such a case, according to which the "magic" is first determined number based on the combination of the parents' month of birth, and then, using a diagram, the probability of conceiving a child of one sex or another is determined. There are many other methods: diets, conceiving a boy by blood, various poses, rituals. How effective they are is a controversial issue. The lack of scientific justification raises certain doubts. All this can have the effect of no more than psychological calming and additional exotic sensations.
Modern science of the regulation of sexes
Times are changing, and the issue of regulationprocess of birth and conception of a boy remains just as relevant. And Mother Nature is to blame for this, having laid in us an unbreakable instinct for procreation. Only now, new, scientifically proven methods are replacing ephemeral, sometimes mystical ones. A major breakthrough in this matter occurred with the development of the science of genetics, which decomposed our sperm and eggs into chromosomes of the X and Y types. Thus, in the female body there are only XX chromosomes, and in the male - chromosomes X and Y. This knowledge formed the basis of the theory of conception by ovulation. According to this theory, the sex of the child depends on which chromosome the sperm that fertilized the egg has. Conception of a boy will occur if there is a Y chromosome. Sperm with such a chromosome are more mobile, but less viable, so potential parents planning a boy should have intercourse on the day of ovulation or the day after it. If intercourse occurs in the period up to 7 days before ovulation, Y chromosomes have little chance of survival, unlike the less mobile, but more viable X chromosomes. This is a sure way to conceive a girl.
Conception of the boy by ovulation
Is it possible to conceive a boy by ovulation?Let's consider this issue. Ovulation (lat. ovum - egg) is the period of the menstrual cycle during which the egg leaves the follicle and is ready for fertilization. This process is regulated by hormones. In the body of a healthy woman of childbearing age, such periods are rhythmic, i.e. they occur on about the same day of the cycle. However, the rhythm of ovulation is affected by such factors as childbirth, abortion, menopause. The regularity of ovulation can be disrupted due to viral diseases, inflammation of the genitals, diseases of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland, and even stress. During pregnancy and after menopause, ovulation stops. Ovulation lasts about a day, but the period of probability of conception is much longer - 6-9 days (up to 7 days before ovulation and up to 2 days after it). This is due to the fact that the viability of sperm is much higher. Therefore, those that entered the vagina 5-6 days before ovulation have every chance of success. Conception of a boy, however, is observed precisely on the day of ovulation.
Signs of ovulation
If you listen carefully to yourbody, you can almost accurately determine the day of ovulation without using any means. Each woman has her own way of experiencing this phenomenon. The most common are:
- heaviness, and sometimes pain in the lower abdomen or the ovary in which the egg is ripe;
- increase mucous discharge from the vagina (cervical mucus whitish translucent color without signs of infection);
- increased sexual desire (explained by the natural instinct of procreation).
Methods for determining the period of ovulation
Basal temperature measurement This methodis very popular among women due to its simplicity and accessibility. Its principle is to measure the basal (or rectal) temperature daily immediately after waking up, when the influence of external environmental factors is minimal. You can measure the temperature in the mouth, rectum or vagina. The temperature should be measured every day, including the menstrual period, starting from the first day of the cycle, i.e. from the first day of menstruation. Usually in the first half of the cycle the temperature fluctuates between 36.6 and 36.9 degrees. Immediately before ovulation the basal temperature decreases, and after the release of the egg it rises to 37.0 - 37.3, remaining in this range until the last day of the cycle. If pregnancy does not occur, the temperature decreases again. Such temperature fluctuations are the result of the influence of hormones at different stages of the menstrual cycle. Temperature readings are entered into a table - a graph. To analyze the obtained data, it is necessary to observe the dynamics of temperature changes in at least three cycles. In this case, it is possible to predict with a high degree of probability a favorable day for conceiving a boy. If the body temperature does not change during one cycle, do not panic right away. The fact is that every woman has 2-3 cycles a year that are anovulatory (i.e. without ovulation). With age, the number of anovulatory cycles increases, so the most favorable reproductive period is considered to be the age from 20 to 35 years. If temperature changes do not occur over a long period - this is a reason to consult a doctor. In order for this method of determining ovulation to be effective, it is necessary to follow several simple rules:
- The temperature should be measured in the same way, at the same time every day. The delay in measuring for one hour distorts the data by one tenth of a degree;
- Use the same thermometer to get a clearer picture of the dynamics;
- the period of continuous sleep before the measurements should be at least 3 hours;
- In the graph, you should make notes at eachthe deviation of factors of influence on the body the day before: alcohol consumption, insomnia, active sexual intercourse, increased body temperature against a background of various diseases, diarrhea, local inflammatory processes, etc.
It should be noted that this method of conception planning is ineffective for young girls due to hormonal changes during puberty, as well as when taking oral contraceptives.Ovulation tests This method of determiningovulation period is less time-consuming. It works on the principle of a pregnancy test, and looks similar. The principle of such a test is based on the determination of the luteinizing hormone, which in 1 - 1.5 days shows a sharp increase. The usual two stripes appear on the test. There is no need to use such a test every day, but you will still have to do it for several days in a row. To determine the first day of testing for women with a regular menstrual cycle of 28 days, count 17 days from the expected start date of the next cycle. This day will be the beginning of testing. Women with a different cycle length should use the table. In order for the test to show the correct result, you must follow several rules:
- do not urinate for 4 hours before the test;
- Do not drink before the test a lot of fluid in order not to reduce the concentration of the hormone;
- Do not test on morning urine. The best time to test is from 10am to 8pm at the same time.
If the monthly cycle is not regular,you should choose the shortest period for testing. In this case, the testing period will be 5-7 days. The advantage of this planning method is the ability to predict ovulation within 48-24 hours. However, there are also disadvantages. The fact is that this test does not determine the fact of ovulation itself, but the presence of a certain hormone. So, in the case of renal failure, postmenopause, hormonal imbalance, as well as taking synthetic hormones, pregnancy and even a sharp transition to vegetarianism, the result will not be informative. Medical methods for determining ovulation A medical examination will help determine the day of ovulation. An experienced gynecologist can easily determine the period of maturation of the egg by the presence of cervical mucus, as well as by the so-called "pupil symptom". The point is that starting from the fifth day of the cycle and until the egg matures, the external opening of the cervix gradually opens and reaches its maximum on the day of ovulation. At the same time, the above-mentioned cervical mucus is visible. Another method for determining ovulation is an ultrasound examination. The indicators of egg maturation in this case will be the thickness of the endometrial layer and the development of the dominant follicle. On the day of ovulation, the follicle ruptures, and the egg moves to the fallopian tube. If fertilization does not occur, the egg dies, the endometrial layer is rejected and the next menstruation occurs. Ultrasound will also help to determine anovulatory cycles, in which many small follicles appear instead of one dominant follicle.
Probability of fertilization
The probability of fertilization of the egg directlydepends on the health of the partners, their age, and lifestyle. Thus, for a woman, the age criterion is the period from puberty to menopause. Sperm cells remain active on average until the age of 50. Smokers have problems with conception more often than non-smoking partners. This factor is more relevant for women. Miscarriages occur more often in women who smoke. If a woman took oral contraceptives, the body will need from a month to six months to restore the ovulation process. Sometimes it happens that no external factors interfere with conception, but often this process can drag on for 6-8 months. A reason to worry is the absence of pregnancy with regular sexual activity for more than one year. If the first pregnancy was difficult, then with the second pregnancy, most likely, the situation will repeat itself.