Frozen pregnancy is a serious shock fora woman who planned to become a mother. However, do not despair too much - one single failure does not mean that you can never become a mother. The main thing - to approach this issue responsibly - proper planning in most cases allows after never again to face this problem. A single failure does not mean anything at all - in most cases the frozen pregnancy will never happen again. The diagnosis of "habitual miscarriage" is raised only in the case of three unsuccessful attempts to give birth to a baby. However, of course, this does not mean that it's worth it. But let's look into everything in order. First you need to understand what is a frozen pregnancy. Very often women confuse her with spontaneous miscarriage, but this is not so. A frozen pregnancy is called in the event that, for one reason or another, fetal development stops. And miscarriage can be a consequence of this phenomenon, but not always - most often doctors have to remove the fetal egg by scraping the uterine cavity. In the vast majority of cases, pregnancy fading occurs in the first few weeks of pregnancy - in the first trimester. However, in more rare cases it is possible and at later dates. In this situation, doctors will introduce a woman special drugs that stimulate the onset of premature birth, because the deceased fetus must be expelled from the uterus, so that the infection of blood and / or inflammatory processes does not begin. Such a pregnancy begins perfectly normally - fertilization of the egg takes place, it begins to move along the tubes and reaches the uterus, is implanted into its mucous membrane. The woman has all the signs of pregnancy - engorged breast, stops menstruation, the uterus increases in size. In short, pregnancy is absolutely normal. Although we can not help saying that sometimes there is a different phenomenon. The egg is fertilized and implanted, but development does not begin - only fetal membranes are formed. This phenomenon is called "empty fetal egg." Such a pregnancy can be called frozen only conditionally, because the embryo did not exist at all. Although, of course, a woman from this is not easier - she was planning to become a mother! Doctors believe that there are time intervals in which the fetus is most vulnerable - this is the fourth, tenth and sixteenth week of pregnancy. Especially dangerous is the eighth week - it accounts for the greatest number of all pregnancy fades and its spontaneous interruptions. At this very time, there is a laying of organs and systems of the future baby, and the mother radically changes the hormonal background.
Causes of a Pregnant Pregnancy
Of course, the first time a woman,that her pregnancy has stopped, will not be until the reasons are clarified. However, after the first emotions are settled, for sure the woman will want to know why it happened. Unfortunately, in the overwhelming majority of cases, doctors can not understand why the pregnancy stopped. However, if the next pregnancy fades, finding the cause is much easier. The reasons for such a lot, so we will focus only on the most common of them:
- Hormonal disorders
The most common reason for the terminationdevelopment of the fetus - is all sorts of hormonal disorders. It is in the first trimester of pregnancy in the body of a woman there is a rapid hormonal adjustment, so there is always a risk that something will go wrong. Most often, there is an acute shortage of the hormone progesterone, which leads to a halt in the development of the embryo. In addition, there are also cases when there is a strong increase in the level of male hormones. As it is easy to guess, during pregnancy these hormones affect the most negative way. Either the fetus stops its development, or spontaneous miscarriage begins. Most often, these abnormalities can be identified in advance, even at the planning stage of pregnancy. It is not difficult to do this - it is enough to just pass a blood test that will determine the condition of the woman's hormonal background.
- Genetic disorders
In second place are genetic anomalies -they provoke the termination of fetal development in about half of all cases. A single such termination of pregnancy should not cause concern - nobody accidentally "breaks" genes. But if the frozen pregnancy repeats itself - this is an occasion for anxiety. And, most importantly, seek medical advice from a geneticist.
- Bacterial infection
Approximately 30% of all cases of frozen pregnancyis due to the presence in the body of various infections. And during pregnancy, alas, bacteria and viruses penetrate into the future mother's body especially easily, since her immune system is weakened. This phenomenon is perfectly normal - if the immunity does not weaken, the woman simply can not bear the child.
- Artificial insemination
Medical statistics say that pregnancy,The result that occurs as a result of IVF is interrupted much more often than in all other cases. Therefore, these mothers need to be especially careful and attentive to their condition. But do not be scared right away - it's just a probability, nothing more.
- Wrong way of life
The future mother's lifestyle is also very strongaffects the development of pregnancy. Stress, overexertion, meager food and lack of fresh air, coffee and cigarettes - all this can lead to the most sad outcome. But even if you manage to avoid a frozen pregnancy, neither your health nor your kid's health will positively affect this way of life.
Preparing for pregnancy
So, you decided on a second attempt to give birthchild after a frozen pregnancy. The most important thing that you will need is calmness and confidence that you will succeed. If you are set to fail in advance, it is very likely that this very failure.
- Visit your gynecologist
Be sure to go to your doctor - gynecologistmust carefully examine you. After this, a number of examinations will be mandatory: swabs, urine and blood tests, ultrasound. Only after this, the doctor will be able to really assess the state of your health and, if necessary, prescribe the appropriate treatment. You can only get pregnant if your doctor does not find any contraindications.
- Send to the doctor spouse
Practically in all cases after the frozenpregnancy to a doctor would be nice to go and the future dad. First, if the cause of the previous failure was any infection, it is necessary to be treated not only by the woman, but also by the man. And until you are sure of your health, it would be extremely reckless to make the decision "plan another pregnancy".
- Visit genetics
Both future parents after a stiff pregnancymust go to a consultation with a geneticist. The doctor will assess the situation and determine if there is a repeated threat. And, incidentally, will help prepare for pregnancy.
- Pay attention to your diet
Yes, yes, do not be surprised, it's on your menu. If you want to properly prepare for pregnancy, you should correctly and, most importantly, fully eat. Vitamins, minerals, trace elements - diet planning is very important. And you should not postpone for later - after it may be too late. The sooner you start eating properly, the stronger your body will be.
- Lifestyle
After you adjust your diet,proceed to the next stage - order your way of life. As much as possible, be out in the fresh air, avoid nervous shocks, do not overdo it, get enough sleep - go to bed not after midnight, but at least at 10-11 pm. And after dinner, an hour's rest will not be superfluous. A good idea will be careful planning your schedule - remember, as a child? The first few days will, of course, not easy, but after you and most certainly love the right way of life.
- Bad habits
About bad habits I would like to talkseparately. And we will not even talk about alcoholic beverages and cigarettes. But believe me - after a few cups of coffee and a couple of hours spent at the computer, you will not feel any better. Therefore, take an apple and go for a walk. At least in the nearest park - see for yourself that after the walk the state of health, as well as the mood, will improve several times. As you can see, preparing for pregnancy is not so difficult. Of course, we will have to give up something and sacrifice something, but proper planning will become the key to the birth of a charming youngster. And very soon you will become a happy mom and dad! We advise you to read: