how to give the child medicine All parents know that sometimes to force a childto drink this or that medicine is almost impossible, especially if it is bitter. The child can cry, kick and break out and, having lost the broken hour, will still remain in the "winners". And the parents will stay with the medicines, which they could not get the child to drink. So how to give the child a medicine so that "the sheep were whole, and the wolves were full"? Is it really impossible? It turns out, it is possible. Experienced parents a long time ago invented several trouble-free ways of giving the child medicines and avoiding hassle for themselves and for the child. Below are these ways.

Several ways - how to give the child a medicine

So, we have the initial data - the doctor appointedthe child taking a medication. Our task is to give it to the child with minimal losses. Regardless of whether the child took the medicine earlier, or it was prescribed for the first time, be sure to check with the doctor - is it really so necessary? However, in no case do not discuss this issue in the presence of the child himself - he can very quickly catch your hesitations and, as a result, flatly refuse to take this pharmacological drug. Before you give your child a medicine, be sure to carefully read the annotation - study both contraindications and possible side effects in order to be on the alert. Be prepared for what you will have in great detail, but in a language that is available to understand your crumbs, explain to him why this or that medicine is needed. All babies are very inquisitive by nature, so satisfying their curiosity is much more likely to persuade them to drink medicine. And remember that you can make a real gameplay out of an ordinary medication. Slightly strain fantasy and think up a fairy tale, for example, about how evil gnomes - microbes offend the baby's body, and a good heroine - a pill or brave syrup bravely fight with them. Surely, all parents have repeatedly heard that when taking medications, in order to reduce the possible risk of irritation of the gastric mucosa, they must be washed down with milk. However, doctors advise the crumbs to drink all the medicines without exception - and potions, and pills, and capsules washed down with slightly sweetened boiled water, or, if the medicine is very bitter, sweet tea. how to give the baby medication

Children under the age of three are a lie for the benefit of

However, as a rule, through peaceful negotiationsyou can only agree with the children of about three - four years of age. More junior crumbs have to be deceived, giving drugs cunning. As a rule, the biggest problem is taking pills - a small child simply does not know how to drink them. And even if you manage to persuade him to drink a pill, the risk of developing a vomiting reflex is very high. That's why doctors recommend that all tablets be rubbed into a fine powder. It is not difficult to do this-for these purposes you can use both small capacity and ordinary teaspoons. Put a tablet in a clean dry spoon, and on top of the convex part of the second spoon, press it down with effort - and the powder is ready. This drug powder is most effectively dissolved in your favorite drink of the baby - in sweet tea, compote or syrup. But to use either juice or mineral water for these purposes, doctors do not recommend for one simple reason - a drug often enters into chemical interaction with these fluids. And the consequences for the child's body will be unpredictable. Be sure to stir the powder carefully - it should not remain on the bottom of the bottle or cup after the baby has finished the liquid. And remember one very common, but unacceptable error of many parents - in the event that the child spits out some of the liquid, do not add the medicine "by eye" - the risk of overdose is very high, which is extremely dangerous for the child's body. It is much more reasonable to wait for the next dose of the medicine and make sure that the child drank everything. The only case when you can not lie to a child is because of the taste of syrup or medicine that you can not always dissolve in a liquid. Be sure to taste it yourself first - you should have an idea of ​​what to tell the child. Believe me, if you tell the baby that the medicine is very tasty, but in fact its taste will be disgusting, it is unlikely that the child's confidence in you will not suffer. With syrups now generally the situation is quite difficult. On the one hand, the fact that almost all syrups are made using various sweeteners and flavors, plays to parents only on hand - the child drinks them with pleasure and without any whims. And on the other hand - in the event that the child has an allergic reaction, to understand what exactly caused it - these same sweeteners or directly the medicine itself is extremely difficult. Many parents resort to the following trick: mix powder with condensed milk, jam or other favorite crumbs. Many parents believe that this is the best way to better give children a medicine. And to some extent right, however, it is necessary to remember the main "underwater" stone - if the taste of the medicine breaks it out and the child replaces forgery, he may have a strong aversion to the product into which you mixed the medicine. Therefore, do not mix it with products that are mandatory in the children's diet - in milk, kefir, cottage cheese, yoghurt. And finally I would like to remind you about the need to observe basic security measures. First, by no means "shove" the child with the power of medicine. After all, a crying child can choke or choke with them. And such cases, unfortunately, are encountered quite often. Therefore, in no case do not repeat this error, which can become fatal. And secondly, remember that even a sweet medicine the child can not take on his own - only under your supervision! And it does not matter at all whether there will be a cough syrup or multivitamin complexes, take their three-year-old crumb or a twelve-year-old child - parents in no way should admit this. And the drugs themselves, of course, should be stored only in an inaccessible place even for an adult child! We advise you to read:

