atopic dermatitis in children Outside the window, nature pleases us with warm springdays. However, with the advent of spring, parents should be especially attentive - it is at this time of year that children develop various diseases and exacerbate existing ones. Including atopic dermatitis in children, whose treatment is a very time-consuming and lengthy process. This is exactly what will be discussed in today's conversation. First, let's remember together what atopic dermatitis is. Incidentally, more recently, doctors called it a neurodermatitis - because of direct involvement in this pathological process of the nervous system of the baby. In people, this disease is still called "diathesis".

Symptoms of the disease

In order to recognize the problem in time andTo begin treatment, parents should clearly understand the symptoms of this disease. Of course, in different children atopic dermatitis can manifest itself in different ways, but the main symptoms will be the same for all, with slight variations. In principle, the most important distinguishing feature is skin damage. Moreover, the localization of affected areas largely depends on the age of the affected child:

  • C birth to three years

If a very small child is sick, then heaffects the skin on the neck, face, extensor surfaces of handles and legs. In especially severe cases, it is possible to damage the skin on both the tummy and the back of the baby.

  • Children over three years old

In the event that atopic dermatitis became illa child older than three years old, he suffers from skin on the neck, cheeks, elbows and knees. Although in this case everything depends on the severity of the disease. The skin in the lesions becomes very dry, begins to peel off. If the parents at this stage did not notice the problem and did not begin treatment, the disease will continue to progress. On the skin will appear red spots and seals, and even nodules. All these skin lesions are accompanied by severe itching, which is very troubling to the child. Atopic dermatitis is a very peculiar disease, which has a wavy course. The disease without adequate treatment is then exacerbated, then again "subsides". And very often the periods of remission are mistaken for parents for the child's recovery. But it is worth it to relax, as the disease again makes itself felt. atopic dermatitis in children treatment with folk remedies

Causes of atopic dermatitis

Before you start treatment, you need to know the reasons,which can lead to the development of this disease. It is possible that it is knowledge of this information that will help parents avoid the problem. After all, as is known, to prevent the development of pathology is always much easier than to treat the already existing disease. Doctors know a lot of reasons that can provoke the development of atopic dermatitis. Below we list the most common of them:

  • Genetic predisposition. In the event that the child's relatives have certain allergic diseases, the chances of getting atopic dermatitis are several times higher than those of his peers. Therefore, if your baby is at risk, be extremely attentive to his skin condition, from the very first birthdays.
  • Hyper reactivity of the skin. In the event that the skin of the baby is excessively sensitive to the effects of various aggressive stimuli, it also falls into the risk group.
  • Other risk factors. If atopic dermatitis has developed in older children, the possibility of having such a provoking factor as stress can not be ruled out. Also, culprits can be food with dyes, adverse ecology, smoking with a child and so on.
  • In the people there is an opinion that atopic dermatitisis an exclusively childhood disease that will pass by itself as the child grows up. However, this is not at all the case - only half of the children have an independent cure. The second half of the children will develop the disease throughout his life. Doctors have such a concept as an early debut. The earlier the disease manifested itself, and the heavier its course, the more likely that the disease will manifest throughout the life of the child. This is especially true for those children who suffer from any other allergic diseases - for example, from pollinosis or bronchial asthma.

    Prevention of atopic dermatitis

    In the event that the parents are aware of thepredisposition of their crumbs to the development of atopic dermatitis, they can take some measures that, if not completely eliminate the onset of the disease, then, at least, delay the onset of the disease for four to five years. In principle, prevention should start from the first day of the appearance of crumbs to light. A woman who is breastfeeding should follow a hypoallergenic diet. As a rule, doctors tell the newly mummified mothers in the maternity home what and in what quantities you can eat. And if the mother does not break the diet, she is likely to be able to protect her baby from atopic dermatitis. In the event that the child is on artificial feeding, parents should consult a doctor-pediatrician about the selection of a suitable formula. There are various manufacturers who specialize in making special mixtures for feeding children, prone to the development of allergic reactions. Also worth paying attention to the introduction of complementary foods in the diet of the child. It can be administered only to a healthy baby. Or, if the diagnosis of "atopic dermatitis" is already exposed, the introduction of complementary foods should be made only against the background of persistent remission. And lure is introduced for children with atopic dermatitis not earlier than six months.

    Treatment of atopic dermatitis in children under one year of age

    It's time to talk about how you really needto fight with atopic dermatitis. And we will begin a conversation about atopic dermatitis in children under one year, whose treatment is the most difficult. After all, there is a large number of traditional medicine that facilitate the course of the disease. But they are simply forbidden for children under one year old. Therefore, treatment should be carried out under the strict supervision of a pediatrician and dermatologist. And the first thing you need to pay attention to is the baby's diet. The diet for the youngest is already described above. But with older children - 8-12 months - it is necessary to be especially attentive. The best option is an elimination diet. The peculiarity of this diet is the complete absence of any products containing allergens. Such products include chicken eggs, nuts, soy, cow's milk, fish. They must be strictly excluded from nutrition as mother, if it is nursing, or from the feeding of the baby. The doctor will prescribe the child medical treatment. To date, the most commonly used hormonal ointments, which are based on glucocorticosteroids. As a rule, these ointments are prescribed in combination with emollients that quickly stop the symptoms of the disease and ease the baby's well-being. And even in the remission phase, parents should not forget about the need to use moisturizing creams - the skin with atopic dermatitis is extremely dry. In addition, these babies need constant immunity-supporting therapy. Most often, doctors use local immunomodulating drugs for this. In no case is it unacceptable to buy any pharmacological drugs on your own, without the appointment of a doctor in charge. Improperly selected medications can only harm a child's health. During an exacerbation of the disease, the child will be prescribed antihistamines. As a rule, a complex program for the treatment of atopic dermatitis is prescribed by a pediatrician and a dermatologist. In especially severe cases, physicians immunologists and allergists are engaged in the treatment of atopic dermatitis. Independently to be engaged in treatment of such small child in no event it is impossible. atopic dermatitis in children under one year of treatment

    Folk remedies for atopic dermatitis

    If a child suffering from atopic dermatitis,older than three years - you can think about alternative treatment. If you are faced with a phenomenon such as atopic dermatitis in children, treatment with folk remedies can become a real "wand - rescue". This is exactly what will be discussed below. However, please note - before using any remedy, be sure to consult your doctor.

    • St. John's Wort

    To prepare this tool you will needa tablespoon of fresh St. John's wort juice and four tablespoons of butter. Melt butter on low heat, add the juice of St. John's wort and mix thoroughly. Place the resulting mixture in a glass container and store in the refrigerator. This ointment should be lubricated affected areas twice a day - in the morning and at bedtime. The duration of the course of treatment is not limited - it can last as long as necessary. St. John's Wort is an excellent disinfectant and anti-inflammatory agent. And there are no contraindications for its use. Perhaps, in addition to a possible allergic reaction.

    • Softening Ointment with Glycerin

    In the event that atopic dermatitis causessevere inflammation and flaky skin, try to prepare the next ointment. You will need one dessert spoonful of fresh milk, rice starch and glycerin. Stir thoroughly all ingredients until a homogeneous mixture, in a consistency resembling sour cream. The resulting mixture must be applied to the affected area with a thin layer and left overnight. If the problem areas are located on the elbows and knees, you can make compresses. To do this, apply the mixture, cover it with a gauze cloth, polyethylene film. And fix it all with a bandage. In the morning, rinse the gruel with warm water, or with lime decoction.

    • Potato juice

    Potato juice is excellentan anti-inflammatory agent that successfully treats atopic dermatitis. Wash a large potato tuber, peel it and grate it on a fine grater. Fold the gauze napkin in several layers, put on it grated potatoes and attach it to the affected areas. Wipe napkin with potato slurry for two hours, then rinse with warm water and grease with any fat cream.

    • Kalanchoe and lime honey

    In the event that the child does not have allergies to honeyand other beekeeping products, you can use the following recipe to relieve itching. Mix in equal proportions lime honey and Kalanchoe juice, place the mixture in a glass container and leave to infuse in the refrigerator for seven days. Such a mixture must be lubricated by the affected area every time the child complains of severe itching.

    • Celery root juice

    Mix in any unfermented dish to 50a gram of fresh celery juice and apple cider vinegar, and 2 grams of table salt. In inflammatory processes of the affected skin, lotions from this solution are very effective. Apply a gauze pad moistened in solution to the affected skin for five minutes, every two hours. By the way, the juice of celery root is no less effective when taken orally. To do this, grate or pass through the meat grinder one or two celery roots, squeeze the juice with gauze cloth. The child should drink it during exacerbations of atopic dermatitis. Dosage depends on the age of the child - from three to six years, one teaspoon, older children - two teaspoons. Take the juice of the root of celery is necessary for fifteen minutes before eating, twice a day. The course of treatment should last for seven days. And do not interrupt treatment prematurely, even if the improvement of the child's condition came earlier.

    • Fresh juices

    When wet skin lesions are very effectivejuices of some plants. For example, cranberries. It perfectly heals all skin lesions and is therefore very often used in folk medicine to treat atopic dermatitis. To do this, prepare the following ointment - 50 grams of cranberry juice carefully mix with 200 grams of petroleum jelly. Apply the resulting mixture every two hours, until the condition improves. A cucumber or apple juice very effectively relieve the feeling of itching and burning - squeeze out the juice and every two hours, lubricate the affected skin. As a rule, a sense of relief comes in a few hours.

    • Black currant tea

    If the exacerbation of the disease caught yourchild in the spring time, black currant can come to the rescue. Cut off the young currant shoots, chop them and put them in a thermos bottle. Pour them with one liter of steep boiling water, close the lid tightly and insist for about two hours. Strain the infusion with gauze. This broth should be used as tea leaves for tea. Tea baby can drink without any restrictions.

    • Linseed oil

    In the event that the child has too dry skin,effectively helps flaxseed oil. It is used as follows. Put one tablespoon of dried inflorescences of chamomile in enamelware, fill them with 100 grams of flaxseed oil, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Bring to a boil over low heat, turn off, cool and strain the broth with gauze. Lubricate the affected areas of the baby's skin every two to three hours, for at least a week. Do not forget that fatty flaxseed oil can leave stains on the child's clothes that are difficult to remove. Therefore, take care of this matter in advance.

    • Decoction of sage

    No less effective and a salty broth. It can be used for severe peeling and inflammation of the skin. The broth is prepared as follows: place five tablespoons of chopped sage leaves in an enamel dish, fill them with one liter of water and bring to a boil over low heat. Boil the broth for about half an hour. After this, wrap the pan with a dense terry towel and leave to infuse for at least two hours. Broth strain with a gauze cloth and pour into a glass container. The child should take a decoction of three teaspoons every four hours, for 21 days. In addition, that the child will drink a decoction of sage, do not interfere with the lotion. They are done in the following way - prepare several gauze napkins, as follows, moisten them in solution and attach to the affected areas of the baby's skin. Change the napkins as they dry, for an hour. Do this procedure best before bed, and the course of treatment should last about two weeks.

    • Infusion of chamomile

    During remission of the disease is very usefulwipe the skin in the affected area with infusion of chemist's chamomile. Preparing the infusion is simple enough - in a thermos, pour three tablespoons of chamomile inflorescences, fill them with one liter of boiling water and close the lid. Insist the daisy for at least three hours. After each bathing of the child, the skin should be wiped with a decoction of chamomile. Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, so it at times reduces the risk of exacerbation of atopic dermatitis. atopic dermatitis in children treatment and prevention


    Of course, recipes of traditional medicine are oftenare very effective. However, do not forget that they are almost all based on various herbs. And herbs often lead to the development of allergic reactions, which, in turn, are the basis of such a disease as atopic dermatitis. And therefore, in some cases, these recipes can aggravate the course of the disease. Incidentally, this is why they should not be used in young children, in whom allergic reactions develop much more often. But also in adult children treatment should be kept under strict control - carefully monitor the condition of the child and at the slightest deterioration immediately stop treatment. In no case do not try to replace the traditional recipes with medical supervision and treatment, which the doctor appointed. Yes, and all recipes must also be agreed with the child's attending physician in advance. In the event that you approach the question of treating atopic dermatitis responsibly, you will definitely defeat the baby's disease! We advise you to read:

