how to become a leader in the classroomThere is a misconception that leadersare born, not made. And if you are not given this, there is no point in trying, climbing out of your skin, trying to stand out and lead the group. Nature itself has tried, dividing society into leaders and followers. In fact, the makings of a leader are in each of us. It's just that some have developed it in themselves, while others have let everything slide, succumbed to stronger individuals. That is why there are so many ordinary workers and so few managers, directors and entrepreneurs. Of course, every parent wants their child to be successful, lucky, loved and idolized. But, unfortunately, few people pay attention to the development of leadership qualities. Mom and Dad are more concerned about grades and behavior at school. And then, 10 years later, they look with envy at the poor student Vasya, the ringleader and fighter, saying that he was just lucky to get a job in life. In fact, this person simply managed to organize a friendly company, unite all the employees and make them work for him. Remember: A's are not the most important thing in life. Communication skills will be more useful than knowledge of chemistry for the fifth grade.

How to recognize a leader in a group

So, how do you know if a child is born with a natural talent?leader. Observe how he behaves with others. You can conduct a small test: seat several schoolchildren at one table and ask them to draw any picture together. How will your son behave? Will he lead or follow orders? This way you can understand which category your child belongs to. First of all, parents should figure out how well their child has developed leadership qualities. After all, this is what determines which parenting tactics to choose. If, for example, a child wins the attention of teachers and classmates from the very first minutes, and knows how to win over others, you will only need to guide him. You will have to work with shy, passive schoolchildren, and for more than one year. But then your efforts will pay off to become a leader in the classroom

We develop leadership qualities in the child

For some reason, nowhere (neither in kindergarten nor at school)do not teach how to become a leader in the classroom. Quite the contrary, the task of teachers and educators is to create respectable citizens from a group of students who will first go to study at a university, then work in some organization until old age. Then - retirement, raising grandchildren. Therefore, if you want your child to become a president (of a company or a state - a secondary issue), start developing the necessary qualities as early as possible.

  • Self-confidence

Only a person who is confident in himself and his abilitieswill be able to achieve everything in life. He knows what he is capable of. He will not sit in a corner and think that he does not deserve a higher salary, a better position, etc. A person does not necessarily have to be the smartest, most beautiful, strongest. He just needs to positively evaluate his abilities, and not be self-critical. But one should distinguish between two concepts: confidence and self-confidence. In the second case, a person does not see his shortcomings and disadvantages. He believes that everyone is to blame for his mistakes. Such people cannot achieve anything in life in the future, since they never agree to a job where they can gain experience. What advanced training courses, if they already know everything! How can you develop confidence in a child? First, learn to praise and support him in the most difficult moments. Tell him that everything will work out for him, because you believe in him. And never criticize him for failures. If it didn’t work out this time, you will manage to do it next time.

  • Talents

Every person should have their own "zest"which will be useful in the future. These can be different talents: the ability to sing, dance, write beautiful texts, draw, take photos, etc. There are no people who can’t do anything. If your child doesn’t stand out from the crowd, try to enroll him in various clubs. And where he likes the most, there is his place. All bad? Then the problem is laziness, which needs to be eradicated. By the way, do not forget to explain to the child that talents can be shown at the right moments. You need to sing at concerts, not in classes, run - in physical education lessons, not in the corridors. And always encourage the kid to take action. If some event or competition is planned at school, let them take direct part.

  • A responsibility

A leader is not the person who makes you laugh.everyone in the company and seduce the first beauty at school. A leader is a person who knows how to be responsible for mistakes. Such a person will never blame his comrades if he was the one who broke a glass in the classroom, and will not give away the culprit if he saw who did it. He is responsible, brave, but not fearless. Developing responsibility is not so easy. But if you try, you can raise a decent person. To begin with, always praise your child when they were helped. Encourage initiative! The child should not be afraid to do something that he has never encountered before. For example, he has never washed dishes, but then decided to help his mother. But, alas and ah, he broke the cup. Calm the child down and tell him that you are grateful to him for the clean plates. Remove the shards and do not return to this topic. And then he will continue to do housework. And never punish the child for misdeeds or mistakes with work. The next thing you should teach your child is to see things through to the end. However, this applies to tasks that are within his capabilities. For example, a child should solve an exercise given to him at school, even if he is tired. However, if he was sick and missed a week of classes, help him with the assignments. You can’t scold him for being untalented. In this case, the child is not to blame.

  • Oratory skills

Who do you think the crowd will follow?For a person who knows a lot and can do a lot, but cannot explain even the most basic things? Or for a person who will clearly explain how a business will be built. Remember Mavrodi, who managed to make millions of people bring him money. At the same time, there were no guarantees that investors would receive the promised millions. Okay, the first time most people did not know about such scams. But a talented speaker managed to make them do it the second and third time. By the way, there are a number of professions that require the ability to speak. Lawyers will not be able to prove the innocence of the defendant, a manager will not force a client to buy an unnecessary thing, a teacher will not teach students wisdom. Please note: if a schoolchild is not able to clearly express his thoughts, then, even if he knows everything, he will study poorly. Therefore, be sure to enroll your child in special courses. From the first grades, learn poems with him. And he should not read them monotonously, just to get rid of it quickly. Everything should be pronounced clearly, with expression. Later, when he gets older, it is better to memorize whole pieces of text. Teach one tongue twister every day. Show your child what exercises to do to develop the speech apparatus. Many TV presenters make certain movements with their jaw, tongue, lips before each broadcast, doing some kind of exercises. It would be good if you start learning new words with your child at least once a week. Conglomeration, profanation, prototype – sometimes people use them incorrectly in speech. And, as experienced speakers say, if you do not know the meaning, never insert such words. Otherwise, you can seem funny and stupid.

  • Adequate perception of criticism

How do we usually feel when wecriticize? We get embarrassed, blush, act as if it's all our fault. Sometimes some of us give up, lose our mood and desire to work further. In fact, constructive criticism should be perceived a little differently - as a chance and an opportunity for self-improvement. So, never "debrief" in the presence of strangers. At the same time, you should clearly point out mistakes, without resorting to humiliation and insulting the mental or physical characteristics of students. Do not just say what was wrong, but also help to understand how to act in a given to become a leader in classroom tips

The hidden leader: who is in charge of everything

Is your child the quietest and calmest in the class?He does not like noisy companies and does not get involved in arguments, discussions, does not take part in social events? Do you think that he will never become a leader? But leadership is not always obvious. There is a category of people who make everyone around them "dance to their tune". At the same time, no one considers them the most important. He does everything quietly, calmly, achieving the set goal. By the way, what is most interesting is that often this person influences even the strongest and most active person in the group, which no one even suspects. How does an informal leader manifest himself in the class? This is a person who keeps everyone at a distance. People come to him to ask for advice, to find out something interesting. Unlike an obvious one, he will not directly impose his point of view. He will express an opinion, and whether to listen or not is up to others. Over time, classmates begin to understand that this person is never wrong. The second sign is an individual style. Almost all schoolchildren worship some idol: a singer, an actor and other famous people. A hidden leader is not influenced by fashion, he will have a classic hairstyle, a strict appearance. Even in the room of such a child there will be complete order. No toys on the bed, comics on the bookshelf. So, having familiarized yourself with how to become a leader in the class, you can help the child achieve success in life. It is necessary to reveal his potential, to extract him from the shell in which most modern schoolchildren sit. Tear the child away from the computer monitor, enroll him in various sections and clubs. Do everything possible so that he communicates with peers and older persons.

