how to draw a man a girlYou are seriously attracted to a man whoborn under the zodiac sign Virgo? Is your goal now to arouse his mutual sympathy, interest and charm? Then, you simply need to learn everything about how you can attract his attention and what you should definitely not do so as not to push him away from your person. We will try to tell you in the most detailed way in our article about the individual character and personality traits that Virgo men are endowed with by the stars.

A few words about the most important

Virgo men are real workaholics. Иногда может показаться, что весь смысл в жизни для них заключается в том, чтобы ходить на работу, строить карьеру, иметь высокий должностной статус, быть востребованным специалистом. Отсюда не следует делать скоропалительный вывод, что мужчину-Деву привлекает лишь сам рабочий процесс и моральное удовлетворение от постоянной занятости и востребованности. Нет, конечно. Они видят, и не без основания, в работе еще и источник материального обеспечения и своей финансовой независимости. Благодаря высокой внутренней дисциплине и самоорганизованности они достаточно быстро начинают цениться руководством и достигают поставленных перед собой задач, продвигаясь по служебной лестнице. Помимо профессиональной области, проявление ответственности и чувства долга явственно присутствуют у мужчин-Дев в других жизненных сферах. Им свойственна обязательность и надежность, которые можно назвать поистине удивительными.Соблюдение договоренностей даже в мелочах внушает вполне объяснимое уважение со стороны друзей, родственников и приятелей. Если вы условились о свидании, то можете быть уверены в том, что парень-Дева придет на него в точно обозначенное время. Опоздание с его стороны исключено, либо оно будет обусловлено столь серьезными причинами, которые можно объяснить лишь непреодолимыми внешними обстоятельствами. Что-то вроде стихийных бедствий или политических переворотов. Поскольку это случается сравнительно редко, то будьте спокойны: ваше свидание начнется в ту минуту, о которой вы договаривались. Решение, принятое представителем сильного пола этого знака, изменению не подлежит. Но, отдавая должное, надо заметить, что обычно это весьма взвешенное и мудрое решение, принятое не в пылу эмоционального порыва; это всегда более чем обдуманный шаг. Прагматичные и педантичные люди, которыми небезосновательно считаются мужчины-Девы, руководствуются здравым смыслом и хладнокровием на своем жизненном пути.Они стараются спрогнозировать развитие ситуации на несколько пунктов вперед, дабы иметь возможность контролировать ее. Это не всегда встречает понимание у людей, способных положиться на судьбу или принимающих решение, основываясь только на интуиции и чувствах. Еще одной яркой отличительной чертой у рыцарей знака Девы является их чистоплотность и аккуратность. Невозможно представить себе такого зрелища, как мужчина-Дева, который позволит себе разгуливать в поношенной, несвежей или откровенно грязной одежде или обуви. Назвать их франтами при этом будет преувеличением, но внешнему виду они уделяют большое значение. Все у них должно быть на высоте и нести в себе знак качества: стрижка, физическая форма, гигиена, здоровье, чистота облачения. От окружающих такое отношение к собственной персоне, так или иначе,ожидается в равной степени. В глазах мужчин-Дев нет оправдания неряшливости или неухоженности внешнего вида прекрасной дамы. Впрочем, пошлость и вульгарность вызовут в нем столь же сильное неодобрение и отторжение, возьмите это на заметку. Мужчины-Девы развиты интеллектуально. Их ум рационален и чрезвычайно логичен. Эмоциональная составляющая в этих людях-футлярах есть, но тщательно упакована, сложена и запрятана глубоко внутри. Поэтому, видя перед собой чересчур чувствительных людей, поступками которых правят эмоции, они постараются свернуть общение или держать дистанцию. К дамам они более лояльны, но все равно – лишь до определенной степени. Любой чрезмерный драматизм и сумасшедшее выяснение отношений, истерики, крики и сцены моментально отвратят их от героини бурного романа. how to draw a maiden man

When he is in love, then ...

He won't lose his head anyway, that's just himarranged. Therefore, do not wait in vain for crazy actions that are typical of other lovers. Perhaps, for romantic young ladies this is a reason to be upset, but for those girls who understand that love consists not only of poems and starry nights, the steady flame of love of a Virgo man will be to their liking. It can be compared to a fire in a fireplace, giving warmth and a feeling of care and comfort to those who sit next to him on a winter evening. You will always feel his care, you will be surrounded by his attention, they will just rarely be expressed in trifles dear to a woman's heart. More often - in quite weighty evidence of a serious attitude towards you. But know that, despite the inability to violent manifestations of passion, a man born under the sign of Virgo is nevertheless a terrible owner. Therefore - you should not give any reasons for jealousy. It will be mutual: courageous Virgos are distinguished by sincerity and honesty in matters of the heart, you can be sure of his almost swan-like fidelity. Your most dangerous rival is his work, because he disappears there all day long. In sex, a Virgo man cannot be compared with a skillful and passionate Casanova, he will not amaze you with his readiness for unexpected impromptu and risky experiments. He is gentle, but not passionate, caring, but not intricate. He is interested in lovemaking, but certainly not more than work. But you will be as sure of his physical fidelity as you are of the fact that the Earth is round. If you yourself have a temperament closer to average, then the marital bed will not become a sad and boring place for you.

Male Virgo and the marriage union

It is clear whether it is based on love or calculation.the decision that it is time to legitimize the relationship is based, is beyond the power of any person. The stars created Virgo men in such a way that they can fall in love with a charming lady, having assessed all her qualities, both human in general, and specifically maiden in particular. Only after this, the Virgo man comes to the conclusion that the girl is worthy of the title of his wife and life partner. By accepting his proposal of marriage, you can now and forever claim that in the family you both will have equal rights and responsibilities. Agree, for many wives this is an impossible dream. You have an equal right to vote, but the desire to present it will rarely arise in you. The responsible and mature approach of the Virgo husband to solving various family situations will please any wife. He is very responsible in his role as the head of the family, considers it important for himself to perform the functions of a breadwinner and protector, strives to take care of his wife and children. He spends all the time he has left from work with his family, paying attention to his wife and children. True, due to their natural restraint, they will not spoil the child or coo at him. But they will regularly take him to kindergarten, school, clubs and sections.

How to attract the attention of a virgin male

It will be easy for you to attract his attention to yourself if:

  • You have a high intellect. That's really someone, and the man-Virgo will sincerely rejoice that he spends time in company with an intelligent woman. If you are also successful in your professional studies, you will be able to secure for yourself his obvious respect at least.
  • You are a good hostess. What does it mean for him: a cleanly cleaned house, things in their places, in the fridge, there is always food or products from which you can cook a couple of dishes in a hurry. Oh yeah, and no debts for utilities. You are a very responsible person, are not you?
  • You are a tutor. He probably already began to guess that you did not accidentally appear in his life, and you can not miss such a success. And now he is absolutely sure that you are his second half. You watch your appearance, for your things, you are always stylishly dressed and look great. He begins to thank fate for what she gave him a meeting with you.
  • You are sincere, natural and predictable inin the positive sense of the word. When communicating with you, he sees you as both a gentle creature of the female sex and at the same time as an equal partner whose reactions are quite understandable and pleasant.
  • You are able to solve problems by negotiation, and not to arrange scenes with the smashing of dishes, oceans of tears and other attributes of a terrible clarification of the relationship that a man-Virgo does not tolerate in spirit.
  • You are faithful. They are true in everything, in the smallest sense of the word. Physical fidelity to your spouse, faithfulness is moral, when you both share one philosophy of life and family views. Unanimity in decisions, in deeds, in everyday situations.
  • You are punctual. Believe me, for him it is critical. If you constantly be late for their appointments or make him wait, then the chance to appoint the day and time of your wedding with him will begin to move away faster and faster until it dissolves completely in the air.
  • You admire his career achievements. As often as possible, express your respect for his work and the successes in it. Avoid negatively speaking about the fact that he is paying too much attention to the service and not enough to you. You will not be able to attract his attention to yourself, even on the contrary, you just put him away from yourself.

how to attract the attention of a maiden's man

All ingenious is simple

We hope that after reading all our recommendations aboutabout how to attract interest in your person from a Virgo man, you came to the conclusion that the task before you is quite feasible. Now you know what he likes in the fair sex and what can repel him. Moreover, you have studied all the information about your man born under this zodiac sign, and it is as if you have known him for many years. This means that success in the matter of charming him with you and your unconditional merits is simply guaranteed. Cast aside all your doubts about the fact that you will not be able to meet his high requirements. This is not so. You probably already have the necessary character traits and habits. Those that have not yet been brought to perfection can be developed. Start doing this right now, without putting it off for later. Indeed, it is not at all difficult to always come to a meeting at the appointed time, look beautiful and neat, cook deliciously and be able to conduct a constructive dialogue instead of heated debates. You will see that all your efforts will be appreciated and will not go unnoticed. After some time, you will probably hear the cherished words from your serious and responsible gentleman, which every girl dreams of hearing from her beloved and only one. We wish you to hear them as soon as possible! We advise you to read:

