There is no greater happiness for women than to bemother. But, unfortunately, not every pregnant woman can carry and give birth to a healthy child without problems. Troubles associated with the health of the mother and the future baby often arise in the early stages. Many women worry about how to maintain pregnancy in the early stages or during the first trimester. But are all the fears of the fair sex justified? Or are they tormenting themselves and their relatives in vain? Is it worth contacting specialists? After all, our great-grandmothers went to the fields and gave birth at home. Sometimes women have to make a lot of effort to avoid risks associated with the loss of the fetus throughout the entire pregnancy. Of course, if you contact the clinic in a timely manner and register, you can avoid the possible threat of miscarriage in the early stages. In most cases, doctors manage to save the life of the baby. Remember once and for all: it is necessary to strictly follow all the doctor's appointments and instructions. And, of course, your attitude is important in this case. Maximum calm is the key to your health. Gynecologists monitoring pregnant women recommend not only providing the pregnant woman with complete rest and absence of any stress, but also relieving her of some seemingly easy household chores. Plus, mandatory hospitalization is recommended in the early stages and in the last two weeks. Of course, in our time it is quite difficult to find time to go to the hospital without thinking about work, family, etc. For example, for a businesswoman making a successful career, every day is important. In addition, the manager will not always make concessions or issue a sick leave. In this case, each representative of the fair sex must decide which priorities are more important in life. A particular reluctance to be in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor can result in problems with bearing a baby or even a miscarriage.
Problems leading to miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy
- Physical or emotional breakdowns
For sudden or regular pulling pains in the lowerstomach, you should immediately consult a doctor. These may be symptoms that something is wrong. For example, excessive emotional or physical stress leads to uterine tone (hardening), which causes not only intrauterine problems associated with the development of the future baby, but also causes a miscarriage. These may be sharp pain, tingling, heaviness in the lower abdomen. Sometimes these symptoms are accompanied by bloody discharge, shortness of breath, fever, rapid heartbeat. If you hope for a miracle, you will not be able to save the baby. So, taking all the tests, undergoing a comprehensive examination, visiting all the doctors is the primary task of future mothers and fathers. And only after that can you have children. If during pregnancy a representative of the fair sex has constant nervous breakdowns, it is better for her to make an appointment with a psychotherapist. He will help to overcome all her fears and direct her thoughts in the right direction.
- Genetic disorders
The statistics are merciless:In 73-74% of cases, genetics are to blame. In this case, both you and your partner may be completely healthy. Certain changes (mutations) simply occurred in the reproductive cells. The cause could be radiation, work in a hazardous environment, a viral infection, etc. In this case, it is quite difficult to maintain a pregnancy in the early stages. It is so laid down by nature that a woman's body tries to get rid of weak offspring. To avoid such consequences, even before conception (at least six months to a year), it is necessary to change your field of activity and place of residence. By the way, this is why most gynecologists prescribe various studies. In the early stages, it is possible to identify all sorts of pathologies or defects in the development of the fetus. In particular, it is imperative to conduct blood tests for hormones and visit a geneticist (naturally, together with the baby's father). Now specialists can determine cerebral palsy, heart defects, and possible disability.
- Immunology
It is difficult to maintain a pregnancy if the mother hasthe child has different Rh factors. If you have a positive Rh factor and the child has a negative Rh factor, your body will begin to reject the foreign body (embryo). As a rule, a miscarriage occurs in the early stages (in the first trimester). Saving the fetus is only possible if you tell the doctor about the possibility of a Rh conflict at the very beginning during your first visit to the antenatal clinic. In this case, your doctor will prescribe special immunomodulatory drugs (with progesterone).
- Hormonal disbalance
Another reason that may lead toloss of the fetus - hormonal imbalance. The pregnant woman's body may lack progesterone. There are often cases when there is an excess of male hormones. If this is not the first miscarriage for a woman, she should take tests and check her thyroid gland and adrenal glands.
- Heredity
In addition, there is a risk of miscarriage or problems withVarious hereditary diseases can lead to health problems in the early stages. That is why before planning a pregnancy and conceiving a baby, both future parents should undergo a preliminary examination. It is imperative to treat chronic diseases of the mother's genitourinary system and get rid of bad habits.
- Incorrect lifestyle and disease
Often problems that lead to the threat of miscarriagein the early stages of pregnancy, are hidden in how the pregnant woman behaves. Violation of the diet, drug and alcohol use, infectious and cold diseases suffered in the first trimester - this is only a small list of what can lead to a breakdown. Even the common flu or rubella can affect the development of the fetus in the early stages. And this is not to mention more serious diseases such as hepatitis, pyelonephritis. That is why a woman must strictly adhere to the diet, follow the doctor's orders and avoid stressful situations. Expectant mothers are not recommended to visit places where there are crowds of people (especially in the autumn-winter period). Such precautions must be taken to reduce the risk of developing ARVI or ARI. And, of course, you should forget about alcoholic beverages, cigarettes and drugs. Before conception, it is recommended to take tests for some hidden sexually transmitted diseases. Syphilis, chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus infection - all this will lead to infection of the fetus and miscarriage. If you are diagnosed with one of the above diseases, be sure to get treatment. During pregnancy, you need to be especially careful. And if you have a fever, inflammation, and spots or pimples appear on the labia, go to the gynecologist immediately!
- Abortion in the past
Just imagine:you got pregnant, your body has already started to rebuild itself and then you suddenly get rid of the fetus. As a result - dysfunction of the ovaries, failure of the adrenal glands, as well as a bunch of concomitant inflammatory and infectious diseases. In the future, such surgical intervention can lead to termination of pregnancy.
- Medications and self-medication
In the first trimester of pregnancy,It is better for the fair sex not to take any medications or herbal infusions. At such an early stage, they negatively affect the development of the fetus. There are frequent cases when conventional hormonal contraceptives have caused a miscarriage. Also, you should not experiment with tansy, St. John's wort, nettle and parsley.
Drug treatment in case of threat of miscarriage in early pregnancy
Most gynecologists are concerned about the risk of losingin the first trimester, in addition to mandatory bed rest in the hospital, medication is prescribed. Most often, these are intramuscular injections of hormonal drugs containing Progesterone (a hormone that reduces the tone of the uterine muscles, reducing the amount of calcium in the smooth muscles). Tinctures of valerian or motherwort, as well as other sedatives, can be used as a sedative. If there is a risk of possible bleeding, hemostatic drugs are prescribed without fail. What a doctor can prescribe to his patients during pregnancy
- Magnesium-B6, taken as prescribed by the doctor throughout the term and helps to avoid problems with bearing and malformations of the internal development of the fetus.
- Sedatives will help to relax and calm down, forget about the stresses that lead to spasms in the small pelvis.
- Vitamins and food additives. During pregnancy the organism of the future mother does not always cope with the load. As a result, problems with teeth, hair, nails, and skin begin. In addition, avitaminosis can lead to improper fetal development or even miscarriage.
- A medicine containing the hormone Progesterone. Its use leads to a decrease in spasms in the muscles of the uterus, which, as mentioned above, will save you from the threat of termination of pregnancy during the first trimester. He will also make the walls of the uterus softer, which will lead to a normal course of pregnancy and no problems with the bearing of the baby.
First of all, it is worth remembering that any treatmentmedications that can be purchased independently without a prescription must be agreed upon with the attending physician. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid self-medication using folk methods. All this can lead to fatal consequences for the pregnant woman and her future baby. Regular visits to the antenatal clinic, undergoing the necessary examinations and tests will help to identify problems at the stage of their appearance.
Observance of the regime in the early stages of pregnancy
Contrary to popular belief,того, что беременность – нормальное состояние для любой представительницы прекрасного пола детородного возраста, проблемы возникают у многих женщин. Некачественное питание (даже в обычных помидорах могут содержаться пестициды) или соблюдение различных диет для снижения веса (к чему хотя бы раз прибегали все девушки, желающие приблизиться к идеалам современной моды) приводит к различным нарушениям в организме. Отсутствие сбалансированного содержания белков, жиров и углеводов в пище может стать причиной проблем с вынашиванием на первом триместре беременности. Поэтому к составлению своего меню следует отнестись с особым вниманием. Выбирайте продукты с высоким содержанием витаминов, белков и жиров. Обязательно включайте в рацион много фруктов и овощей (по сезону). Необходимо избегать фаст-фуда, продукции быстрого приготовления, полуфабрикатов и газированных напитков, которые содержат множество вредных жиров, красителей и ароматизаторов. Под огромным вопросом остаются приправы, содержащие в себе глютамат и стабилизаторы вкуса, которые повышают аппетит. Это может привести к чрезмерному набору веса, проблемам с зачатием, вынашиванием и развитием будущего малыша. Правильное питание во время беременности – хорошо, но не стоит забывать и о распорядке дня. Спать будущим мамам следует не менее восьми часов в сутки. Запомните раз и навсегда: нужно давать полноценный отдых организму. Избегайте повышенных физических нагрузок, поднятий тяжестей и работы на износ. Многие современные женщины занимаются отнюдь нелегким трудом и выжимают из себя все соки, чтобы обеспечить достойный прожиточный уровень своей семье. При необходимости следует сменить поле деятельности и, прежде всего, побеспокоиться о себе и здоровье собственного, еще не рожденного малыша. Стоит избегать стрессовых ситуаций. Нужно помнить, что еще несформированный плод чувствует все тоже, что и мама. Любое эмоциональное напряжение представительницы прекрасного пола отражается на развитии нервной системы будущего ребенка. Отбросить все проблемы получится не у каждой женщины, но минимизировать стресс можно и нужно. При повышенной возбудимости по назначению врача разрешается прием различных седативных препаратов. Причем независимо от личного желания и позиции, следует соблюдать рекомендации специалиста, который является посредником между мамочкой и малышом, заботясь о здоровье обоих. Как заботиться о себе и малыше на ранних сроках беременности Для каждой будущей матери важно помнить, что теперь она уже не одна. И от каждого ее поступка зависит крохотное существо. Как было упомянуто выше, правильное питание, строгое соблюдение режима, отсутствие чрезмерных физических и эмоциональных нагрузок – основополагающие факторы для вынашивания и рождения здорового ребенка. Отказ от вредных привычек до зачатия и наступления беременности будет одним из кирпичиков в этом фундаменте. Помимо этого, при проблемах с мочеполовой системой необходимо пройти лечение застарелых заболеваний, предварительно сдать анализы на совместимость между родителями и проверить отсутствие противопоказаний к совместному зачатию. Причем не стоит бездействовать, если появляются болевые ощущения в тазу, а также при появлении различных выделений. Необходимо срочно обратиться к лечащему врачу, а при возникновении любых подозрений на возможность выкидыша – позвонить в скорую помощь, не дожидаясь приема в больнице. Никакого самолечения! У каждой женщины в момент беременности могут быть абсолютно различные диагнозы, независимо от того, схожа ли симптоматика или нет. Определить проблему и назначить правильное лечение на ранних сроках беременности смогут только опытные гинекологи, проведя обследование. Чтобы избежать рисков и угроз на первом триместре вынашивания ребенка во время беременности, необходимо настроиться на позитивный лад. Прогулки на свежем воздухе, полноценный отдых, спокойствие на работе и в семье, любовь родных и близких помогут будущей матери подготовиться к рождению ребенка, не беспокоясь о проблемах.
When an intervention is required
No matter how cruel and sad it may sound, but notIt is always worth fighting for the life of the child. In some cases, maintaining the pregnancy is not only impossible, but also dangerous, as it can lead to death. However, before deciding on such a serious step, you should first consult with several specialists.
- Physiological pathologies in the fetus
So, you went to the hospital and were diagnosed withsevere diagnosis (cerebral palsy, heart defect, etc.). To save the child or not? It all depends on how serious the disease is and what its consequences are. And there is no need to touch upon moral and ethical standards.
- Fetal fading
So, in the twelfth week you need to doultrasound to detect abnormalities. At this stage, it is already possible to determine how the fetus is developing. And if it has frozen, an abortion should be performed immediately to save the woman's life. Otherwise, she may die.
- Pathologies in women
Diabetes mellitus, leukemia, cancer andinfectious diseases – in this case, preserving the fetus is also contraindicated. There are two options: the child will either have abnormalities, or complications will occur during labor, which may cause the mother to die. There is a chance that everything will go well, but it is very small. If you decide to take a risk, go to the maternity hospital for preservation (both in the early stages and before labor).
Staying in a hospital in the early stages of pregnancy
Before making a decision to refusehospitalization (if there is a risk of losing the baby, bleeding and severe pain in the lower abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy), it is worth correctly assessing the possible risks. Sometimes women think that they can rest at home, simply avoiding physical and emotional stress. But is this really so? Routine cleaning of the apartment or cooking for the spouse leads to unexpected consequences for the expectant mother (to the loss of the baby or to health problems). That is why at the slightest threat of miscarriage in the first trimester it is necessary to go to the hospital. Remember once and for all: no healers, folk recipes and "knowledgeable" people will save the life of an unborn child. And sometimes even an hour's wait can lead to a fatal outcome for a representative of the fair sex. Also, do not listen to the horror stories of mothers who have given birth. It is important to take into account that each woman has her own physiological characteristics and what can cause an abortion in one will not always be a problem for another. Only a specialist can determine the threat by taking your tests and conducting an ultrasound examination (ultrasound). It is worth considering that the risk of miscarriage is quite high. The correct treatment prescribed by the specialist observing her, bed rest and medications will help to preserve the fetus and avoid possible defects. You should not neglect treatment, since most problems can be stopped at the initial stages. Therefore, you should not wait for global changes in the mother's body in order to eventually consult a gynecologist. Self-medication and neglect of doctor's recommendations often lead to irreparable consequences, which entail not only the loss of the baby, but also cause health problems for the pregnant woman. We recommend reading: