the causes of the appearance of pigment spots in pregnancy Pregnancy is the most important and exciting period inlife of every woman. The popular saying is so characteristic of a pregnant woman: a blush on her cheeks, happiness in her eyes, and a small life inside. But not always the cheeks of the future mother decorate the blush. Often there is such an unpleasant phenomenon, as skin pigmentation. Pigmented spots in pregnancy - a temporary phenomenon and has a physiological character. After giving birth, the color of the skin, as a rule, is equalized. But how to be, if with spots on the face a woman feels uncomfortable? After all, before delivery can still be far away, but you want to be beautiful always. This issue requires detailed consideration, and treatment of this problem should only be after consultation with the doctor.

Causes of pigment spots

Pigmented spots during pregnancy appearas a result of hormonal failure in the body. These spots in medicine are called chloasma of pregnant women. During pregnancy, the woman's body is intensively preparing for childbirth and breastfeeding, as a result of which hormones progesterone and estrogen are actively produced in the adrenal glands. This leads to a disruption in the pigment system. Melanin, responsible for skin pigmentation, is distributed unevenly. Thus, yellowish-brown spots appear on the skin. The occurrence of chloasma can be at different times of pregnancy, most often in the second trimester. The appearance of pigmentation is typical for girls prone to the appearance of freckles. Usually, chloasma occurs during the seasonal period from March to September, when the sun is most active. Melanin plays the role of protecting the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Under the influence of the sun, the pigment melanin is produced faster. Darkened areas of the skin indicate an excess of melanin, distributed unevenly and in large quantities. But this fact does not forbid future mothers to be in the sun. Many doctors advise pregnant women to take sun baths in the shade, until 11 hours and after 17 hours. At this time, solar activity is reduced and future mothers can enjoy the tender sun without harm to health. Hormonal restructuring is one of the causes of skin imperfections. Very often spots on the skin appear as a result of a lack of vitamins B, C, folate and pantothenic acid, iron, zinc, copper. To prevent beriberi, it is necessary to consume greens more: spinach, lettuce, parsley, cabbage, as well as cereal cereals. Bread should be preferred from wholemeal flour. Pigmented spots appear in such places:

  • Cheeks and forehead
  • Chin and nose
  • Cheeks
  • Neck
  • Decollete
  • Back
  • Hands, shoulders
  • Stomach
  • Sexual lips and nipples

The color of the spots depends on the skin color of the pregnant woman. The lighter the skin, the darker the spots. In swarthy women, the "mask of a pregnant woman" will be bright. Women with dark skin are most prone to pigmentation. the sun can cause the appearance of pigment spots in pregnancy

Preventive maintenance and treatment of pigmentation during pregnancy

A very big role for the skin condition is played byfood ration. As mentioned earlier, food should be rich in vitamins, especially folic acid. Heavy fatty food adversely affects the liver, thus provoking the appearance of chloasma. During pregnancy, it is very useful to comply with the milk-vegetable diet. The opinion that the future mother should eat for two, is mistaken! Excess calories do not do any good, except for extra pounds and a load on the digestive system. Especially it concerns those who suffer from abnormalities of the liver, spleen, kidneys. Meat is recommended to eat lean and in a boiled form, and fish can not restrict itself. Sweets, smoked products, salty foods should be minimized. The food ration of the future mother must necessarily contain greens, vegetables and fruits, because they contain vitamins A and E, responsible for the beauty of the skin. It is better to cook food in a double boiler. Fried food should be excluded from the diet. An important factor of skin health, and the body as a whole, is fresh air, active rest, physical exercises. Due to a mobile way of life, toxins are quickly removed from the body and a good metabolism occurs. Normal blood circulation provides a healthy skin color. Treatment of age spots during pregnancy consists in using masks from natural ingredients. For this, vegetables and fruits are good. Whitening masks can be prepared at home on the basis of sour cabbage, lemon, cucumber or strawberry, mixed with kefir. This mask is applied to the problem zone for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with boiled water. Well brightens the stains of the mask of fresh parsley juice if it is applied for 10 minutes. The effect of masks will enhance washing with infusion of herbs: celandine, elderberry, chamomile. For toning effect on the skin, herbal tea can be frozen in a freezer in special molds. In the evening, after washing, an ice cube of tincture should be wiped off the skin. It is advisable to spend masks and medical washings in the evening, as during the day, under the influence of the sun, all bleaching procedures will be ineffective. The manifestation of chloasma can be reduced if it is less in the sun, and also use sunscreen. Cream "Achromin" has a fat texture and in its composition has UV protection. A good cream is Skinoren, which smooths the skin color. It clarifies only the problem areas of the skin, not all of the skin. However, any use of cosmetics is allowed only after consulting a doctor! treatment of age spots

Cosmetic procedures in the fight against pigment spots

If after the birth the problem of pigmented spots has not passed, then you should consult a cosmetologist. There are such modern methods of lightening the skin with the help of cosmetic procedures:

  • Getting rid of stains with laser resurfacing. The laser acts pointwise on the zone of chloasma itself. This procedure also rejuvenates the skin.
  • Equalizing skin color with chemicalpeeling. It is superficial and deep. The first type of peeling is carried out on the basis of fruit acids. This procedure exfoliates the top layer of the skin. After such influences, a new skin with an even color is formed. Superficial peeling does not require long-term rehabilitation.

Deep chemical peeling is the most effectiveprocedure, but also the most traumatic. Under the influence of salicylic and trichloroacetic acid, a crust forms on the face. Rehabilitation after this procedure - 7-10 days. These procedures are contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.

Allergy during pregnancy

During the bearing of a child, in the body of a womanthere are many rearrangements, and pigmentation spots are not the only skin problem. Some pregnant women face an allergy problem, which is manifested by red spots on the body. Red spots are the reaction of the body to certain foods, especially such as coffee, chocolate, citrus fruits. And what is interesting, before pregnancy, the body could calmly react to these products. But during pregnancy, there may be various "surprises", including an unexpected allergy. Red spots are not only aesthetic in nature, but can also be troubling, causing itching. Allergies can be not only because of food. To prevent the appearance of red spots, you should not only exclude allergenic foods from the food ration, but also analyze household items: a new pillow, clothes washed with another powder, etc. After identifying and eliminating the causative agent of allergies, you must definitely go to a dermatologist. Qualified specialist help will solve the problem. Also, the lotions and chamomile lotions work well on the skin. Pigmented spots during pregnancy should not particularly bother a woman, since they do not harm the health of either her or the baby. Rational nutrition with a high content of vitamins, fresh air and adequate rest will help reduce the manifestation of chloasma. Treatment of pigmentation is easily carried out by masks from natural ingredients. It must be remembered that after the birth the skin will again become beautiful and healthy! Only a positive attitude will help a woman to take all changes in the body calmly and joyfully.

