Very often after dyeing hair in dark tonesthe fair sex are beginning to realize that nature has gifted them with a not so bad color, and black or dark chestnut does not suit them at all. Of course, there is no point in waiting for the hair to grow back, because it is unlikely that light roots will look attractive in this case, and you will have to dye them again. In some beauty salons, hairdressers offer to first lighten your hair by several tones, then re-dye it to your natural color, but this has its own risks: either you will burn your hair so much that its treatment will cost you a pretty penny, or the color will acquire greenish, yellowish or bluish shades. There is a third option - wash off black dye from hair with folk remedies that every housewife has at home.
Magic properties of oil
Usually after dyeing hairdressers warntheir clients so that they use masks and balms containing a large amount of oils as little as possible. The reason is that they can quickly wash out even dark and persistent colors. As a result of using this ingredient, the hair does not become dry, does not lose brightness and saturation, as happens with caustic chemicals used in hairdressing salons. Also important will be the beneficial healing effect on hair already damaged by dye. Another advantage of such a mask is that it will wash away even henna, basma, tonics, etc. natural and organic dyes. However, remember that after such procedures you should use shampoos for oily hair for about a week and a half, since regular ones will not cope with their tasks. In the future, until the hair is in order, it is not recommended to dye it again, otherwise the tone may lie unevenly or as a result you will get a completely different color. Before washing the dye off your hair, check if you are allergic to a particular ingredient. Oil plus fat A combination of oil and fat is the easiest, fastest and most accessible way to quickly get rid of unsuccessful dyeing. Take a two-hundred-milligram glass of regular vegetable oil, which you use to fry food, and mix it with thirty grams of fat (either goose or pork fat will do). If you do not have the last ingredient on hand, replace it with margarine. The next thing you need to do is heat the mixture to a temperature acceptable for contact with the skin (drop a small amount of the mixture onto your elbow, and if it is not too hot, you can proceed with the procedure). Using a special brush, which is usually used for dyeing, apply the entire mass to the hair and leave for half an hour. In order to achieve a quick result, put a dyeing cap or a bag on your head. It will not be easy to wash off such a mask the first time - you will have to show maximum patience and effort, as well as spend quite a lot of shampoo, but thanks to this method, in a week you will look great. Oil mixture The second way to wash off hair dye is a mask that includes castor, olive and sunflower oil. All of the above ingredients are added in equal proportions to a regular moisturizing hand cream, the resulting mixture is heated to room temperature, and then applied to the roots and ends. If necessary, you can dry the treated hair with a hair dryer, using the weakest mode, otherwise you will burn the skin. Such procedures can be repeated no more than once every twelve hours, while thoroughly washing your hair. Oil and yolk Castor oil, which is sold in almost any pharmacy, is mixed with an egg in a proportion of three teaspoons to three yolks. The resulting mask is not only applied to the hair along the entire length, but also rubbed into the skin to saturate the hair roots with useful elements that stimulate growth. In this case, you should not use thermal exposure, otherwise you will have to comb out small pieces of curdled egg later.
Kefir - a reliable assistant in the fight against paint
This product contains quite a high amount ofthe amount of lactic acid bacteria and other substances, thanks to which you will not only get rid of the unsuccessful color, but also restore damaged and irritated skin. If you choose between kefir and chemical treatment with bleaching agents, then all the advantages clearly speak in favor of the first method. In addition, before washing off the dye from your hair, you will not have to wait several weeks until your hair comes off after an unsuccessful dyeing. Kefir can be used as the main ingredient for masks by those who simply want to lighten their hair a little at home, want to get rid of dandruff or decided to cure overdried hair and scalp. So, you will need:
- a liter of kefir with a high percentage of fat (the higher, the better);
- a tablespoon of vegetable oil;
- a spoon of salt (without iodine and other additives).
Mix everything thoroughly so that there is nothing left.lumps, and apply to hair for an hour. If you do not want to get dirty, it is better to wrap your hair in a special cap for dyeing or a plastic bag. After you wash off the mask (again, only with shampoo for oily hair), you can repeat the procedure one more time. However, do not overdo it, since you can resort to this method no more than twice a day and once a month. Otherwise, you will subsequently have to deal with increased hair oiliness.
Honey mask with lemon
It turns out that this product is tasty and healthycan save you if you have recently experimented with color and are unhappy with the result. The recipe is quite simple, and it will take you about five minutes to prepare. First, melt honey (put it in the microwave for thirty seconds or in a double boiler for two minutes), then add lemon juice (do not confuse it with citric acid), stir. After the mask has cooled down a little to an acceptable temperature for you, apply it to your hair, wrap your head with plastic wrap and a terry towel (otherwise, after a few minutes, you will find yourself in a sticky mass). After a couple of hours, wash your hair thoroughly in warm water. You will be able to achieve the desired result after the fourth procedure, not earlier, but your hair will become soft and pleasant to the touch the next day. By the way, after washing, do not apply conditioner or use balms, especially if your hair is oily. It is recommended to repeat the procedure two to three times a week if you want to lighten your hair as quickly as possible, or once a month if you just want to improve the health of your hair.
Fruit mask: delicious, effective and safe
In a blender or a regular meat grinderGrind small pieces of fresh home-grown apples, green grapes and lime (can be replaced with lemon) until smooth. The resulting gruel is immediately applied to the curls before the fruits have time to oxidize and darken. This method will also help remove the paint that has ingrained into the skin, which is difficult to get rid of even with cosmetics. However, these should only be sour and light fruits, since they contain the necessary substances and components. You can also achieve the desired effect with a lemon mask, which is applied for only fifteen minutes, then washed off with plenty of warm water and mustard.
Effective soda effect
This method is perfect for girls withthin hair. If you have a short haircut, dilute five tablespoons of regular baking soda in half a glass of slightly warm (but never hot) water. After the liquid becomes completely transparent and the sediment at the bottom disappears, add half a teaspoon of salt. Using a cotton swab, well soaked in this product, wipe individual strands along the entire length, starting from the roots, ending with the ends. However, despite the fact that soda is considered a safe substance, it is not recommended to get carried away with masks from it.
Broths from grasses: we treat, clarify and restore
To quickly wash off paint without causing damagein this case, use a tincture of celandine, linden, chamomile and glycerin (all of this can be freely purchased at any pharmacy). The main thing is that all of the above ingredients are without additives, flavors, dyes, etc. In the cooled broth, which must be rich and steep, add a little more than half of the glycerin, mix, then apply to the head for about ten minutes. As a result, even after the first procedure, you will become a little lighter (somewhere by half a tone). However, be careful, as some components can cause rarefaction and itching of the skin. If the tincture gets into your eyes, be sure to rinse them, then immediately contact an ophthalmologist.
Bleaching spray
In addition to masks, you can use them at homeYou can make sprays that will quickly make you lighter by one or two tones. Almost every girl has empty bottles with a screw-on sprayer, into which you should pour a small amount of hydrogen peroxide and water (1 tsp per 200 ml). This liquid should be applied to your hair five times a day, no more often. Remember that you do not need to water, but lightly spray completely dry hair, after which be sure to remember it with your hands or comb it. In the evening, after you wash your hair, be sure to use a restorative balm. Of course, after one or two procedures, you are unlikely to wash off all the paint and return to the previous color, but you will still be able to get a little closer to the ideal. You will achieve a positive effect in about a week, and by that time you will have already managed to completely restore and revive damaged hair in order to repaint in the desired tone. You shouldn't immediately try all sorts of methods on yourself, as you risk only aggravating the situation, becoming multi-colored. Before the next dyeing, be sure to warn the hairdresser about how you got rid of the dye, so that he or she can properly prepare for this procedure. We recommend reading: